Weight Loss Drugs
I want to post a warning about the use of weight loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic. I fear we will see a spate of seemingly healthy young people dropping dead unexpectedly due to the dodgy prescriptions and black market in these weight loss drugs.
These diabetes drugs make you lose weight as a side effect, what they call an off label use.
I've read recently it's become fashionable for young girls in particular to "Shred" by injecting these drugs even though they are already thin or at a healthy weight. All of a sudden you are seeing young females with six-packs without seemingly needing to do anything to obtain them, some will perish because of this behaviour!
I was on this type of drug for an extended period after having heart surgery, they wanted me to lose weight and it did, but it was under strict supervision from an endocrinologist and a cardiologist. I'd have a suite of 34 bloods tests every 3 months.
The drugs do assist in weight loss, but they can potentially have severe side-effects, organ damage (kidney, liver, intestines(bowel)), heart issues, stroke, there is even a concern in healthy people they might trigger the very blood sugar issues they are designed to prevent in diabetes patients (So called paradoxical effect).
If you know of anyone using these drugs who are not diabetic, and as such using them to lose weight, please warn them.
There are tells those drugs are being used, the first and most obvious is what they call Ozempic Face or Wegovy Face, it sticks out like dog's balls.
Relatives who haven't seen you for a while will think you are gravely ill. This is because the drugs cause you to lose body fat everywhere not just naturally from normal fat stores, you become gaunt. Your neck, cheeks, jowls, hands, feet all lose some of the natural fat layers that usually aren't lost via healthy weight lose methods, you also lose fat layers inside you mouth, throat tongue, ears, (another side effect is that the drugs can reduce / stop sleep apnoea due to the way they cause lose of fat layers in your throat and mouth).
There are several celebrities around OZ at the moment that you'll identify this appearance in, they recently seem to have achieve extraordinary weight loss after struggling for many years with weight management. They are probably wealthy enough to have it correctly monitored with regular blood tests and check ups, but even then they are still at risk.
Another interesting observable effect is that people using the drugs no longer seem to be as sensitive to heat, in fact you feel cold even when it's warm. And you do not seem to perspire as much or like those around you in warm environments. At first this seems to be a good thing, no BO, but in fact it can lead to severe conditions because you aren't really cool, you can be overheating and not know it, so the doctors monitor you for fluid retention and the like.