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Topic: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle (Read 12451 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #120
It's a rubbish accusation, not supported by the replay which in Full HD shows both events being talked about on various forums.

In the 1st sMurph had zero chance of getting to the footy first so he tackled the KPD, in the 2nd he changed direction because the ball bounced sideways and tried to tap the ball to his advantage while avoiding being wrapped up by the KPD. Which is the whole point of being a forward.

I'm not sure what people see, ................ what they want to see I suspect.
My comments were not directed at Murphy specifically and I didnt have a close up view on the incident in discussion at the minute. I was just making the point that Richmond look and insist on different characteristics in their players when they recruit them and attack on the football is a non negotiable if you believe Leppitch.
I use the term Von Trapp kids and I'm thinking clubs like Richmond see us in the same light as having several soft players.
Its not a good look for our brand IMO and we need to invest more in players who will take a hit for the club and we need to weed out the ones who consistently fail in this area.
The game is quicker and players will be placed in difficult situations more often and have to respond on instinct more often and thats an issue for some of our blokes.


Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #121
I think I know the incident that mbb is referring to.

It stood out to me on TV.  Murphy and a freo player running at each other.  The ball was probably a 60 40 in the freo players favour due to distance and going harder and lower was probably the right thing for him to do to win that contest.

Thing is, Murphy has not come out of those contests well through his career and was probably right to not go into it when the ball is in dispute on the wing towards the end of the third quarter when we are almost 50 points up.

Which qtr Thry?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #123
Murphy is just not physically capable of running full pace into contests any more.

He's clearly had bad shoulders over a long period of time and either consciously or subconsiously protects himself. He slows down to avoid the potential of contact and is very reluctant to tackle most of the time.

I'm not whinging about it (any more) but accepted it a long time ago... it does still make you cringe when you see it though.

And the question is - can you be a successful club with players playing like that in the team?

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #124
How good is this fella?!

Hope he;'s a 250 gamer for the Old Dark Navy Blues!

Love Parks!

Ideal defender. Nothing fancy - long arms allow him to play above his height but is still very mobile. Very well developed for a guy who is only 19! What a massive win for a rookie pick.

Got his jumper of Rhys-Jones... hope some of his mongrel rubs off.

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #126
How good is this fella?!

Hope he;'s a 250 gamer for the Old Dark Navy Blues!

#26 big shoes to fill.
I'm suspecting Luke Parks got big feet 👣
All the best to him. Hope he develops to his very best
Coming together is the beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Henry Ford.

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #127
Thought it was third.   Probably half the reason they came back.
If its the one at the at approx 28min where Saad kicks it to him, MBB confirmed it wasn't the one.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #128
If its the one at the at approx 28min where Saad kicks it to him, MBB confirmed it wasn't the one.

Nah I thought the ball was in dispute.  Either way I didn't think he had much of a chance to win the footy in the face of an opponent who wasn't intimidated by him running towards the flight of the footy. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #129
If its the one at the at approx 28min where Saad kicks it to him, MBB confirmed it wasn't the one.

Sorry mate I don't have the time to find the incident. (Work and two boys 6 and 4 keep me busy). It was a little further up the ground and closer to the boundary than the one you showed. It might not look as bad on TV as he did make contact with the player but we just happened to be in direct line of it and everyone saw him move. I'm not calling him gutless, he has put his body on the line in the past and proven he would do it. I'm just saying he no longer can or will and that his body is no longer up to the demands of AFL.
If we want to win a premiership we have to be ruthless. History shows not many nice teams win flags.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #130
Sorry mate I don't have the time to find the incident. (Work and two boys 6 and 4 keep me busy). It was a little further up the ground and closer to the boundary than the one you showed. It might not look as bad on TV as he did make contact with the player but we just happened to be in direct line of it and everyone saw him move. I'm not calling him gutless, he has put his body on the line in the past and proven he would do it. I'm just saying he no longer can or will and that his body is no longer up to the demands of AFL.
If we want to win a premiership we have to be ruthless. History shows not many nice teams win flags.
But I also think every premiership team has a Murph type player in it. Look I am not suggesting Murph has done the courageous acts Nick Riewoldt or J Brown, have done, but he is no where near as bad as many make out. Over his career, he has stuck his nose over it and got absolutely poleaxed in most games he's played, and he has paid for it and will continue to pay for it for life as the aches and pains grow stronger. If I thought about, Im sure I could name plenty of blokes, who many idolise, that sleep with the lights on. But thats never gonna change peoples opinion that Murph is a softcock. I'll instead revert to King Carey's comments made during a Friday night  telecast who said Murph is as courageous as as anyone.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #131
I'll instead revert to King Carey's comments made during a Friday night  telecast who said Murph is as courageous as as anyone.
This is clearly the truth, the problem I think is one of language, in that some people define courage very narrowly like they define tough.

Craig Bradley was tough, but even by sMurph's standards was a soft as butter in the physical contest, but Bradley would run until he threw up and then he'd run some more, much like Robert Harvey. That is both courageous and tough, it's just not bare knuckle tough!

Most of these "tough guys" in the basic sense, would fold like a house of cards under the Robert Harvey, Craig Bradley type toughness. They'd be terrified at the thought of having to push themselves like that just once a season in a time trial let alone a game!

Some people think beating their kid toughens them up, others think it's a pissweak act!

sMurph has spent more than a decade at Carlton being poleaxed by bigger heavier opponents, blokes like Hodge, and received little or no protection from team-mates like the pissweak Tuohy or Henderson. Yet sMurph fronts up, week after week, doing the tough stuff he needs to do to get back on the park.

It's pretty thin logic calling any of them soft!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #132
Murphy dislocated his shoulder in his debut season, in tackle by Robert Copeland. Another shoulder injury colliding with Dangerfield in 2012 and a busted cheekbone colliding with Hodge in 2013. And there's probably others that I can't recall. Those three blokes are bigger and heavier than Murphy. Any apprehensiveness on his part is perhaps understandable. He's small, not dirty and alway tried to be a ball player, and has paid the price.

I'm not a fan of labelling any AFL footballer soft. I think it's distasteful. Even the "softest" player does things that would leave all of us running twice as fast the other way.

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #133
Its a game of contested footy these days...being a one or two trick pony isnt going to make you a champ anymore.
The games best player Dusty Martin is the best because he is the best at the No1 skill required and thats winning the football in a contested situation on a consistent basis.
Bradley was a tough athlete, relentless running as suggested but the game has evolved......Bradleys equivalent Brad Hill is highly skilled but like Murphy is finding the relentless contested footy and pressure not to his liking when now in a team that doesnt have the depth of contested players to help him out more like he had at the Hawks.
Shaun Grigg was a soft average Carlton mid but a successful tiger utility because he was able to hide in the jungle of tough Tigers who could do the hard contested stuff, Murphy doesnt have the same jungle to hide in with us....

Re: Post Game Pandemonium: AFL Rd 3: Carlton vs Fremantle

Reply #134
Right on @PaulP

Buckley and Johnston were incredibly tough on their own, but they played with some brutal big guys who'd exact savage revenge and, more than often did.  Cross Mario, Wow, Val, and you'd get it back in spades.