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Re: The EV thread

Reply #120
Ev has nothing to do with anything.
The gov of China may or may not be wholesome and friendly but I’m sure I saw an article earlier this year on abc about data collection that Toyota was enjoying.
I don’t think it’s nesisarily China but any company with tech is doing their utmost to rape and pillage our data, what do they say about Google… you are the product…
I’d like to believe that Apple is better but to be honest…

Toby Hagon made the point that all modern cars have the potential to gather data.  The problem is that all Chinese companies have to comply with the CCP's requirements and make any data they collect available to the CCP.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: The EV thread

Reply #121
Maybe, but you still need to store it.  The whole thing is economics, and all that changes is where your money ends up.  Call me a cynic but lets face it, these things are all not about your data.  If you dont want anyone to have your data, you have to go off grid.

I'm not worried about my data. I am one of 7 billion people in the world. No more important than anyone else. What do i need to be worried about?
Whatever might happen to me will happen to many more people. There is either something we can all worry about then, or its something that we will be powerless to stop.
Either way, worrying about it now ain't going to matter a damn, so i'll continue living my life.

Che sera sera.

Re: The EV thread

Reply #122
I'm not worried about my data. I am one of 7 billion people in the world. No more important than anyone else. What do i need to be worried about?
Whatever might happen to me will happen to many more people. There is either something we can all worry about then, or its something that we will be powerless to stop.
Either way, worrying about it now ain't going to matter a damn, so i'll continue living my life.

Che sera sera.

I’m not worried about my data either but Chinese expats, industrialists, military personnel and politicians may have a different view.  And then there’s dash cam footage that may have intelligence potential.

99.9% of the information gathered may be useless but AI will ensure that anything useful will be identified.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: The EV thread

Reply #124
99.9% of the information gathered may be useless but AI will ensure that anything useful will be identified.
The problem is everything is geotagged, so it's much easier to filter than people think, there is no need to plough through the whole lot. AI can identify locations, voices, sounds, signals, etc., etc., it's what it is the one thing it is really good at already.
The Force Awakens!

Re: The EV thread

Reply #125
I see Chinese brand Xiaomi is being accused by Porsche of copying it's Taycan design, who would have thunk it?

Although, I have to wonder how many of the Taycan parts come out of China, Taiwan, Korea, etc., etc., in the first place, only to get a premium added to for having the Porsche name.

Rolex anyone?
The Force Awakens!

Re: The EV thread

Reply #126
I see Chinese brand Xiaomi is being accused by Porsche of copying it's Taycan design, who would have thunk it?

Although, I have to wonder how many of the Taycan parts come out of China, Taiwan, Korea, etc., etc., in the first place, only to get a premium added to for having the Porsche name.

Rolex anyone?
how different can that car actually look?
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: The EV thread

Reply #127
JD Power annual survey on the reliability of Motor vehicles in the USA hasnt done much for EV sales with Tesla and Volvo's offshoot EV brand in Polestar being very problem ridden and leading the way in problems per 100 vehicles in the graph that appears further down the report..
Only real surprise is Mazda performing badly and a usually unreliable entity in RAM proving to be the least buggy in terms of problems with vehicles. Hitlers choice of Transport in Volkswagen and its brother company Audi were very poor which is no real surprise to me and Lexus remains one of the most consistently good brands if you can afford to own one.
Overall I cant see these figures deterring Americans to stick with Gas Guzzling large utes/SUVs and it wont be making me rush out and buy an EV in any hurry.

Re: The EV thread

Reply #128
The new power pricing plans may hit EV owners.  I understand that there will be a higher tariff when a lot of electricity is used, such as when you’re charging your EV,
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: The EV thread

Reply #129
The new power pricing plans may hit EV owners.  I understand that there will be a higher tariff when a lot of electricity is used, such as when you’re charging your EV,
The methodology might be to force EV owners to also invest in Solar Power systems so they are not drawing everything from the grid  in peak times and create issues. We have generous rebates/subsidies in Australia plus plenty of sun obviously and one in three homes have solar but I reckon the Government would like to see 2 in 3 homes with solar and more battery systems.
Of course market operators would be inclined to charge more knowing that EV owners need a fix of power to run their cars and its a way to make more money especially in the evening when I presume the majority of cars would be charging..

Re: The EV thread

Reply #130
JD Power annual survey on the reliability of Motor vehicles in the USA hasnt done much for EV sales with Tesla and Volvo's offshoot EV brand in Polestar being very problem ridden and leading the way in problems per 100 vehicles in the graph that appears further down the report..
Only real surprise is Mazda performing badly and a usually unreliable entity in RAM proving to be the least buggy in terms of problems with vehicles. Hitlers choice of Transport in Volkswagen and its brother company Audi were very poor which is no real surprise to me and Lexus remains one of the most consistently good brands if you can afford to own one.
Overall I cant see these figures deterring Americans to stick with Gas Guzzling large utes/SUVs and it wont be making me rush out and buy an EV in any hurry.

I havent read that survey but I've read discussions of it EB.
The EV owners believe that the "unreliability issues" are NOT mechanical issues and instead are often minor software issues.
The EV owners point out that this survey is owner complaints rather than recall type situations, a bit like how anti vaxxers were listing every possible ailment known to man and saying it was a adverse vaxx reaction.
Their consensus was that its an anti EV beatup but they're happy EV owners, so who knows ?
Let’s go BIG !


Re: The EV thread

Reply #131
I havent read that survey but I've read discussions of it EB.
The EV owners believe that the "unreliability issues" are NOT mechanical issues and instead are often minor software issues.
The EV owners point out that this survey is owner complaints rather than recall type situations, a bit like how anti vaxxers were listing every possible ailment known to man and saying it was a adverse vaxx reaction.
Their consensus was that its an anti EV beatup but they're happy EV owners, so who knows ?
Fair Points NB, My Daughter has a Tesla Model Y(6 months in), its had a recall for a compliance issue and something to do with the reversing camera which I think was another update due to problems that were happening in the USA. Other than that its been fine other than a couple of flat tyres which is common with a lot of EV's that when go over anything like a nail it tends to embed deep due to the extra weight of the car due to the battery setup.  Annoying bit about that is you have to wait for the Tesla service van to arrive as there is no spare tyre or even a space saver spare like most EV's due to having no room and just a silly repair kit which doesnt work for inexperienced users and usually needs a bit of muscle to implement.
They were advised to buy a 3rd party space saver spare which they now carry and a heavy duty jack which wasnt a cheap exercise at the time. Bottom line is you are part of an experiment and I think have to expect recalls, updates and a few other problems as companies fine tune their EV's and deal with problems on the run ...