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Topic: SSM Plebiscite (Read 136683 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #15
Reckon it is fair enough - this isn't a "community service announcement", in light of the SSM debate we should have this sort of rubbish clearly identified. That goes for both sides.

Doesn't matter that they have run it for 15 years, the SSM debate has seen it have more scrutiny and it doesn't pass muster - they need to identify it for what it is. That's all they have been asked to do.

As a Dad I don't need this sort of sh1t on TV today anyway.
It may be crap for you, what those that its not?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #18
Should we consider moving it to a different date?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #19
So I wonder how much more of this if every father said.

Actually we DON'T WANT a Father's Day.
We will encourage our children to not shop for us on this day and ask them to show their respect for us as their 'Special Person' by not spending a cent.

I wonder then how much traction this gets.
I don't celebrate as I have said, but I hear a lot of ads telling consumers to buy dad this gift on Father's Day.

Imagine the next step is a complete boycott of Christmas. Another day that people (kids) are made to feel bad about celebrating that happens to hold up the retail economy.

I still to earlier, those people that want to change this country should move to a country where they don't celebrate the days we do here. I am fairly sure they will not be missed
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #20
So I wonder how much more of this if every father said.

Actually we DON'T WANT a Father's Day.
We will encourage our children to not shop for us on this day and ask them to show their respect for us as their 'Special Person' by not spending a cent.

I wonder then how much traction this gets.
I don't celebrate as I have said, but I hear a lot of ads telling consumers to buy dad this gift on Father's Day.

Imagine the next step is a complete boycott of Christmas. Another day that people (kids) are made to feel bad about celebrating that happens to hold up the retail economy.

I still to earlier, those people that want to change this country should move to a country where they don't celebrate the days we do here. I am fairly sure they will not be missed

It's passed now, so all done & dusted...but for me, garbage decision by the FTA TV stations.

Being cynical.....if there is a risk of Fathers (& mothers day) being banned by the Gender PC brigade......gee don't the retailers stand to lose big time !

I wonder who wins in this battle between PC cr@p & retailers profits.

Life is pain....... anyone who says differently is selling something.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #21
What a minefield.

The way I read the decision is that due to the dads4kids organisation having dodgy motives, their ad was dumped. Seems to me that this organisation is a fundamentalist christian group/cult that is opportunistically attempting to subtly skew public opinion to fathers and mothers and not father and fathers - a political comment in disguise.

I don't see any PC stuff here, just a pack of extremists with a homophobic agenda (in disguise) being told to FO.

Fathers Day must and will remain, regardless of the sexual orientation of the bloke. Plenty of ripper straight and gay dads about the place and, sadly, there are straight and gay c0ckheads as fathers also.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #22
great post Baggers. Agree with all that.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #23
What a minefield.

The way I read the decision is that due to the dads4kids organisation having dodgy motives, their ad was dumped. Seems to me that this organisation is a fundamentalist christian group/cult that is opportunistically attempting to subtly skew public opinion to fathers and mothers and not father and fathers - a political comment in disguise.

I don't see any PC stuff here, just a pack of extremists with a homophobic agenda (in disguise) being told to FO.

Fathers Day must and will remain, regardless of the sexual orientation of the bloke. Plenty of ripper straight and gay dads about the place and, sadly, there are straight and gay c0ckheads as fathers also.

Irrespective of why they did it, odds are the ads being pulled scored more points for the no vote than it did for the yes vote, and had it gone to air, no one would have batted an eyelid.

Other than that, I hope they get this bill passed and we can move on, because if its no this time, it will not dissapear, this debate will rage for the next 100 years until there is a yes vote irrespective of what the public want, which is why personally the people Im most angry about are our government.

Wasting billions on a vote, that is frankly not necessary.  Allow them to marry and lets get on with it.  Everyone moans about lack of leadership, but fork me did our government have simply run away from this contest.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #24
What a minefield.

The way I read the decision is that due to the dads4kids organisation having dodgy motives, their ad was dumped. Seems to me that this organisation is a fundamentalist christian group/cult that is opportunistically attempting to subtly skew public opinion to fathers and mothers and not father and fathers - a political comment in disguise.

I don't see any PC stuff here, just a pack of extremists with a homophobic agenda (in disguise) being told to FO.

Fathers Day must and will remain, regardless of the sexual orientation of the bloke. Plenty of ripper straight and gay dads about the place and, sadly, there are straight and gay c0ckheads as fathers also.

I agree.  If you are gay.  Fine.  If you are straight.  Fine.   Who cares?  Does it really matter what sex pref you have as long as you are nice to people and don't cause harm to others.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #26
Irrespective of why they did it, odds are the ads being pulled scored more points for the no vote than it did for the yes vote, and had it gone to air, no one would have batted an eyelid.

Other than that, I hope they get this bill passed and we can move on, because if its no this time, it will not dissapear, this debate will rage for the next 100 years until there is a yes vote irrespective of what the public want, which is why personally the people Im most angry about are our government.

Wasting billions on a vote, that is frankly not necessary.  Allow them to marry and lets get on with it.  Everyone moans about lack of leadership, but fork me did our government have simply run away from this contest.

yes, agree. Gutless non existent leadership.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #28
Thry I was going to say this when the LBGTI Supporters group post was made but feared the backlash by people who took it the wrong way. IMO, creating such a separate group is actually anti logic and creates further division which should simply not exist. Happy for someone to explain why it would not. AFAIC, we are all one people not matter what race, religion, sexual orientation etc. I just dont get why in 2017, people just dont get it. Whats important is peace, love and respect for one another.

As for the fathers day add banning, these PC kents can GAGF as it has gotten beyond the joke.

I get where you guys are coming from, but I think it's too easy to over simplify this.

Firstly, we do already have social groups within the club. We have the Women of Carlton, we have interstate and regional supporter groups, coterie groups etc, so this isn't anything new or particularly exclusive.

Secondly, whether we like to acknowledge it or not, there is still a lot of anti-gay sentiment around the AFL. Whether it be through media articles stating that gay players wouldn't be comfortable to come out publicly, or going to grounds to hear people yell derogatory comments of a homophobic nature (have heard this more times than I'd care to note), it can create an uncomfortable atmosphere for people within the LGBTQI community. I for one am proud that our great club has reached out to supporters that may feel marginalised and created an environment where they feel welcome and safe to support this club like everyone should be able to.

As other posters have mentioned, this isn't an exclusive group either. I already know a number of straight people who have jumped on board as well.  Almost everybody these days has a gay friend or family member, and initiatives like this just make it a little bit easier for everyone to celebrate their similarities rather than their differences. At the end of the day, who cares who you love in your personal life, as long as you love the CFC first and foremost  ;)

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #29
Very sensible NM. Nice post.