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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423662 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2175
Come on mate, Geezus Christ. Are you really believing this crap?? This is the MO they used against Hillary before the election, and fortunately for them she was widely disliked beforehand so people just decided to accept the crap that was fed to them.

The NYPOST is a Murdoch paper - you know that piece of crap that kills all independent media wherever his disgusting claws can get into! 
Farking hell, Rudy has absolutely ZERO credibility as well!

What is wrong with people? Are you so gullible to believe there’s no agenda within Rupert owner media? It’s actually depressing how much people don’t think for themselves now, just see an inflammatory headline and go with it.

Please if you haven’t already, sign Rudds petition for a royal commission into media in this country - democracy relies on it!

I didn't say I believed it, I said I'll wait and see how things play out.
And if your post is your position, why aren't you questioning what's being said about #orangemanbad?? Can you believe anything in the media??
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2176
Actually, I have a newfound respect for William Barr. I was thinking he was just an unprincipled henchman. But Cookie’s inside info suggests he has decided to keep election-altering evidence under wraps. I guess he could be delaying its release but that doesn’t make sense when early voting is underway at record levels. There’s less than 3 weeks to the election, so it wouldn’t make sense.

Or would it? I’m sure QAnon have a theory for that.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2177
Well, regardless of the outcome, I think I should nominate the Whole of the USA for the 2021 Darwin Awards!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2178
And if your post is your position, why aren't you questioning what's being said about #orangemanbad?? Can you believe anything in the media??
That’s like Trump’s strategy distilled into 2 lines. FAKE NEWS, hoaxes, alternative facts, no such thing as truth, you can’t believe your own eyes - only trust what Trump tells you.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2179
Actually, I have a newfound respect for William Barr. I was thinking he was just an unprincipled henchman. But Cookie’s inside info suggests he has decided to keep election-altering evidence under wraps. I guess he could be delaying its release but that doesn’t make sense when early voting is underway at record levels. There’s less than 3 weeks to the election, so it wouldn’t make sense.

Or would it? I’m sure QAnon have a theory for that.

Errr - that was not "inside info" - stop trying to make stuff up please.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2180
That’s like Trump’s strategy distilled into 2 lines. FAKE NEWS, hoaxes, alternative facts, no such thing as truth, you can’t believe your own eyes - only trust what Trump tells you.

Or don't trust what Trump says, only believe what his enemies say, whoever they may may be??
Same thing?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2181
Or maybe assess the source of info critically and look for corroboration. Trying to say a political hatchet job by a right wing tabloid discredits all journalism is ridiculous.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2182
Errr - that was not "inside info" - stop trying to make stuff up please.
Do you object to “inside” or “info”? Would inside fabrication be better?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2183
Do you object to “inside” or “info”? Would inside fabrication be better?

I object to deliberately scurrilous and misleading terms since you've asked. Are you accusing me of making stuff up??
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2184
There is almost nothing you can read, watch or listen to that isn't tainted, in the worst possible way.

It's human nature to look for the golden bullet of truth, but you won't find it in any single source, statement or clip!

The problem for the USA is the Trump has realised the public are basically lazy like himself, they look no further than the loudest most populist voice, and either choose to believe or disbelieve it, but they rarely if ever look much deeper. Even when they do decide to make a half-baked effort in the current social media environment they'll find an almost equally loud equally tainted social media voice. Secondly, they all have agendas, some want health, some want wealth, some want freedom, so delivers each of them a little carrot to cling on to, delivering nothing of the sort but an empty promise and almost zero action other than a worthless signature held up to a camera that many believe actually means something. They believe this despite months and months, maybe years now, of accumulated clear evidence that those decrees are worthless and empty.

btw., This works for and applies to both sides of politics, which means there is some irony in the general public calling for the media giants to be brought to heal!

Of course, until people get out of the office, out of the study, off the couch and out into society, they find little or no truth. But Trump and other politicians, News Ltd, CBC, NBN, Fox, Disney, Apple, Google, Facebook, etc., etc., do not need to fear this, it's never going to happen.

But if they did, they find very little has changed, the people looking for jobs are still looking for jobs, the people struggling still struggle, the cracked roads and pavements are still cracked. The devices and technologies are still rubbish, the car and truck emissions are still the same, and everybody grows fatter and less healthy on the couch eating home delivered "health foods" while yelling at all those around them about what is wrong with the world!

Excuse me, excuse me,.............. man with big balls coming through!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2185
Or maybe assess the source of info critically and look for corroboration. Trying to say a political hatchet job by a right wing tabloid discredits all journalism is ridiculous.

good advice for all of us mate.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2186
I object to deliberately scurrilous and misleading terms since you've asked. Are you accusing me of making stuff up??
No, I’m saying you have repeated made-up stuff. I assumed you did so on the basis of some source material which you chose not to reveal.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2187
No, I’m saying you have repeated made-up stuff. I assumed you did so on the basis of some source material which you chose not to reveal.
You see you have already decided it's made up presumably because it doesn't fit your preferred narrative. I have said more than once I do not necessarily believe it but will wait and see how it pans out. I have no preferred position on who wins the election, Biden or Trump - well maybe neither of them, but I do get very tired of the constant one way vilification and bile  we are being exposed to so I try to put up things that may promote a more balanced picture of what is actually going on. Maybe I should just let the professional slaggers just go for it?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2188
You must have slept through Trump’s impeachment. This is exactly the stuff Trump was trying to extort from Ukraine with Rudy Guiliani his front man. Rudy was about to meet Lev and Parnas overseas when they were arrested by the FBI. Another of his contacts has been revealed by Homeland Security as a Russian spy.

Most people when they get caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar will slink away. But it’s Trump’s MO to say he wasn’t taking a cookie - the cookie was in his hand well before his hand went inside the cookie jar and the cookie belongs to him. And you can’t believe your eyes that his hand was in the cookie jar anyway.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2189
The USA seems to love a well done crooked deal even more than China, no wonder they are at loggerheads, they are so much alike!

Kids love Superman, all the voting adults think Lex Luther is the man!

Baddies become so popular they re-paint them as goodies. The Terminator is now a goody, akin to repainting Hitler as the saviour of the free world.

Redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness then external glory! Trump, the man with the red right hand, he'll love you, yeah! Is The Boyz Homelander a parody of Trump, jerking his way to fame over the Statue of Liberty, claiming to save the world while wishing they were all dead!

There was a recent poll in the USA, the bulk of respondents though Tarantino's recent offering of "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" was a faithful representation of the events surrounding The Mason Family!

God save America, FFS sake I hope God does because they won't!
The Force Awakens!