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Topic: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021. (Read 21305 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #195
We have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. There is no need to try and label everyone politically opposed to you as anti vaxxers.

Yes, one of the highest vaccination rates for eligible people.  Under 12s can't yet be vaccinated and they are entitled to protection by whatever means is available to our Governments.  Anyway, I'm more concerned about freedumbers than anti-vaxxers  ::)

I guess the point is that, unless we have a declaration under the Pandemic Management Act 2021, there's no mechanism to require infected people to isolate, close contacts to be tested, returning travellers to quarantine, etc.  Those measures will be required for some time regardless of whether the 5% of eligible folk who haven't vaccinated, for whatever reason, change their mind.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #196
DJC. Do you think we will only have a case of infected people needing to isolate. Close contact tracing. Returning travellers in a quarantine program. How did the hotel quarantine program go last time when 800 lives were lost with no accountability. “I don’t recall who employed the security company. I can’t remember who was responsible for the lack of a stringent process to control and monitor the quarantine process. I can’t give details which I didn’t sign off on”. “It was  not my fault. I can’t be held accountable “. Great government control process. That is another issue to be honest.

In the right hands, this bill is probably way better than anything we have had before. In the wrong hands it stands to give further dictatorship to a state leader. A man ready to employ restrictions at his will, that will allow the biggest gathering at the Boxing Day test that we have seen for a long time. Don’t try to convince us 80,000 plus vaccinated people have no chance of spreading a virus. Where is the safe bench mark? Is it a political ploy to gain popularity amongst future voters in the next state election? Why do I need to fear an unvaccinated dozen people at Coles when I shop for food in close contact, yet I can sit in a massive crowd at the cricket, sitting shoulder to shoulder and be safe?

Is it not a possibility vaxed people can contract an illness and still create community transmission even if they show no symptoms? Is it about money? We are being vaccinated at a huge rate. The booster program is now dropped from 6 months to 5 months by the federal health minister. How many do we need vaccinated before we can go to live a normal life? How are there so inconsistent rules. You can now fly from South Africa where potential Omicron variant is some issue. With no 14 day quarantine once you arrive in this country. If fully vaccinated you only require 72 hours self quarantine. How is this system all over the place?

What will Dan come up with after New Year’s Eve? Just wait an see his suspicions. Potential problems. A feeling in his stomach. My opinion and only mine. If we see another lockdown this pandemic management bill will create public problems. We see very few Omicron cases in Victoria. We have had around 1000 cases of the Delta variant for quite some time, with no concerns. By what the state government has shown or acted on. If the new bill acted on leaves us with what we are experiencing now, then a consistent plan is something. Not really consistent, but no change considering people are still getting vaccinated.

Otherwise make us all safe. No work unless you can work from home. Shop online for food and everything you need. With contactless delivery. If unemployed due to not being able to work from home, then offer benefits. Stay away from any people ever, whether neighbours, family or friends. Vaccinated or unvaccinated. No more spread. The virus will vanish. No people coming here from overseas. How will jail in your four wall dwelling be for your mental health? When are we ever safe DJC?

I fear what Dan will do next. Not a safety net for the people. I have a small suspicion he will separate us into two groups. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. To hate each other. People fighting their own. Yet we still shop with each other every day. Yet we all can infect each other no matter what the status. Dan calls this as he can see it. Not my words. His in fact. “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated “. What the f@ck kind of comment is that to sell to the people regularly? The virus isn’t prejudice. It doesn’t choose who to infect. Does it? He said it doesn’t. Many times. Now how is this a pandemic of the unvaccinated? That is what this bill is all about. Unfortunately he could punish everyone to keep selling his story of this pandemic.

Nothing consistent about how Dan operates. Nothing. Always a suspected agenda with his choices. Why else would he have pushed hard to get this bill through. Then activating it into place, while we have no serious concerns that we haven’t experienced for at least a month if not more.

I do apologise if I offend you DJC. Especially hearing about cases in you close circle of family. I am not heartless. I hope things work out in your family. Please accept that as genuine. Not here to be heartless. Just have no trust in the current government. This new bill has fall back grounds for some intervention. It also allows choice of a Premier and Health Minister to act on a hunch. A suspicion. The bill allows it. New legislation. No serious facts, data, figures required. If a pandemic on this planet exists, he can act. Based on Health Minister advice of the state. Not federal Minister or country leader. How did this ever get into play? That State leaders have more power than our federal leaders. Does this not sound strange to anyone? Am I the only idiot here? What is national cabinet about? Sack them. We obviously don’t need them. Every state becomes its own country. What the hell has happened to this country? Where are there some consistent set rules?

Sad to say I wish Mr Sheen was back in power. At least I knew where I stood and we were in financial surplus.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #197
@Mantis‍  I think in some of the above you conflate those willing to act as wielding more power than those who have power and yet sit on their hands leaving our fate to prayer and happy clapping!

Don't confuse action with power, they aren't related, power defines scope not willingness!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #198
Why are we considering unrealistic scenarios? What do governments do in an election year? Do they go out of their way to make controversial and unpopular decisions? Of course not. The usual MO is to do some pork barrelling and announce policies that will please voters.

I'm pretty sure you'll find Dan Andrews hopes that the new year will allow the government to declare victory over Covid. Declaring that the pandemic has gone beserk requiring lockdowns contrary to the opinions of epidemiologists across the world would be literally insane.

The advantage of the new Act is that it makes it clear the buck stops with the government. Under the old legislation, it was the CHO's decision (which is why the vaccine mandate plaintiffs have sued Brett Sutton whereas the NSW plaintiffs have sued the NSW Health Minister, Brad Hazzard). The government could always blame the CHO. Now, there's no hiding from the responsibility. 

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #199
It is time to not point the finger of blame, but be accountable for the people. Stop throwing people under the bus. Start standing by your words, opinions and claims. Stop making this a political game. I don’t like politicians. I really don’t. I hate fake news, liars and false hope. Why is politics filled with false truth.? Fund me and with no experience I will at a minimum sell you truth and do what you want me to do. At best in balance to what is needed to all in society.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #200
DJC. Do you think we will only have a case of infected people needing to isolate. Close contact tracing. Returning travellers in a quarantine program. How did the hotel quarantine program go last time when 800 lives were lost with no accountability. “I don’t recall who employed the security company. I can’t remember who was responsible for the lack of a stringent process to control and monitor the quarantine process. I can’t give details which I didn’t sign off on”. “It was  not my fault. I can’t be held accountable “. Great government control process. That is another issue to be honest.

In the right hands, this bill is probably way better than anything we have had before. In the wrong hands it stands to give further dictatorship to a state leader. A man ready to employ restrictions at his will, that will allow the biggest gathering at the Boxing Day test that we have seen for a long time. Don’t try to convince us 80,000 plus vaccinated people have no chance of spreading a virus. Where is the safe bench mark? Is it a political ploy to gain popularity amongst future voters in the next state election? Why do I need to fear an unvaccinated dozen people at Coles when I shop for food in close contact, yet I can sit in a massive crowd at the cricket, sitting shoulder to shoulder and be safe?

Is it not a possibility vaxed people can contract an illness and still create community transmission even if they show no symptoms? Is it about money? We are being vaccinated at a huge rate. The booster program is now dropped from 6 months to 5 months by the federal health minister. How many do we need vaccinated before we can go to live a normal life? How are there so inconsistent rules. You can now fly from South Africa where potential Omicron variant is some issue. With no 14 day quarantine once you arrive in this country. If fully vaccinated you only require 72 hours self quarantine. How is this system all over the place?

What will Dan come up with after New Year’s Eve? Just wait an see his suspicions. Potential problems. A feeling in his stomach. My opinion and only mine. If we see another lockdown this pandemic management bill will create public problems. We see very few Omicron cases in Victoria. We have had around 1000 cases of the Delta variant for quite some time, with no concerns. By what the state government has shown or acted on. If the new bill acted on leaves us with what we are experiencing now, then a consistent plan is something. Not really consistent, but no change considering people are still getting vaccinated.

Otherwise make us all safe. No work unless you can work from home. Shop online for food and everything you need. With contactless delivery. If unemployed due to not being able to work from home, then offer benefits. Stay away from any people ever, whether neighbours, family or friends. Vaccinated or unvaccinated. No more spread. The virus will vanish. No people coming here from overseas. How will jail in your four wall dwelling be for your mental health? When are we ever safe DJC?

I fear what Dan will do next. Not a safety net for the people. I have a small suspicion he will separate us into two groups. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. To hate each other. People fighting their own. Yet we still shop with each other every day. Yet we all can infect each other no matter what the status. Dan calls this as he can see it. Not my words. His in fact. “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated “. What the f@ck kind of comment is that to sell to the people regularly? The virus isn’t prejudice. It doesn’t choose who to infect. Does it? He said it doesn’t. Many times. Now how is this a pandemic of the unvaccinated? That is what this bill is all about. Unfortunately he could punish everyone to keep selling his story of this pandemic.

Nothing consistent about how Dan operates. Nothing. Always a suspected agenda with his choices. Why else would he have pushed hard to get this bill through. Then activating it into place, while we have no serious concerns that we haven’t experienced for at least a month if not more.

I do apologise if I offend you DJC. Especially hearing about cases in you close circle of family. I am not heartless. I hope things work out in your family. Please accept that as genuine. Not here to be heartless. Just have no trust in the current government. This new bill has fall back grounds for some intervention. It also allows choice of a Premier and Health Minister to act on a hunch. A suspicion. The bill allows it. New legislation. No serious facts, data, figures required. If a pandemic on this planet exists, he can act. Based on Health Minister advice of the state. Not federal Minister or country leader. How did this ever get into play? That State leaders have more power than our federal leaders. Does this not sound strange to anyone? Am I the only idiot here? What is national cabinet about? Sack them. We obviously don’t need them. Every state becomes its own country. What the hell has happened to this country? Where are there some consistent set rules?

Sad to say I wish Mr Sheen was back in power. At least I knew where I stood and we were in financial surplus.

You don't offend me Mantis but you're simply talking nonsense.

We need legislation to manage the pandemic and, thanks to the cross bench, we've got the best, most comprehensive and accountable legislation in the Commonwealth.

You seem to have forgotten that we live in a democracy and laws passed by the current Government will still be in place if and when a new Government is elected.  Do you really think that any Government would give their successors the draconian powers that you think lie within the Pandemic Management Act 2021?

I think that it's time for you to brush up on how our version of the Westminster system of government works.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #201
LP and MAV. I respect you both. I make my case by saying he is no more deaf than he who will not hear. Look outside the square. Don’t hate me. In fact do so if you choose. I don’t hate you or have no respect for your opinions. I just see it from a different angle. One that labor party members don’t see.

DJC. Brush upon the West Minster system and how democracy works before you engage in arguments. Very complicated. We don’t live in democracy at the moment. We are in a pandemic remember. Or am I wrong. Democracy doesn’t exist in a pandemic.

This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.