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Messages - Gointocarlton

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Seriously martin? Never plays.
JSOS? Jack of all trades great back ip player but without be bias he is not a starting 18 player.
Williams ? Most on here bagged the guy except when he was moved forward - saying when we had a healthy list he is on the edge now he is one of the reasons we lose. Nope im not buying it.

If we cant beat a mid road team at home with a top 4 spot on the line we are also just a mid road team. Losers make excuses the champion teams get it done against everyone but maybe the very top. Port are not that and the team we fielded should have got it done but we failed.
It is what it is. We are now in a fight again to make the 8 and games against Pies hawks and even saints are no sure thing so unless out form improves we will drop to the bottom of the 8.

I started to foolishly believe we were better. We are not.
Have to agree Shawny, thought things were different. I see things that we are not doing now that we were doing at the start of the year. We have gone away from selfless footy we were playing and it’s back to every man for them selves. Owies blast away from long range when Charlie had separation and was free in a pocket. We aint winning jack crap playing the way we are now.
The Sports Desk / Re: Formula 1
I agree that Nando's response to having to give the spot back was selfish but also like how bad some of them behave when things go against them it definitely adds theatre to what at times can be boring robot viewing. Don't agree they are not as good as they claim to be - these drivers are the very best of their profession and just have to watch these guys race in heavy rain and you quickly see they freaks and have balls like cantaloupe. 

I assume you mean Lando. I think he quickly got the message when his race engineer told him you need a team and team mates to win champions. Oscar has done plenty for Lando to date, it was time to make a withdrawal.
The Sports Desk / Re: Formula 1
I didn't hear it but I believe Horner told Max on the radio to pull his head in, called his behaviour childish, is that true?

I remember Vettel going through a similar stage, behaving "like Max" and also doing "a Norris" to Mark Webber. After Seb grew out of that he became a much better driver, I suspect Max will do the same.

I use to label Vettel as "Seb the Breaker", because he basically drove the car into the ground indifferent to team or engineering requests, much like Max did last night. No matter how good you are as a pilot, you can't fly your plane through a brick wall!

Not sure Max is aided by his father's behaviour, his old many tends to be as churlish as Max.
Disagree on Seb, maybe very early on in his career. Overall I always thought he was very gentle on the car, one of the few drivers who actually "understands" the engineering of a race car. Majority (even Max) are steering wheel attendants.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Agree with LP, Medical Resources are limited and there has to be proper criteria to be part of any study and unless you are a biological woman I cant see how you qualify for R/D into endometriosis and early onset menopause.
Reality and common sense has to be the priority and not have gender ID issues as part of the framework for discussion, thats for another study.
What is this "common sense" thing you speak of? Where does one obtain it? Online or in store only? Please elaborate as i'd like to get me a few dozen to hand out as gifts to people.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Thought Ollie was ok today and gave effort unlike many of his teammates.
His disposal and decision making needs work but he was a contributor today.
Carroll...second efforts are poor, spectates too much  if he can't get the ball...
Carroll gets knocked/bumped off the footy easily. Ollie competes hard from go to whoa, happy to give a second year who is a goer more time even though he makes mistakes from time to time. His upside is very good.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 19 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs North Melbourne
Just listening to Marc Murphy on ABC. He said in his opinion one of our issues is that we get opened up through the middle, and that Hewett needs to play as a defensive mid. He seems to think our other mids either struggle with defense or are not defensively minded. Also spoke about our back 6, and said the reason why Kemp gets dropped is because of errors and brain fades in his game. He said that 90% of his game is good, but the 10% that isn't good is costly.
Murphy talking about being a defensive mid lol.