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Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #180
I was just listening to a security expert / political strategist who was adamant Russia is behind this latest breakout of fighting in Israel. The hypothesis seems to be rather than take the expensive options to scale up fighting on that front, they have chosen to weaken Ukraine by acting to distract / divide Allied support by given the Allies another war to fight.

He suspects there could be further outbreaks of regional fighting to come, and he warned of terrorist attacks on domestic soil, or potentially false flag operations, financed / enabled by Russia to weaken and distract support for Ukraine. Ukraine won't get resources from Allies if the Allies are given issues to deal with closer to home.

Ive heard its Iran behind it.

The world is staring into the abyss right now. 

The strategy seems to be make the USA fight in as many theatres as possible.

Attributing this to one player is fraught with danger.  You have China and Taiwan, Iran and its interests, Ukraine and Russia, and the ascendency of the BRICS. 

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #181
Ive heard its Iran behind it.
Yes, the assertion was Russia was doing this indirectly to keep plausible deniability, Iran was the proxy.

Interesting, I thought China might be behind this as well to distract from it's other activities, but apparently the Israel outbreak is not in China's interest due to the way it's finance and investment in foreign entities works, China would be shooting itself in the financial foot because it's just behind the USA in that region in terms of dollars invested!

Personally, I'm not sure any of us can know, at the foot soldier level it's all about life, society, religion and politics. But for Presidents, Generals and Oligarchs it's all about the dollar$, dollar$ and dollar$!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #182
Ive heard its Iran behind it.

The world is staring into the abyss right now. 

The strategy seems to be make the USA fight in as many theatres as possible.

It's called World War 3.
It's already started.
It's bascially the 'phony phase' before the serious combatants get involved with direct conflict.
It can be a short one.
And it may not involve nuclear confrontation.
But the world will never be the same.

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #183
Attributing this to one player is fraught with danger.  You have China and Taiwan, Iran and its interests, Ukraine and Russia, and the ascendency of the BRICS.
Agreed, but I'm not sure anybody takes Brazil seriously, Brazil in that list would be like referring to Fiji as a members of AUKUS!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #184
Whilst i don't know if Russia has any involvement, the head of RT was gloating about the wealthy Russians who had moved to Israel and asking "if they feel safe now, are they still dancing now" etc.. Which was pretty loathsome.

It does for sure seem a global battle has begun and the outcome of it is unknown. Russia and China are 2 countries who still absolutely have expansionist/colonialist intentions. Russia's influence has been growing on the African continent for a long time already and shows no signs of slowing. As disgusting and inhumane as it is, it is "smart" when you don't care about civilians and give a lot of weapons and boots on the ground military support to dictators who can give you untold wealth through natural resources. The biggest problem Russia (and China) potentially face is if they end up empowering fanatical Muslim terrorists to such an extreme they become the dominant expansion power base.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #185
As disgusting and inhumane as it is, it is "smart" when you don't care about civilians and give a lot of weapons and boots on the ground military support to dictators who can give you untold wealth through natural resources. 
Currencie$ contain zero humanity!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #186
Elon Musk even has his tentacles all over the Ukraine War and I suspect being so mega wealthy that monetary gain more than world peace would be high on his priority list.....The internet really has changed life as we know it and is now a weapon in War.

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #187
@EB1, propaganda has always been a tool to sway public opinion.  At first it was pictures because the majority were illiterate,  but over the centuries it became print, newspapers, advertisements television, movies and the internet just makes it easier for everyone to have a platform.

The tools have changed, the actual method not so much.  The messages are different but it's all just social engineering.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #188
@EB1, propaganda has always been a tool to sway public opinion.  At first it was pictures because the majority were illiterate,  but over the centuries it became print, newspapers, advertisements television, movies and the internet just makes it easier for everyone to have a platform.

The tools have changed, the actual method not so much.  The messages are different but it's all just social engineering.

Jamming Skylink is not about propaganda.  It’s disrupting Ukraine’s battlefield communications at strategic and tactical levels.

Ukraine’s vastly outnumbered forces rely on rapid responses to Russian troop movements.  That cannot be achieved if battlefield communications are disrupted.

Of course, Ukraine will be doing whatever it can to disrupt Russian communications.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #189
Jamming Skylink is not about propaganda.  It’s disrupting Ukraine’s battlefield communications at strategic and tactical levels.

Ukraine’s vastly outnumbered forces rely on rapid responses to Russian troop movements.  That cannot be achieved if battlefield communications are disrupted.

Of course, Ukraine will be doing whatever it can to disrupt Russian communications.
check.  Right you are.

I guess jamming comms has never been done before either?  Regarding musk and being ask to turn it on, that sounds a bit basic.  His satellite service is always on, the individual connections probably subject to the same capability of taking out any other internet connection.  Depending on the method he might be able to.circumvent it, but denying it is harder.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Russian Ukraine War

Reply #190
check.  Right you are.

I guess jamming comms has never been done before either?  Regarding musk and being ask to turn it on, that sounds a bit basic.  His satellite service is always on, the individual connections probably subject to the same capability of taking out any other internet connection.  Depending on the method he might be able to.circumvent it, but denying it is harder.

Disrupting communications has been a thing since communication was first employed in human conflict.  The Persians would have nobbled Pheidippides given half a chance.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball