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Topic: Future of the footy forum (Read 55924 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #75
The Sheik has metamorphosed but his new persona - Lord Lucifer - doesn't post all that often now ...

If someone else says his name you know we’re doomed don’t you ?
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #76
Being able to easily access it on Mobile devices using tapatalk or similar would be a very easy transition.
Would create more discussion during games, easier to access and set alerts to topics you are interested in?

Anyone has any producing background who wants to start a podcast with me?
"We are a club in a hurry"

#united #reset

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #77
Is there an app I can use to access this site?

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #78
Is there an app I can use to access this site?

Yes, any web browser, you can find them online!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #79

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #80
Are you talking about tap a talk? I've just downloaded it but I can only find talking Carlton

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #81
Is there an app I can use to access this site?

There's no app for the site, and I'm not sure if there are any plans in place. A question for the mods I guess.

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #82
Ok thanks!  ^-^

Hey mods are there any plans? Would make it a lot easier using this site.

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #83
Just interested in folks opinions….
We’ve been operating for close to two decades now.  At our peak our membership numbered in the thousands with probably a hundred + active members posting regularly.
Just in terms of the current site…since 2014
New topics have more than halved (942-416)
New posts have dropped by 20000 (53611-35378)
New members down from 133 to 30
Most online at one time has halved (330-179)
Page views down by nearly a million (4172638-3498045)
There is still a couple of months to go but these figures won’t get close to that 2014 level.

Now an obvious factor impacting is the number of facebook groups that have sprung up. I’m a member of a few of those… but the decline does raise a number of questions.

1)   Is there still a place for the anonymous forum like ours or are we a dying breed?
2)   Do we need to change to remain viable in the current climate?
3)   What changes would people like to see?
4)   What other Carlton sites do you visit/ are a member of?
5)   Is there anything in particular you don’t like about the site in its current form.
6)     What do you like that keeps you posting/ viewing here

I think banning people for putting across a different opinion to those in power is one thing.   As long as posts are not 'personal' in nature, a poster should be able to voice his/her opinion, even if it is not the more preferred or supported one.  This leads to people not bothering to join/post on the site.

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #84
I think banning people for putting across a different opinion to those in power is one thing.   As long as posts are not 'personal' in nature, a poster should be able to voice his/her opinion, even if it is not the more preferred or supported one.  This leads to people not bothering to join/post on the site.

Don't play the innocent.

When you post negative, dismissive comments on a topic in which you have no interest, as you did in the women's footy forum a few weeks ago, it's trolling, pure and simple. You've already been sin binned twice, 3 times ? You've been on the forum for a while, so it's not as if you're a newbie. I'm wondering when the penny is going to drop.

The "different opinion" argument is nonsense.

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #85
I think banning people for putting across a different opinion to those in power is one thing.   As long as posts are not 'personal' in nature, a poster should be able to voice his/her opinion, even if it is not the more preferred or supported one.  This leads to people not bothering to join/post on the site.

I can't recall anyone being banned for expressing an opinion. 

I certainly haven't agreed with some of the bans, and I have expressed my opinion about that.  However, I reckon this is one of the best sites for even handed moderation and folk really have to overstep the mark to earn a ban.

It's a good thing I'm not a moderator because I'd be banning folk for stupid posts  ;)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #86
Don't play the innocent.

When you post negative, dismissive comments on a topic in which you have no interest, as you did in the women's footy forum a few weeks ago, it's trolling, pure and simple. You've already been sin binned twice, 3 times ? You've been on the forum for a while, so it's not as if you're a newbie. I'm wondering when the penny is going to drop.

The "different opinion" argument is nonsense.

Unbelievable.  This is exactly what I am talking about.  There is nothing wrong with posting an opinion which does not paint a positive picture of something that is going on at the club if it needs to be said.  Plus, the point of a forum is to give your 'opinion' on matters relating to football and the CFC.  This does not mean my opinion will be right or wrong... it is an opinion.  But it would be a boring world if everyone saw things the same way, and through rose colored glasses.  My comment on the women's footy a few weeks ago I absolutely stand by.  I think it is atrocious.    Yes I've been banned a number of times, but I am a passionate supporter and maybe in the past I've overstepped the mark, but not recently.   I do not personally attack other posters for example... like you have here PaulP.  So we were asked to comment on how the site is progressing and I did so, pointing out that banning/ridiculing posters for not being positive or agreeing with the party-line all the time will lead to them not posting/leaving the forum.  I think this is a fair comment.  Did I need the abuse that you have just put on me for mentioning this?  Maybe sometimes it is better to look within, before criticizing others PaulP.

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #87
Unbelievable.  This is exactly what I am talking about.  There is nothing wrong with posting an opinion which does not paint a positive picture of something that is going on at the club if it needs to be said.  Plus, the point of a forum is to give your 'opinion' on matters relating to football and the CFC.  This does not mean my opinion will be right or wrong... it is an opinion.  But it would be a boring world if everyone saw things the same way, and through rose colored glasses.  My comment on the women's footy a few weeks ago I absolutely stand by.  I think it is atrocious.    Yes I've been banned a number of times, but I am a passionate supporter and maybe in the past I've overstepped the mark, but not recently.   I do not personally attack other posters for example... like you have here PaulP.  So we were asked to comment on how the site is progressing and I did so, pointing out that banning/ridiculing posters for not being positive or agreeing with the party-line all the time will lead to them not posting/leaving the forum.  I think this is a fair comment.  Did I need the abuse that you have just put on me for mentioning this?  Maybe sometimes it is better to look within, before criticizing others PaulP.

Spare me the melodrama.

Folks post positive and negative opinions on matters here hourly daily, and don't get binned or banned, and yet you do. And you can't figure out why ? Have the mods told you nothing ? They just ban you and say nothing ?

I started a thread yesterday, which unbeknownst to me, was considered unsuitable for the site. I received a concise, polite PM from one of the mods explaining why it wasn't suitable, and that was that. Should I grieve because I'm not allowed to "express my opinion"?

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #88
Banning is an extreme.
It usually takes place after a number of indiscretions
I do understand folks won't always agree with a ban or suspension but it's also important to understand that unless you're watching here 24/7 you wont always get the full picture of why a ban has been imposed.

We've lost some really good contributors and some of them have been quite sad.... but often it's because they've got a "bee in their bonnet" about a coach or player and just refused to let it go infiltrating threads across the forums despite constant warnings. There comes a point where a line must be drawn and the consequences applied.

You wont normally be banned for a critical's how you express it that will get you in  strife.

Calling a Carlton player a dog is unacceptable.

Going into a voting thread and making a silly response is disruptive and unhelpful.

Derogatory comments about a player after he suffers a season ending injury, like we're lucky it happened...wont earn you points.

Posts like that will always draw an understandable negative personal response and disrupt the forum. Those type of posts will earn you a holiday.
Be critical by all means, but if you are... keep it on topic and attack the players skills, attitude etc... but don't disparage them on a personal level.

Re: Future of the footy forum

Reply #89
Ok thanks!  ^-^

Hey mods are there any plans? Would make it a lot easier using this site.

No plans at the moment...Spanner takes care of the technical aspects of the site.
Consideration would have to be given to the time to set up such an app.