Re: The EV thread
Reply #85 –
Here's another contribution from Robert Pepper:
"The EV Pendulum
At first, EVs had short range, were expensive and short-ranged with few charging points, so largely useless. The Pendulum of Opinion was firmly Negative.
Then, EVs became cheaper, longer range, more charging options available. Takeup-rates jumped, albeit from a low base. Carmakers stopped developing ICE. Norway went EV. The Pendulum swung the other way, as some people began proclaiming the future is pure electric, ICE will be dead in five minutes, and heaping scorn on those ignorant Luddites who dared to differ, or even not wholeheartedly back the New Way.
Now the Pendulum is swinging back the other way. EV prices are being slashed, people are looking at cost-effectiveness and not finding the answers they want.
The reality has never been indicated by the Pendulum which swings from extreme to extreme. EVs have never been useless, but they have never been the sole answer to mobility either.
The reality now is that EVs are far more mature than ever, and are a very real and useful mobility option for many people right now, and that number will increase into the future. There will only be more EVs on our roads into the future, not fewer. But humanity has never used a single source for its propulsion needs and I can't see that changing with electric - synth fuels, hydrogen all have their place now and for the foreseeable future.
So don't believe the gloating "EVs are dead" articles you see any more than the zealous "EVs are the only way forwards" pieces. Those articles are often echo-chambers, playing to their bases and also serve to inflame the emotions of those in the other camp. You can tell if something is EV-biased because it will either contain no criticism of EVs, or not admit any of their advantages."