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Topic: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications (Read 30236 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #30
Our youngsters in Hollands and Motlop played with composure and therefore skill, above their years.
Congratulations young men.
As for Blacres.....he's our new cult hero. Mr Clutch 👏🏼
Coming together is the beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Henry Ford.

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #31
That was un bloody real!!!! Eat sh1te Goodwin you smug pr1ck!!! 
CARNA BLUE BAGGERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #32
Fox footy Commentators said it was the loudest they have ever heard
I've been going to the footy for 53 years and I've never heard a noise that loud, not even winning premierships. It was phenomenal! Normally my friends and I are easy for people to hear; not tonight. I won't sleep for hours yet, until my adrenal glands recover. But that was amazing.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #33
Blake Acres again showed he why we recruited him. He did some really nice things, he ran hard, he took marks at clutch moments and kicked truly when it mattered. An inspired choice.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #34
Blake Acres again showed he why we recruited him. He did some really nice things, he ran hard, he took marks at clutch moments and kicked truly when it mattered. An inspired choice.
Missed out on his regular kick out on the full, just to top off the performance.

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #35
Sam Walsh was the difference this evening. He was special. 34 possessions, 8 tackles, 2 goals and 600+ m gained was huge.
Patrick Cripps wasn't far behind. 27 possessions, 6 tackles and 9 clearances! Some teams don't get 9 clearances in a game!
Cerra started well, but faded, as did Tom de Koning. However, Tom took some really important marks this evening. And he had clearances at important times. He should be pretty happy with his performance.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #36
Sam Walsh was the difference this evening. He was special. 34 possessions, 8 tackles, 2 goals and 600+ m gained was huge.
Patrick Cripps wasn't far behind. 27 possessions, 6 tackles and 9 clearances! Some teams don't get 9 clearances in a game!
Cerra started well, but faded, as did Tom de Koning. However, Tom took some really important marks this evening. And he had clearances at important times. He should be pretty happy with his performance.
tom's goals got us going too.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #37
Wow!  Just Wow  :D
Carlton of old would've just folded with the intense physical pressure.
But this is not Carlton of old!
This Carlton is similar to old OLD Carlton.

And the crowd.... far out, what's the word everyone is using... Phenomenal.
The noise was intoxicating, well done Blue Baggers, they talk about the the Tiger Army and the Black and White army but gee the Blue Baggers show 'em how it's done.
Crowd sizes are up and the AFL should be thinking, what've they been missing out on for the last 20 years.

IMO the crowd next week will be about 40-60 the Bear's way. The Baggers will be out in force.
The swaggers back baby.
Go Blues.
2024... Moir of the same to come

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #38
All the boys deserve massive love and credit for their efforts tonight. But I'd reserve special mention for Weitering, Acres, Cripps, De Koning, Newman, Docherty, Walsh, Saad. Next tier down for me would be Hewett, Cerra, Kemp, and I thought the new 3 Amigos battled hard.

Kysaiah Pickett needs to forget the surname and the time warp. He isn't Byron and this isn't the 90's. Garry Lyon called him out, and I agree.

“It’s time for him to forget about the try-hard tough acts and put his head over the footy and win some ball,” a blunt Lyon told Fox Footy.

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #39
What can you say. My ears were ringing like I had been to a rock concert. In the last quarter I had two thoughts going through my head, I didn't see how we could win but we have been good in close games this year. There is so much room for improvement but if you don't give up and keep trying until the end, you never know your luck in a big city.
Last season when Melbourne won in the last minute they were all over the media saying how much they practice scenarios. Clearly they need to practice some more. Their problem is a lack of key forwards yet they went after one of the best ruckman in the competition even though they have the best ruckman in the competition. Their list management strategy is bewildering.
Under SOS there were a lot of hits and misses and he was extremely innovative. Under Austin, our player selection from other Clubs, and both our early and late picks in the draft have been extremely effective. Acres, Hollands and Cincotta are proof of point. It is good players with plenty of depth that makes good teams and good coaches, you just have to create the right environment and put the right pieces in the right place. We are doing this now.
At quarter time against the Gold Coast I was wondering whether the gloom would ever end. Now there is so much elation. Go Blues!

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #40
Wow!  Just Wow  :D
Carlton of old would've just folded with the intense physical pressure.
But this is not Carlton of old!
This Carlton is similar to old OLD Carlton.

I suspect most of us are old enough to remember....
But it's sometimes hard to explain to many younger fans.
Why have the 'oldies' been so upset, frustrated and angry over the last twenty years or so?
It's because this was the 'Carlton' we grew up with.

Hopefully this is a side, and the nucleus of sides to follow, that will provide the younger Carlton fans with similar success and memories for years to come.

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #41
.....and I thought the Prelim of 99 was the best thing outside a premiership!!  Sam Walsh was Kouta, Nick Newman was Dean Rice, Crippa was the whole midfield rolled into one and Blake Acres was....Blake Acres courageous, uncompromising and a match winner!!

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #42
Incredible still pinching myself had a couple more glasses of red than usual and didn't even notice

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #43
Hopefully the younger Carlton family can experience what we older supporters did - and took for granted - back in the day.  Its been a bloody dark twenty years but we're getting there. Its a much deserved emotional reward for people who have stuck fat through a very bad period.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: AFL 1st Semi Final Carlton vs Melbourne Post Game Prognostications

Reply #44
We got away with a couple in the last quarter; Cripps should have come off for the blood rule and Weitering should have had the concussion test. 

The umps missed Crippa’s nosebleed but we might get a please explain for Weiters; although the AFL official could have ordered him to come off.  Weiters did look to be in trouble, particularly when his opponent was quite concerned about him.  Hopefully, he’ll get through any concussion protocols.

It’s great when a couple of things go our way, especially with the heroics of Cripps, Docherty and Acres, the effort and determination of the other 20 players, and the planning and execution by Vossy and his assistants.

Go Baggers! 👏
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball