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Topic: Deer in the Headlights (Read 29034 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #15
Nice post LP.

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #16
Firstly, he can immediately stop fudging about and underwrite the wages of volunteer firefighters, that's the bare minimum and something all his predecessors did without hesitation.

This bloke is incapable of pulling the trigger, he wants somebody else to make the decision or to wait to the last moment when there is no decision left to be made. His philosophy seems clear, No decisions = No mistakes!

Secondly, he can stop finger-pointing at the states and spend some money on our national fire fighting resources like the air based fire defence systems. Nobody is arguing against this, but only the Feds have the resources to actually do it!

Then of course, he can stop pandering to marginal interests, quit jumping in front of cameras with a bag of groceries(FFS! :o ) and take some real action on issues like hazard reduction and control. Arguing against it, or that it's a local council or state responsibility, is like claiming China's carbon emissions stop at it's border!

ScoMo exhibits all the worst traits of just about every ineffective manager I've ever come across, to think their parties voted blokes like ScoMo and Trump in is bizarre enough, to leave them in control borders on criminal neglect! One is taking us into a global war while the other burns the farm!

So he is now responsible for all fires in Australia according to you?
He should simply override state powers.
Imagine if he did that!
Oh and he should also dictate China’s carbon emissions. I can see that working well, telling your biggest customer how to behave.
You might want to think about the ramifications of all those little proposals

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #17
So he is now responsible for all fires in Australia according to you?
He should simply override state powers.
Imagine if he did that!
Oh and he should also dictate China’s carbon emissions. I can see that working well, telling your biggest customer how to behave.
You might want to think about the ramifications of all those little proposals
Your Andrew Bolt style fear mongering isn't a defence for ScoMo being a puddle of indifference! He's turned out to be another spud, the hard blue right should admit the mistake and move on! Their efforts are as far from the bullseye as the Greens or Labor!

btw., Unlike what the blue believers think, the term "right" doesn't mean correct!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #18
Your Andrew Bolt style fear mongering isn't a defence for ScoMo being a puddle of indifference! He's turned out to be another spud, the hard blue right should admit the mistake and move on! Their efforts are as far from the bullseye as the Greens or Labor!

btw., Unlike what the blue believers think, the term "right" doesn't mean correct!

So he should just take over the states powers?

And tell China how to behave.

There are no limits to your knowledge

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #19
So he should just take over the states powers?

And tell China how to behave.

There are no limits to your knowledge
And there it is, the right wing shock jock's loop of indifference argument, like a carnival carousel with the brakes broken.

Typical, disputing any idea of actually doing something with a "What could they do?" argument, followed by criticism of all and any who actually try to do something, and then claiming to know all the answers without actually offering any possible solutions! Then, shortly to come, a retrospective complaint about the costs!

Paralysis by indetermination!

ScoMo's bringing in the reserves after the battle is lost and the front line troups are exhausted. What a true bloody British officer he is, scrambling through the ashes and across the dead proclaiming "What hell!"

But not all is wasted, he delivers us a new clear dictionary definition of "Pathetic!"



1. See ScoMo

"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #20
And there it is, the right wing shock jock's loop of indifference argument, like a carnival carousel with the brakes broken.

Typical, disputing any idea of actually doing something with a "What could they do?" argument, followed by criticism of all and any who actually try to do something, and then claiming to know all the answers without actually offering any possible solutions! Then, shortly to come, a retrospective complaint about the costs!

Paralysis by indetermination!

ScoMo's bringing in the reserves after the battle is lost and the front line troups are exhausted. What a true bloody British officer he is, scrambling through the ashes and across the dead proclaiming "What hell!"

But not all is wasted, he delivers us a new clear dictionary definition of "Pathetic!"



1. See ScoMo

Any chance you can answer the question

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #21
So he is now responsible for all fires in Australia according to you?
He should simply override state powers.
Imagine if he did that!
Oh and he should also dictate China’s carbon emissions. I can see that working well, telling your biggest customer how to behave.
You might want to think about the ramifications of all those little proposals

JH, old son, sorry mate but you are defending the indefensible. Today Morrison has finally admitted he should do something, (from The Age)...'while the Prime Minister has declared he has heard the clear message that firefighters and communities need more federal help.' What a fckn genius this Morrison must be. Only took two months and how many lives? How much acreage? How much animal devastation? How many homes/properties razed?

One of the prerequisites for effective leadership is vision. And the ability, devoid of political or religious bias, to interpret facts, quickly, and act decisively. Morrison has none of that. As the Spotted One pointed out, Morrison has waited until being screamed at by everyone to act, surmising that he can't make a mistake now, and suddenly arrives at fire locations (for the obligatory photo opportunity) only to be met by howls of, 'stop talking and do something!'. Well, a bona fide leader would have acted immediately upon the arrival this bush fire horror, listened to the experts on the ground and done 'whatever-it-took' to support communities and those combatting the flames and those providing for the displaced. And if that meant pushing the states into a co-operative action with the Federal Govt, then so be it.

What matters most in all of this are the lives, the many lives, at stake which a 'real' leader would have held at priority no. 1 from the get go... not hide behind outdated protocols or ideological beliefs molded by political bias or political survival.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #22
JH, old son, sorry mate but you are defending the indefensible. Today Morrison has finally admitted he should do something, (from The Age)...'while the Prime Minister has declared he has heard the clear message that firefighters and communities need more federal help.' What a fckn genius this Morrison must be. Only took two months and how many lives? How much acreage? How much animal devastation? How many homes/properties razed?

One of the prerequisites for effective leadership is vision. And the ability, devoid of political or religious bias, to interpret facts, quickly, and act decisively. Morrison has none of that. As the Spotted One pointed out, Morrison has waited until being screamed at by everyone to act, surmising that he can't make a mistake now, and suddenly arrives at fire locations (for the obligitory photo opportunity) only to be met by howls of, 'top talking and do something!'. Well, a bona fide leader would have acted immediately upon the arrival this bush fire horror, listened to the experts on the ground and done 'whatever-it-took' to support communities and those combatting the flames and those providing for the displaced. And if that meant pushing the states into a co-operative action with the Federal Govt, then so be it.

What matters most in all of this are the lives, the many lives, at stake which a 'real' leader would have held at priority no. 1 from the get go... not hide behind outdated protocols or ideological beliefs molded by political bias or political survival.

So, what did the premiers do?
What did Andrews do?
Is he not responsible for the state?
It’s a one way argument from you blokes regardless of what happens.

Bush fires happen and will be more prevalent as we continue to let fuel loads increase.

Is the federal government responsible for that too?

It can’t be a one way street.
The state governments have to be held responsible for their actions as do local governments.

It is not one persons fault for bush fires that have spread across millions of hectares of Australia

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #26
Ok Boomer...

It is and his parties issue that they refuse acknowledge and bluntly scoff at scientific evidence of what is going on around the planet. The sheer volume of political bullcrap they peddled when Adelaide had those black outs a few years ago, which by the way had nothing to do with SA power policy, but the fact that the storms had effectively wiped out the infrastructure, was propoganda at it's most disgusting.

He and his right wing cohorts are so far up the arse of the large miners that they are effectively thumbing their noses at the Australian public.

Instead of creating an environment that encourages innovation in the renewables sector they actively peddle propaganda about job losses instead of being world leaders in the upcoming energy revolution.

But you and your mates can keep your head in the sand and pretend it's all just Greenies and the left being extremists.

As I said, Ok Boomer!  ::)
Drugs are bad, mmmkay...

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #27
The ScoMo boosters will give him credit for being shamed into late action, many will say too late, others better late than never, but then next month or later in the year he'll announce another multi-billion dollar tunnel to nowhere that nobody wants while refusing to expand the National Aerial Fire Service in any meaningful way!

Economics gone crazy, they are happy for the one off massive spend, but shy away at any sign of recurring expenditure like properly funded fire fighting services or continual ongoing hazard reduction management. It's like one "cheap fix"(cheap meaning only wasting million$ and not requiring ongoing management) that only has a remote and unlikely chance of success is OK, but a real and meaningful ongoing resource commitment that requires annual budgets and management is NBG.

Then they'll pay themselves a 23% rise, "That cannot be reversed because it's now set in law!"!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #28
It's so easy to fact check stuff these days but the same old garbage keeps getting regurgitated. 

A former NSW fire and rescue commissioner, Greg Mullins, wrote this week, “Blaming ‘greenies’ for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim.”

But what would he know?  He is obviously a pinko-green  ;)

Now, back to Scotty from marketing!

First of all, four years ago, the National Aerial Firefighting Centre asked the Government for a "national large air-tanker" fleet to confront a growing bushfire threat.  The Government, with Scotty at the forefront as Treasurer, rejected the request.

Remember Bill Shorten?  He was promising $101 million to set up a national aerial bushfire fighting fleet of aircraft, with up to six large air water tankers and 12 helicopters, and boost the funding for the existing National Aerial Firefighting Centre.  The new aerial unit was to include a team of "smokejumpers", or firefighters who would rappel from helicopters armed with chainsaws, hoes and other tools to set up containment lines around fires in remote areas.

I wonder if folk would prefer increased firefighting capacity over tax imputation credits now?

Anyway, back to Scotty from marketing:  Of course he deserves a holiday.  After all, I believe that Parliament sat for less days this year than any time since the end of the First World War.  Cramming the year's business into 45 days or whatever it was must have been really tiring and a nice break on the South Coast would have done wonders.  Hang on, the South Coast is on fire so why not p1ss off to Hawaii for a while.  Of course, when you get back, don't apologise for your lack of leadership and appalling judgement.  Instead use weasel words to blame the folk who are upset with you.  That's marketing 101 ... or not.

I could go on but I would be here for ever.  Let's just focus on Scotty forcing handshakes on the young pregnant mother who had just lost everything and the exhausted firefighter who had just lost his house.  Scotty explained it away as people being upset  and that's partly right; they are upset with a government that's in the pocket of Murdoch and the mining industry and with a Prime Minister who couldn't lead ants up a dead dog's arsk!

And don't get me started on his Pentecostalism and its influence on our civil society  >:(
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Deer in the Headlights

Reply #29
DJC steps up to the plate and BAM, Home Run!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"