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Messages - Gointocarlton

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Good to see one of the Nazi Bootcamp (held in Elwood today) people wearing a Carlton Footy Club cap...not! Great publicity for our club.

We have to accept that among all groups of society, you are going to get people who have different values.  Those values don't reflect the values of the Carlton football club.  They can support Carlton, and can also participate in a variety of activities the club may not want to be involved in.  That is one facet of being an inclusive club you cannot control. 

That being said, what is constituted to be a Nazi bootcamp, is a different question.

Doing these activities of itself doesn't actually qualify it as anything.  Taking a photo with the flag doesn't either.  The party's ideology's may be viewed as Neo Nazi by others, but it is conceivable that not all of them will be members, and not all of them will be of the same thinking re-anti semitism.

Hopefully thats all that is.  We wont know for certain, but lets not pound people into submission.  Often they are attention seeking.
Thry we all know full well what they were doing there.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
@ tonyo
Thanks for that. For me the lockdowns and vaccinations had to go hand in hand int he fight against the rising death toll. Personally my family and I had no issues with either, we copped fine but I am acutely aware many didn't.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Good to see one of the Nazi Bootcamp (held in Elwood today) people wearing a Carlton Footy Club cap...not! Great publicity for our club.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: How will we line up in 2025.
The Age "experts" have put together predicted line-ups for the first game.  Ours is:

B: L Cowan, J Weitering, N Haynes
HB: A Saad, M McGovern, J Silvagni
C: B Acres, P Cripps, S Docherty
HF: L Fogarty, C Curnow, E Hollands
F: J Motlop, H McKay, Z Wolliams
Foll: T De Koning, S Walsh, A Cerra
Inter: O Hollands, G Hewett, J Smith, M Cottrell, A Moir
Emerg: J Boyd, B Kemp, M Pittonet
New: Jagga Smith, Nick Haynes
Unavailable: Nic Newman (knee), Alex Cincotta (hip)
Jacob Weitering, Nick Haynes, Mitch McGovern and Jack Silvagni are versatile enough to play in the same back line. Tom De Koning needs Marc Pittonet, but not every week. Lachie Fogarty, Matt Cottrell and Ashton Moir get first crack forward. Lock in Jagga Smith for an immediate debut. We’ve assumed Charlie Curnow, Sam Walsh and Silvagni will all be ready.

I think that's pretty close to the mark and the Tom De Koning - Mark Pittonet comment is spot on.

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Pick your best 22 of 2025 - Part 1 - Pre-season
100% EB, re game plan you need to stay ahead of the pack not follow and emulate. Modern footy to me is a bit like gridiron (can;t believe I said that), you need a number of "plays" in the playbook to combat the oppositions strengths and weakness. Sure you have to have you own brand but that need to be tweaked from week to week, againgst some teams you need to slow it down, against others you need to run and gun. Against some teams you need to play a little tall, against others you a better off going a little smaller. Horses for courses and flexibility is what's needed.

Or you can just back yourself in and trust that your talent and execution will force the opposition to try play catch up footy.

Back when Lindsay Gaze was coaching the Melbourne Tigers, he was more than happy for other teams to use his "shuffle offence" because he was confident that no team could run it as well as his Tigers.  Our 1995 team was a bit like that in that, as long as they were fully focused, they were simply better than everyone else at the game as it was played then. 

We're not quite there yet, but with some tweaking of personnel and improving our transition, we could well be.  As EB said, if we can be more efficient with our forward 50 entries, we will be playing to our strengths and making life a little easier for our defenders.
I get it, no point slamming in 21 goals if the oppo slam in 22.  I still think we need to be more clever with the tactics employed against oppos with they have at their disposal  on the list from year to year or even week to week. Opposition analysis is a massive thing and when maximised can be very powerful. Not letting them do what they do whilst doing what you do best is lethal. As long as we finished 1st and win the flag this year, Ill be happy.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Pick your best 22 of 2025 - Part 1 - Pre-season
You have to have your own game style and not try and emulate or compete with other teams perfected game style.
Trying to load up on too many quick players won't be any use if they can't get the ball or deliver it properly.
Our game is a heavily congested style where our big coalface mids bully the opposition and dominate the clearances and get the ball to our two key forwards.
I don't want to weaken that in favour of a outside running game and we need to set the agenda and game style not be forced into a high speed running game that suits other teams and who do it better anyway.
We waste a lot of forward entries and should be concentrating on better finishing when we have momentum.
Often those wasted opportunities lead to opposition rebound footy where they run the ball quickly forward and score and if we can tidy up our forward work then those pacy rebounds won't be so much of a problem.
100% EB, re game plan you need to stay ahead of the pack not follow and emulate. Modern footy to me is a bit like gridiron (can;t believe I said that), you need a number of "plays" in the playbook to combat the oppositions strengths and weakness. Sure you have to have you own brand but that need to be tweaked from week to week, againgst some teams you need to slow it down, against others you need to run and gun. Against some teams you need to play a little tall, against others you a better off going a little smaller. Horses for courses and flexibility is what's needed.
The Sports Desk / Re: God help me - the Test Cricket thread
HS Reporting:
Australian cricket officials have been shocked by having the bowling action of their series-star in Sri Lanka Matthew Kuhnemann queried by match officials.

not sure why they would be shocked - his action does look a little iffy at first glance
To a schmuck like me, It looks iffy way before he rolls towards the top of the arc (ie when his hand is down low) if that makes sense. It wasn't his first rodeo, why now?
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Most Islamic folks who adhere to the teachings of the Koran are not like these two clowns. But... like the KKK being the Christian extreme (white supremacy rubbish), there are those disaffected, disenfranchised and down right angry extremists (in any Fundamentalist religion) who are bloody dangerous. And this country cannot tolerate their divisiveness and hatred.
Sadly, some will be emboldened by the behaviour of these two and that can, and does, lead to more violence.
This is a chance for the Aussie legal system/police to bring the full force of the law against these two, to send a very clear message to extremists - bring this sh*t to our country and you will be punished, big time. We must be totally intolerant of such cr@p.
I also feel really strongly about this issue, GTC. These religious extremists must learn something about living in our mostly peaceful, tolerant nation - toe the line with our cultural values and enjoy this ripper place, or FO. Our legal system/police force must send a powerful message with the punishment of these two.
Baggers I feel strongly about this because I lost the best neighbours you could ask for because they no longer felt safe in our suburb (they moved far away from here). Businesses in my area have had to pack up and leave because of the anti semitism (death threats) they received. This behaviour  is so Un-Australian it's not funny and yet we take the softly softly approach with them (far too many for my liking in this country actually seem to sympathise with the rat bags). Indeed as you say, toe the line or FO.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
You can't excuse what they were saying.
It was 'deliberate and abhorrent'.
They've paid a heavy price already with the publicity and loss of their careers.
Good luck getting a job in any area.
There may be some criminal charges just as a result of the words
There will also be a pretty thorough investigation to ensure the things they were saying don't have a basis in actual criminal acts.

We can only guess at the motivation.
It may be something sinister, and a 'hate' programmed from birth.

Or was it faced with a person of Jewish background, who is a bit of an influencer,and has as one of his aims the outing of anti-semitism in social media... the intention was to shock and unsettle Max Veifer.
Terrorists or Numbskulls
I'm sure it will be given a full investigation given the current climate.

The maggots haven't paid any price as far as I'm concerned. They are wired to be this way and they aren't numbskulls. They need to be made an example of to stop this from happening again (or at least the next person that doesn't will know what's coming there way). It's completely unacceptable, I have never felt so strongly about something.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
My guess is that it's just a couple of young ones, big noting themselves to a Jewish 'influencer' and trying to get a rise out of him.
They were saying things that they never thought would see the light of day.
Naive in the extreme
And now they've gone and pissed their careers away.

But no doubt there will now be a pretty thorough investigation into some of the situations where the folks they cared for have not done well.
They better hope there are not some instances where patients have succumbed for unexplained reasons.
I find this a little dismissive of what those two animals said Lods, I'm sure it wasnt your intention. They knew exactly what they were saying because they are programed to do so from birth. It was no joke, it was no accident, it was deliberate and abhorrent racism/terrorism and should be treated as such.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
One of the co accused has already said they are struggling mentally and have severe panic attacks.

They swore an allegiance to our country and have gone completely against this oath.
If we had some balls we would send em back.
Agree, nuffs enuff, I have no sympathy for these barbarians whatsoever. Parachute them straight in to Gaza
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Whilst I detest the comments I'm unsurprised by them, and its why i think that the ideology of peace can only be brought about by one side having an over whelming victory and fundamentally it fuels the ideology of exterminating your opposition. 

It's unfortunate but its what makes us human, and why we are doomed as a species.  We will wipe each other out fighting over crumbs if we get the opportunity.

It's also why we must allow natural selection to do its thing.  The more people there are the worse things get.

It's situations like this that make me feel ashamed to be human. We are truly no better than animals.
I dont have a problem with humanity, just the vile creatures who are filled with hatred and evil. Those who live their lives spreading those abhorrent values and bringing up children to live and think the same way. I refuse to be placed in same category as them, II am human, they are not AFAIC.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
I saw a news report on TV where two nurses in NSW boasted on video about how they would kill any Jewish patients that entered their hospital. They said they wouldn't treat them and would try and harm/kill them They also boasted about how they have already killed Jewish patients. I have heard and seen some disturbing things in my time but that was utterly abhorrent.
They have been stood down and for me should be deported and sent to Gaza where they hopefully meet the fate they deserve. Barbarians is being kind.