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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4935
Exactly. Its so predicable how this government excludes construction from the restrictions yet retail sectors that most would trust more to follow strict rules about density and social distancing  masks etc have been closed for majority of this pandemic leaving the majority of them now beyond repair and unlikely to reopen.
They haven't stopped the retailers trading at all, they have stopped foot traffic, but they can market and sell online all they like. But like the construction industry, many of them can't get materials or stock to sell so the lockdown point becomes mute!

Example, I tried repetitively to get some specialist IT materials locally over the last few weeks, search every state, but came up with nothing, nada not a thing, nobody local wants to purchase and hold stock, so I got it faster and cheaper from Canada. Skimming is dead, if that is your only business plan you are screwed after this pandemic sorts itself out!

Some food industries that adopted local produce and home delivery or pick ups are booming, but it becomes very competitive, they now compete with a whole suburb or region of suppliers not just the local shopping centre. I do feel sorry for them, because every retailer is now measured against the best, not just the best nearby.

I doubt any of us can generalise, it's not as simple as point and blame! I do not know who or what they will blame next, they will get some freedom back but the shizen will remain. The news media selling us freedom as the cure is really selling a new version of snake oil!

No country or region is going to open up and burn the local health system so 20-somethings can go back to the monster rave, or industry sweat shops can refill with children, it's not going to happen. So the world better get it's head around the future!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4936
I've family, friends and associates in the building industry.

They aren't really constrained by the lockdown, they are constrained by the lack of available materials. That is the main reason they are working at reduced capacity, they would be flat out on new builds if they could get materials. Home renovations and small refurbishments won't help as the small jobs are at the very back of the queue for obtaining supplies, and changing the lockdown state won't fix that problem. It's the lack of material supply from overseas that is the problem, there are local suppliers, but the big boys have sucked up all the local materials at a premium price the bulk of the industry won't or can't pay!

I've another associate that is a hardware importer, mostly fixtures and fittings(furniture) for doors and windows, etc., etc.. They have containers and containers of stuff stuck somewhere between China and Australia, typically Singapore or Hong Kong, waiting for ships to be released from quarantine. They are so desperate they have started having containers unpacked by hand and sending urgent quantities by air, this drives the cost through the roof so end users buy less and less.

The next thing that will happen is that the small builders on fixed contracts are going go belly up, because they are stuck on terms they can no longer meet, and changes to the lockdown do nothing to help them.

I'm in the building industry and what you say has some merit, but not entirely true.

Yes, reduced numbers does make a difference. On bigger sites its limited to 25% of normal capacity, how they determine what normal is i'm not sure as numbers vary dramatically depending on what, when and how they are building.

For the smaller sites, normal residential housing, they are limited to 5 on site plus a supervisor. This can also have a dramatic affect on building....again, depending on the stage they are up too. Its not uncommon for there to be double that on site if not more. Clearly, half as many people means things are taking twice as long.

Yes, the shortages are certainly hurting the industry. Timber shortage has been going for a year now and the quality of builds will suffer as a result in my opinion. Can't get 90x45 anywhere unless you are a big builder, so 90x35 it is, which is obviously less structurally sound. There are rules and regulations you need to follow, but i guarantee not everyone is. I wouldn't like to be buying a new house right now. Its not just timber, but many overseas items, usually more high-end stuff, but not limited too.

Personally, i haven't been too affected by Covid up until recently where i opted to take holidays to limit the people on site. Thankfully i had enough holiday pay, although i'd struggle of the xmas break. Ultimately, this happened to coincide with me changing jobs to a new role which will be largely unaffected as its a bigger company. So good timing all round.

So the construction industry has been restricted, without being crippled. Some might argue its similar to the hospitality industry that are allowing take away only. Or retail that are allowing click and collect only. The biggest difference between those industries is that the building industry generally doesn't have to cover the rent of a brick and mortar store, whereas the others usually do. THAT is what is crippling the industry. Give some kind of rental exemptions and we won't be seeing so many stores close.

Everyone's situation is different.

Its easy to tarnish a whole industry with 1 brush, but the construction industry is so vast and varied that you'd need a Phd to work out if you were allowed to work or not. You simply cannot stop the entire industry.
What happens if there is burst water pipes? Leaky gas pipes?
Power gone out?
Broken window?
Leak in the roof.....or no roof at all in mid construction.
What happens if something is not structurally sound?.....or due to weather/storms becomes not structurally sound?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4937
[quote author=LP link=msg=351825 date=16

No country or region is going to open up and burn the local health system so 20-somethings can go back to the monster rave, or industry sweat shops can refill with children, it's not going to happen. So the world better get it's head around the future!

I agree.  Gladys and Dan know what is coming but they have to keep the truth from the majority of the population who cannot or will not accept the terrible toll which will continue to be exacted by this pandemic on health and businesses.

The majority view seems to be that when we reach 80% double vaccination of the over 16 population, which equates to approximately 53% of the total population, we will be back to a pre pandemic lifestyle with a few restrictions, as yet not outlined.

Look no further than Singapore for a reality check.  With a population of 5.5 million and with over 80% of their total population vaccinated, two days ago they had 500 cases a day and expect to be up around 2,000 cases a day within two weeks.

An epidemiologist in WA today said that if that state were to open its borders with an 80% vaccination rate of the over 16 population, his projections showed that within a very short time WA Health would be overwhelmed by approx 240,000 cases.

We do need to get our heads around the future.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4938
I will be shocked if we don't get over 90% of the 16+ population vaccinated.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4939
Dan is really on a power trip and must be dreading when CoVid ends and he has to go back to being mild mannered Dan Andrews instead
of Super Dan the almighty ruler of Victoria and holder of the magic elixir that everyone wants.
Let them eat cake Dan or in this case Vaxzevria or what ever they are trying to disguise it as this week, hope the over 60's vote his sorry Ar$e out next election.
Obviously his ego is more important than Over 60's health and even though most of the other other states are now offering a choice to get vaccination levels up he wants to be different Dan and keep his power trip going.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4940
It's looking like AZ is better protection anyway, OS stats are hinting AZ treated people do not lose immunity / resistance as quickly as the mRNA vaccinated people.

Also the 12 week regime looks to be superior to the 6, 4 or 3 week regimes, but it's early days.

I tend to trust the scientists claiming cross vaccination is the way to go as they have no political motive for doing so, the same cannot be said for politicians or some others! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4941
Vaxzevria or what ever they are trying to disguise it as this week
As everybody knows, the reason it has been renamed is to adopt the name used in the EU. Apparently, there was a risk that Aussies dosed with AZ wouldn't have been regarded by the EU as being vaccinated with approved vaccines. Apart from the difference in name, our AZ is manufactured in Australia.  It seems renaming the vaccine will ensure the EU recognises it. This seems to be a bit weird, but remember we're dealing with the EU here and bureaucracy is the name of the game.

I was vaccinated with AZ, so if the renaming allows me to enter European countries in the future, I will thank whoever is responsible for the change.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4942
Dan is really on a power trip and must be dreading when CoVid ends and he has to go back to being mild mannered Dan Andrews instead
of Super Dan the almighty ruler of Victoria and holder of the magic elixir that everyone wants.
Let them eat cake Dan or in this case Vaxzevria or what ever they are trying to disguise it as this week, hope the over 60's vote his sorry Ar$e out next election.
Obviously his ego is more important than Over 60's health and even though most of the other other states are now offering a choice to get vaccination levels up he wants to be different Dan and keep his power trip going.

I'm a senior and I have a completely different view regarding people over 60 refusing to be vaccinated with AZ.  In fact I regard them as an absolute embarrassment to our age group.

Anyone in the senior age group would have seen the damage and heartache caused by polio, whooping cough, tb, etc, etc, and would have jumped at the chance of being vaccinated when vaccines were released.

We know that Pfizer is safe for the young, and we know that AZ is safe for the over 60 group.  Millions of doses of AZ have been given to the elderly in Australia without problems resulting.  So what level of stupidity is required to demand Pfizer when we do not have enough for our young and AZ is readily available?

Both Gladys and Dan were coy when questioned today about the availability of Pfizer in October, bearing in mind that we have already brought shipments forward and doses will need to be transferred to the UK and Singapore in the coming months.  Clearly, there is not enough available to everyone who wants it.

I watched several elderly couples being interviewed tonight who said it was their right to choose their vaccine. Hello!  Where did that right spring from?

When asked what he would do about it, one old fool said that he would exercise his right to Pfizer and would wait his turn rather than have AZ.

 It just reinforces the view that stupid people do not become wiser with age.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4943

I have a different view and have friends who have been advised by their doctor to have Pfizer but when presented to be jabbed have been refused even with a note from their Doctor. AZ isnt safe for all over 60 IMO just as Pfizer isnt safe for everyone either depending on an individuals medical profile and candidates need to be advised by their Doctor on which is safer. My daughters MIL cant have AZ due to blood Clot issues but cant have Pfizer either being 60 plus and has been told to wait.
Other states want their vaccination rates up quickly so are offering both, where are their supplies coming from?
I dont have a problem with younger folk having priority but when Pfizer vials are thrown away at the end of each day due to cancelled appointments I cant work out why over 60s who want them cant have those about to be expired doses if they are on a waiting list. Like it or not AZ is a damaged brand and to beat vaccine hesitancy I think like the other States Victoria should offer the choice where possible ie youngsters a priority but any spare or going to waste Pfizer allowed into the arms of over 60's.
We want better vaccination numbers and need to be more flexible IMO and not have a Premier giving attitude to over 60's...thats not going to get them jabbed and more likely the opposite.
Especially a Premier who fecked up Quarantine with his Private security debacle, cost lives and then couldnt remember/lied about the details in front of a Inquiry and threw his health minister under the bus to save himself. He is the last person to be lecturing 60 plus year olds on the merits of ethical behaviour IMHO.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4944
There is no use the media highlighting these inequities now, they caused them!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4945
Especially a Premier who fecked up Quarantine with his Private security debacle, cost lives and then couldnt remember/lied about the details in front of a Inquiry and threw his health minister under the bus to save himself. He is the last person to be lecturing 60 plus year olds on the merits of ethical behaviour IMHO.

But he never makes a mistake, does he? ::)

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4946
I thought this was a pretty clever move by a US hospital, they have basically called out staff requesting vaccine exemptions on the basis of a moral / religious objections to vaccines using foetal cells as part of vaccine development.

Basically the hospital position is do not be a hypocrite. You can be exempt from the vaccines if you want, but you have to be consistent with your claim, and exclude yourself from all the medicines that have been developed using foetal cell lines. This including a bunch of day to day stuff.
The list includes Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, ibuprofen, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, albuterol, Preparation H, MMR vaccine, Claritin, Zoloft, Prilosec OTC, and azithromycin.
Now wouldn't that be interesting if those rules applied here, removing the option to pick and choose.

If you apply for an exemption or exclusion that must be applied globally! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4947

I have a different view and have friends who have been advised by their doctor to have Pfizer but when presented to be jabbed have been refused even with a note from their Doctor. AZ isnt safe for all over 60 IMO just as Pfizer isnt safe for everyone either depending on an individuals medical profile and candidates need to be advised by their Doctor on which is safer. My daughters MIL cant have AZ due to blood Clot issues but cant have Pfizer either being 60 plus and has been told to wait.
Other states want their vaccination rates up quickly so are offering both, where are their supplies coming from?
I dont have a problem with younger folk having priority but when Pfizer vials are thrown away at the end of each day due to cancelled appointments I cant work out why over 60s who want them cant have those about to be expired doses if they are on a waiting list. Like it or not AZ is a damaged brand and to beat vaccine hesitancy I think like the other States Victoria should offer the choice where possible ie youngsters a priority but any spare or going to waste Pfizer allowed into the arms of over 60's.
We want better vaccination numbers and need to be more flexible IMO and not have a Premier giving attitude to over 60's...thats not going to get them jabbed and more likely the opposite.
Especially a Premier who fecked up Quarantine with his Private security debacle, cost lives and then couldnt remember/lied about the details in front of a Inquiry and threw his health minister under the bus to save himself. He is the last person to be lecturing 60 plus year olds on the merits of ethical behaviour IMHO.

I think NovaVax may make an appearance later this year. That may be the half way house for those that cannot have the other vaccines.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4948
I think NovaVax may make an appearance later this year. That may be the half way house for those that cannot have the other vaccines.
Japan are very keen on Novavax and its reported that it will be made in Sth Korea, they have had issues with supply of materials as well as funding issues from the US Government. It has had some very good early testing reviews in England and is very promising but there isnt enough data yet to show if its any better or worse than the others at this stage. I think it will be more of a niche vaccine as it doesnt have the massive world wide production capabilities that Pfizer or AZ have but of course if it proves effective with less side effects then everyone will want it.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4949
it doesn't have the massive world wide production capabilities that Pfizer or AZ have but of course if it proves effective with less side effects then everyone will want it.

IMO this is the biggest concern/apprehension facing the average person as to whether to have it or not its the unknown side effects and the fact they will not and cant give any data on it mid to long term safety as the normal testing processes have not been able to be applied to this one?

There will be no comparing of side effects and then make a decision as the Pfizer and AZ side effects wont be known for many years.
How those who are advocating pregnant women to take the vaccine can look at them self in the mirror is anyone's guess.  Who in the right mind while having a delicate fetus forming inside them would without the pressure of media/pollies etc happily accept a vaccine when there is no side effect data available and put bluntly they cannot tell you 100% if its safe for the mother let alone a fetus.  I mean has there even been one pregnant women die of this strain in Australia and yet they try and scare poor mothers into taking it.  And no recourse later will make up for babies being born with health issues.
