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Topic: Lods (Read 6542 times) previous topic - next topic
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I thought it appropriate to acknowledge the contribution Lods has made to our Carlton Supporters Club as he begins life as a retired moderator.

I understand that Lods became a moderator shortly after Noah’s flood and he has been instrumental in keeping CSC members on track ever since.  I think that an effective moderator is rarely noticed, except by those who transgress, and I believe that Lods has been outstanding in performing his role with the minimum of fuss.  We will miss his calm and thoughtful approach to keeping CSC a happy place for supporters of the mighty Blues.

It’s not all doom and gloom; Lods will continue to contribute and share in the resurgence of our great club,

Well done Lods and thanks for your efforts  ????????
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Lods

Reply #1
A big loss to the moderating team. Resolutely impartial and balanced, even keeled and very fair. Please come back.

Re: Lods

Reply #3
Too young to retire, not yet old enough not to be missed!

Who will stop the barnies with a gentle nudge?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Lods

Reply #4
A good decent bloke Lods. He's been around a bit of turmoil through the years and to read his PM's, where most of his work is done, would be highly enteraining.

Those concerning Hotty, Carrots and Mossie will hopefully reach his memoirs in some form or another. :)

Re: Lods

Reply #5
Outstanding service Lods, thank you.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Lods

Reply #6
Thank you for the very kind comments folks...
I was hoping to just slip out then back door without anyone noticing... but they're much appreciated.

I fell in 'love' with the Carlton Football Club as a fourteen year old back in 1968. It's been a big part of my life since then, but as an 'interstater' information wasn't always available. Over the last few decades the rise of the internet has connected many similarly isolated supporters on fan forums such as this.

I first joined the site in 2002 (we had a fair bit of traffic that year due to the last place finish and salary cap issues.) I became a moderator in 2003 so it has been a rather long and interesting time, for the forum and for the club.

There's no dramatic reason for stepping down. The forum is running well. We have an excellent moderating team who I'm sure will continue to keep things flowing. I just felt it's probably time to move aside. The football year now transitions into a quiet time with the draft out of the way so I figured it was the best time to make a move.

A good decent bloke Lods. He's been around a bit of turmoil through the years and to read his PM's, where most of his work is done, would be highly enteraining.

Those concerning Hotty, Carrots and Mossie will hopefully reach his memoirs in some form or another. :)

One of my big regrets is some of the earlier versions of the site are now lost in the ether. While not always funny at the time, and to be honest 'down right annoying' and time consuming sometimes.... the site has rarely wanted for characters and that's been a big contribution to the fun and enjoyment.

We face increasing competition from other forums and a number of new facebook pages but I still feel we provide a site with a point of difference to other Carlton sites
Posts on here aren't always just the one or two sentence throwaway lines you find on some sites.
There isn't a "my club, right or wrong" approach to the  Carlton Football Club and its workings.
We don't always follow the party line....and folks on here don't hold back in questioning approaches and decisions by the club and its administration.
Those differences in arguments and opinions are the lifeblood of any forum.
Our best and most active discussions are often in the most difficult times for the club.

One thing that does unite us though is, that no matter what our differences, our arguments and opinions have at their basis what we always believe is in the best interests of our football club.

As a moderator one of the main tasks is to ensure those arguments continue and are promoted in a mostly respectful manner. But firm opinions meeting firm arguments should also be a goal so conflicts will sometimes arise.

As DJC mentioned I will continue to post and be an active member of the site.

Be excellent to one another.

Re: Lods

Reply #7
At least you're hangin' around Lods. :)

See we were both born in '54 !!

Re: Lods

Reply #8
Add my well wishes to this Lods.....ha, yeah the old site had it's moments.....there were a few all out barneys among some from what i remember.

thanks for the amazing work......quite frankly it is pretty much this forum & the people on it that has kept my interest maintained & invested in the Club in recent years.


Life is pain....... anyone who says differently is selling something.

Re: Lods

Reply #9
"A great effort over a very long time Lods. The quality of this forum owes much to your efforts, wisdom   and guidance over the years. Greatly appreciated.

You deserve a break now but it is good to know that you will still be around as a valued poster. We remaining mods will be striving to keep the standards up where you have set them.

Many thanks.

I posted this a while ago on a mod admin thread. I'm very pleased to post it again on here!
Great work over a very long time Lods - true blue dedication.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Lods

Reply #10
Thanks for all the work you have done over the years Lods.

I will still look forward to your posts.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: Lods

Reply #11
Pushed. DJC and Cookie have been plotting Lods' demise for a while.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Lods

Reply #12
Pushed. DJC and Cookie have been plotting Lods' demise for a while.

But he had the full support of the board ?
Life is pain....... anyone who says differently is selling something.

Re: Lods

Reply #13
At least you're hangin' around Lods. :)

See we were both born in '54 !!

Nice to see some older than me. I'm just a spring chicken born in '57....haha. Starting to think we are a forum of old

Appreciate your work Lods! Keep up the good posting.

Re: Lods

Reply #14
Nice to see some older than me. I'm just a spring chicken born in '57....haha. Starting to think we are a forum of old

Appreciate your work Lods! Keep up the good posting.

I was old enough to see Sputnik :))