Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
Reply #44 –
In the USA it all comes down to who holds the balance of power at state level and what the Gerrymander looks like. It's the most corrupt democratic system on the planet!
For example, look at the history.
There is a Republican run state which passed a law saying you have to show your drivers license to vote, then it closed all the DMV(Dept Motor Vehicles) branches in the majority African American electorates so the voters in those electorates without a drivers licence can't get a drivers licence. Of course it was challenged in court, so the state is forced to re-open the DMV branches by the courts, but they re-open them only the day before the poll and voters still can't get a drivers licence in time. Further, the gerrymander kicked in because they had redrawn the boundaries so that just a handful of electorates had a 99% majority African American led Democrat vote, and all the many other electorates had a safe 53% Republican vote. That was the George Jnr year, when he won by 700 votes, but in reality hundreds of thousands of votes had been invalidated by questionable practices. Now I'm not a booster or basher of either, but these are the same people that label Clinton corrupt!
FMD, how is there not a civil war!