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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 575963 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6555
Telling the truth is not spinning.

If I take the virus home to my unvaccinated 5 and 6 year old boys me being vaccinated doesn't protect them.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6556
Telling the truth is not spinning.

If I take the virus home to my unvaccinated 5 and 6 year old boys me being vaccinated doesn't protect them.
It reduces their risk of being infected but it doesn't reduce the chance of them developing symptoms if they are infected.

If they are able to be vaccinated the evidence suggest they will be strongly protected against severe disease, but only you can make up your mind on that. For children and youth Omicron has changed the game, because it doesn't seem to have the same age bias that previous strains had.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6557
I must be writing in another language. I give up.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6558
I must be writing in another language. I give up.
 Your chance of giving them COVID is reduced, it's pretty obvious.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6560
Not trying to stir the pot here, MBB, but the cluster you've described suggests that your workplace might not be well suited to limiting infections. Of course, I know nothing about how it's set out so that's just speculative. And unfortunately bad luck can result in a highly improbable series of events happening: it's just the flip side of the more fortunate case of someone winning Tattslotto.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6561
Not in the real world.
The world obeys the math, it always obeys the math, it's human perceptions that are wrong.

Extending what happens or is experienced personally to what happens globally is the same false logic that tells Trump supporters that the China virus is a cold!

But I'll stick with Jimmy Carr's interpretation of that experience when he asks his audience;
“Do you think we overreacted to COVID-19?” After some audience roar back with a resounding ‘YES,’ he adds: “Yeah, a lot of the survivors think so.”
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6563
Also whenever I say the vaccine doesn't stop you getting it there is no need to preach to me about deaths and hospitalisations. I have stated numerous times that I'm pro vaccine and that they save lives. Our own lives.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6564
Whether someone is pro or anti vaccine doesn't make a difference to debating any points that get posted, the response is in context to claims and assertions that have implicit meanings or foundations, so the response can discuss them.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6565
Things appear to be getting worse for Djoker, it's hard to get a read on what will happen, I think he'll still play in the open.

Allegations surfacing now that it appears he has also broken Spanish law, you just know the media is going to Nadal to comment!

On a side issue, it looks like Rebecca Maddern sucked in the planet by taking the ratings tricks she had learned off the likes of McGuire and Newman on the Footy Show, and applying them to the Ch.7 News broadcast! btw., Not that McGuire or Newman invented it, but they did take it to a new level with lots of fake conflict.

fwiw; Years ago I saw this same trick applied first hand by Scotty Palmer at The Truth, pumping up a conflict in print, a conflict in which someone had threatened to knock his block off, I think it was Crackers Keenan, just so everybody tuned into the weekend World of Sport segment!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6566
What's the point of NSW mandating antigen test results, who is going to verify any of it, it will just artificially inflate the figures so that the death rate looks better for the Conservatives pushing the open slather!

And you just know it's bogus reporting that will deliver a $750 extra holiday week off for the some nefarious types, that ship has already sailed, and these people will shamelessly drain the kitty so that the money runs out for people who really need it!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6567
Whether someone is pro or anti vaccine doesn't make a difference to debating any points that get posted, the response is in context to claims and assertions that have implicit meanings or foundations, so the response can discuss them.

You're not even debating my point.

You posted some crap about the world obeying math and posted a Jimmy Carr video. Who was that for?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6568
I must be writing in another language. I give up.

Nah I understand what you are stating, but apparently its as follows:

If you are vaccinated, your likelihood of transmission changes.  It may only halve that probability over a shortened duration, but its still reduced.

The math doesn't lie, but the argument is still the same on both sides.  The vaccine doesn't stop transmission (it is a limiting factor) of which might not be so limiting, because  positive people with fewer symptoms are more likely to "get on with it" which is an entirely different argument altogether.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6569
You're not even debating my point.

You posted some crap about the world obeying math and posted a Jimmy Carr video. Who was that for?
I see, math is crap.

There are other people on the forum besides yourself, not every post like the Jimmy Carr video is in response to something you've stated, it's just a funny video on a COVID related subject!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"