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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 524487 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5040
Apparently Bill Gates has let it slip that the 5G chips are actually in the Ivermectin ...
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5041
Very Violent protests in Melbourne with building workers getting the rubber bullet treatment, be interested in what Kruud and Shawny think of proceedings. Police have been over the top and Andrews should have responded to the workers questions a bit earlier instead of making them wait and get frustrated which has led to violence.

... and his grip on power seems to slip again. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5043
Very Violent protests in Melbourne with building workers getting the rubber bullet treatment, be interested in what Kruud and Shawny think of proceedings. Police have been over the top and Andrews should have responded to the workers questions a bit earlier instead of making them wait and get frustrated which has led to violence.

Same industry, different ends of the spectrum in terms of attitudes towards this whole debate.

I've got no doubt that the construction industry is frustrated.
There are 2 things at play here IMO.
1. The CFMEU has given the majority of workers (its members) a sense of entitlement. They generally think they can do what they want. People power. Strike. Me me me. This has transitioned to an area well outside their jurisdiction, but the attitude remains.
I made mention of CFMEU boss John Setka having rather regular ads on radio and his latest one is actually trying to get his workers to get the jab....he knows he has a problem.

2. The majority of people in the construction industry are because they are good with their hands, not their brains. A large amount never finish high school. Nothing wrong with that, people learn differently and have different interests. However, their understanding of Science is usually very much limited. Their understanding of the scientific method, almost non-existant. As a result, a lot of their information comes from 'dodgy' sources....because they simply don't know better.

Combine the 2 and we have a big issue as we are seeing.

Before Covid was even a thing, the highest suicide rates were to....
1. Males
2. Occupations in the construction industry
3. Aged between 19 and 39.
That is the perfect storm for the construction industry. People are losing mates, and they've had enough. They respond with what they think is best......which in reality, doesn't help the situation at all.

I've got uncles who are cops.
I've got family and friends who are tradies.

I see both sides of it.

Cops did what they needed to do.
Tradies are turning on eachother now, including Setka, because he 'has been turned by the government' in their eyes.

Its a giant schmozzle that is essentially created due to '1 and 2' above.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5045
Dan is shutting it all down lol. That will teach them for standing up to their fuhrer.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5046
Just heard the same thing.

Supposed to start a new job next Monday. This should be fun.
Bad timing for you, hopefully you new employer is not affected too much.
We have tradies in the family who rely on new builds and are going to be affected, got big mortages too.
They have been doing some private jobs but this is going to put them under pressure financially....they have all been jabbed as far as I know and are not happy.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5047
But all lockdown are based on health advice, never tit for tat.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5048
Bad timing for you, hopefully you new employer is not affected too much.
We have tradies in the family who rely on new builds and are going to be affected, got big mortages too.
They have been doing some private jobs but this is going to put them under pressure financially....they have all been jabbed as far as I know and are not happy.
I know the first day is basically a meet and greet, then an online induction of sorts, not sure what is planned from there, but i will be able to ride it out without too much drama.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5049
But all lockdown are based on health advice, never tit for tat.
Health advice is based on 'super spreader' events, which is caused by construction industry strikes/protests.

Surely you are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5050
Very Violent protests in Melbourne with building workers getting the rubber bullet treatment, be interested in what Krudd and Shawny think of proceedings. Police have been over the top and Andrews should have responded to the workers questions a bit earlier instead of making them wait and get frustrated which has led to violence.

Personally I've never been a fan of the unions even though in some areas I guess they are a necessary evil - generally have little to no regard for their employer and pretty much take what they can get and will walk off site at the drop of a hat. I've seen them shut down a site because the builder didn't have a roof covering the lunch sheds to the toilets and said they are in the process of erecting one and it would be up within a week -well that wasn't acceptable and they demanded it be done that day so the builder was forced to shut the site kick every contractor off until they were satisfied and allowed it to reopen.

Its this sort of crap that sees most real hard workers trades dislike them as they get the a bad name for whole industry which is very unfair as most tradies work bloody hard and like my boys have long lasting strong relationships with their employers.  If you are mid size contractor in the building game there is little incentive IMO to grow your business as you are more likely to have to look at projects for the Tier 1 builders and all those sites have strong union presence and that's when the fun starts if your not geared up for it.

Unfortunately its the minority that cause this reaction that is likely to affect the whole industry where the majority are innocent hard honest workers and companies who don't want to get involved in protests full stop. Look in my circle most workers and employers would have preferred to have been offered the choice to take the vaccine but just prefer to accept it and move on as if it good enough for health workers to have to take it its good enough for construction (however i have heard that no decision has been made if parliament will be a vaccine requirement workplace....... surely)  The union still have strong ties and big pull over the Tier 1 projects which employ a huge amount of workers and companies directly and indirectly and if they don't accept this restriction they can make life very hard for many innocent parties which is wrong but unfortunately its the way it still is. If the unions kick in their heels things can get very ugly. 

Wonder if the unions think they can bully Dan into backflipping here -  I mean he did talk up and not deliver the additional 4000 ICU beds he promised early last year so it wouldn't be the first time.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5051
But all lockdown are based on health advice, never tit for tat.
Do you just quote crap from
The Herald sun? You sound so juvenile with your little barbs and diCTAtor dAN commentary 🙄

They said get a jab to be on site by 23 sept, after the disgusting display today they’ve shut it all
Down because the companies and union wouldn’t come To an agreement on the hours worked without it amenities/sheds (they never call them tearooms!) and the anti vax crowd jumped onto that.

Selfish bastards that don’t want a little pinchy ouchie jab, many of which they got thru childhood and many of which their parents got to get them born in the first place!  Look at the photos, half the crowd is in trackies and runners. No tradie turns up to building sites in that - bunch of brought in thugs thinking kicking a dog and hurling crates was the way to achieve the outcome they wanted.

Why anyone would be supporting these scumbags is unbelievable.

Every other industry has had to bend with this pandemic except these guys, now they can’t even take two needles - mind you some of them don’t seem to mind injecting other things…. Interesting

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5052
Health advice is based on 'super spreader' events, which is caused by construction industry strikes/protests.

Surely you are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together.

So construction has been safe for the last 18 months until today? Nonsense.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5053
So construction has been safe for the last 18 months until today? Nonsense.
It only takes one incident, whether that happens on Day 1 or Day 450 makes no difference!

I thought there were a couple of very specific events recently that have caused the recent problems, it may be that the building union protests are mostly coming from staunch anti-vaxers within the union or within build sites. It's really the unions problem to sort that out, I think they will do it quite quickly, the majority are not going to suffer for a vocal minority.

The anti-vaxers shout loud, it gives them the false impression they are numerous and dominant, but far far from it, the smart-ar5e ones know they are minority so they hide down the back egging the others on.

As for the shutdown I don't see that the health authority had any choice, too much widespread non-compliance forced it's hand, which has led to companies being fined or threatened with fines for COVID non-compliance, and the subsequent reaction by companies was to remove or restrict access to certain facilities.

I'm not sure there is anything murky about any of the official actions, although politics will muddy the waters as it is certainly clouding the reasons for the protests.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5054
Will this ban apply to all building activity including smaller home building projects? Does anyone on here know?
Reality always wins in the end.