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Messages - Thryleon

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
At the start of the season my greatest concern was expectation. And how we would deal with it and rise above it.

So let's distill and keep it simple. Here's the boring repetitious stuff that I've being banging on about for months (that erases nervous expectation delivery)... be the hunters. Live it and breath it.

A cliche that p1sses me off is... 'we know we can't have it all our way all the time...' what a ridiculous obvious reality to put in the player's heads and hearts - it opens a back door. It's a lapse excuse. It's a lapse justification. That's human nature, don't feed it with comments that give a lapse a justification or excuse.

Hunters crack the sh*ts with lapses. Hunters are intolerant of lapses and letting other sides in. Being the hunter should be and must be the default and the ruthlessly persistent position. And if someone hunts us... fckn great... 'now I'm going to hunt you harder than you hunt me, and for longer'. Hunters inspire and lift team mates. Hunters create an energy and spirit that is contagious & omnipotent... and a great single focus, provided, in our game, you have the blokes who can deliver. In the main, we have those blokes. A hunter culture weeds out non-hackers real quick. Examples? Newman is a hunter, so is Weiters, so is Acres, so is Crippa, so is Charles, so is TDK. I'm sure you can think of examples of blokes who once hunted, succumb. They're not hunters. Above the shoulders stuff, again.

This is a combative sport. Keep it simple. Be the hunters for 120 minutes. Every single minute.

isn't that the whole point of saying we can't have it our way all the time?

To keep you fighting when it isn't?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 21 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Collingwood
The emotional reaction is season over.  We'll account for the pies next week but my bigger worry is hawthorn the following week.  After that west coast and St kilda. 

Port play freo in freo, Melbourne, and they have another tough outing against Adelaide which is always a 50 50 so they're equal second but have a bit to do. 

I'm not concerned.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
I generally agree Thry. As disappointing as last night surely was, when you take into account all the factors (injuries, form, short turnaround, Port's excellent record at Marvel and also Friday nights etc.) it was always a 50/50 game IMO. We weren't blown out of the water. It was a 2 goal loss.

I'm not sure where this idea arises that Port are garbage. They are in the mix for finals this year, and they've made finals most seasons under Hinkley.
last I checked they're equal second, we've knocked them off once this season already and this was the square up from that.  We'll beat Collingwood next week and everything will be awesome and we'll be flag favourites again. 

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Goodness me, what a load of chicken littles.

Port are good enough to beat pretty much anyone, they had an extra day break, and we had a few too many walk up starts way down on output and to go with it, the umpires rogered us beautifully with quite a few decisions which actually put port in front.

Yes, we should have been able to hold on, but we were dump kicking long to no one.

Kemp did swing forward when young went back, but the ball didn't go near him and then pittonet disappeared and young was required in the ruck.

Acres, tdk and McKay are massive upgrades over what we put out particularly acres running power and height. 

Regarding talls, the balance wasn't wrong, we couldn't run out the game anyway.  There ends that lesson.  Our run isn't hampered by height its hampered by too many underdone smalls who don't give us 4 quarters of effort.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
We get close to nothing from about 6 players every week.  Sure they play the odd cameo, but Collingwood won a flag last year not just because their stars fired and kept dragging them across the line, but due to getting am even contribution across the board, which is why the chastising of Charlie drives me spare.

Blokes won the coleman 2 years running.  So long as he goes up a level come September he's delivered again in season 2024 despite not being at the top of his powers. 
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Harris has one significant element on her side - amidst all the hand-wringing about the poor quality of the two candidates, she comes in as a viable (and much younger) alternative.

Trump has sprinted to the lead a long way out from the line, and now has to counter an entirely different narrative. 

Just like a footy game, politics is often about timing and momentum.  The Democrats have just swung in their Medi-Sub, the only question now is how big an impact it will bring. 
her biggest issue is going to be how they attack her.

If she plays everything with a straight bat she'll win comfortably as no one likes Donny. 

If she starts bending the truth one false move and she's done.  In fact if I was her I would barely campaign. I'd go out and be the voice of reason and maturity.  Acknowledge the issues make no promises, and just reiterate how hard she'll work to put it right.  Donny will lose the election himself if she let's him.  If they attack him they'll look scared.

It's a slam dunk just don't be crap and you'll win.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
I saw one study that noted prevalence of endometriosis in transgender men (i.e those assigned female at birth) is higher than the female cisgender population.

I'm not a scientist, but I'm guessing the study of these issues is very much in its infancy, with a lot of work to be done.
Not shocking to hear considering hormones are supposed to play a part in how endemetriosis goes.  If they take testosterone that would likely exacerbate it. 

Thing is how would these sufferers go in an examination about prostate problems?

Probably irrelevant to the price of fish.  Do we include them in a study because its inclusive to do so?  Won't help me if I'm the beneficiary of said study but not sure what it will illuminate among trans folk.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 19 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs North Melbourne
So from last year?

For reference there were 5 in total excluding the GF last year, despite four instate teams making the finals, 3 in the 1st week, one Semi and one Prelim, the only away game week 1 was Brisbane because they finished 2nd and the Filth were top, and obviously Brisbane got the Prelim finishing above us.

After week 1, there are only four possible games excluding the GF, two semis and two prelims.

As the ladder currently stands, you would expect the Swans to get one home final, and probably one out of Port, GWS or Freo subject to final positions. I think it's highly unlikely they send Carlton interstate if we finish anywhere in the top 3, and even less likely they give CheatsFC a home final for finishing below GWS, Port or Freo, especially so if the Filth fail to make the grade.

I realise it's not impossible, but it remains discretionary to the AFL decision makers, the AFL will want to fill The G.

It's as simple as.   The 1st team will play home vs the 4th team.  The 2nd team will play home vs the 3rd team.

The same is true of 5th vs 8th and 6th vs 7th.

You can put hypotheticals around it, but if the season was called and we 3rd instead of 2nd, the G will host Geelongs game vs Port and that's that. 

The 8 isn't set but I can only see essendon or Port falling out in favour of the doggies, hawthorn or Melbourne at this stage which generally means it won't be us at the G if we don't finish top 2.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Anyone undergone hormone therapy with respect to menopause likely shouldn't be part of a study about endemetriosis and menopause surely?
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
None of which has any bearing on the handful of folks who would fail to match your exacting criteria for identifying as a female, and would according to you, be diverting funds from........what exactly ? Let me guess. "Real women" ? I'm really not sure why you or anyone else feels qualified to judge someone else's gender identity or sexual orientation. I guess social media has seen an unprecedented increase in the rise of the insta-expert.
Paul, I'm sensitive to the plight of transgender folk.

Asking to participate in a study on menopause helps absolutely nobody unless they're a biological woman identifying as a male.

If they're a biological male identifying as female they're useless to the study.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: The Great Ruck Debate.
Imagine we had a tall defender who despite showing a bit lack of confidence was 201cm, can take a mark, kicks it well enough and doesn't move as slow as a glacier and can be burnt as relief ruck and no one will care and it will allow weitering to zone off more.

Nah, let's play pornstache instead who also gets hurt playing at afl footy.