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Re: State Elections

Reply #30
Yes, it's shaky ground, because what the likes of Jones and Bolt say publicly isn't reflected in their private life or beliefs, so it's bullcrap. In effect deliberate chain rattling for profit.

Do you really think Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt or Rita Panahi think their daughters have less rights than you?

Have often said the same thing, Spotted One. Their columns are click bait performances to milk any ratings from the angry fringe. Enough of them to raise a small profit from.

I have no difficulty imagining all 3 going home and joking to the family, "You wouldn't believe what I had them believing today..."

As a matter of interest, in his younger days Bolt was a Leftie social activist. He might say that he finally saw the light, the more cynical among us might say he couldn't get enough attention so he turned his quill to an area where more notoriety (loot and attention) was to be had... the shallow end of the pond.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: State Elections

Reply #31
There's no rational reason for believing this result was going to be any different. The only people who would knowingly choose Guy in this election are folks who vote Liberal reflexively, or the Dan haters who vote in a negative way purely to get him out of office, not because they think anyone else can do better job.

Re: State Elections

Reply #32
Common sense prevails.

Seems that the silent majority outweigh the vocal minority.

Nobody in this election chose to vote for Guy and what he stood for, they simply chose to vote against Dan....and as i said, were the vocal minority.

Re: State Elections

Reply #33
Yeah really silent.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #34
There's no rational reason for believing this result was going to be any different. The only people who would knowingly choose Guy in this election are folks who vote Liberal reflexively, or the Dan haters who vote in a negative way purely to get him out of office, not because they think anyone else can do better job.

Do you think Labor have done a good job for the last 8 years?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #35
There's no rational reason for believing this result was going to be any different. The only people who would knowingly choose Guy in this election are folks who vote Liberal reflexively, or the Dan haters who vote in a negative way purely to get him out of office, not because they think anyone else can do better job.
The opposite to that applies, people might have voted for Andrews as there is simply no alternative despite him doing a terrible job in their view.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: State Elections

Reply #36
Do you think Labor have done a good job for the last 8 years?

That depends on what you mean. If you mean measuring up to my personal ideal, then no. If you mean in comparison to the frankly poverty stricken state of politics locally and worldwide (congratulations Italy ! You've just flushed yourselves down the toilet !), then Andrews probably deserves a medal.

Re: State Elections

Reply #37
The opposite to that applies, people might have voted for Andrews as there is simply no alternative despite him doing a terrible job in their view.

You need to perform in opposition just as much as you do in Government. Politics is comparative - even if they think Andrews sucks, they vote for him because the opposition sucks more.

Re: State Elections

Reply #38
That depends on what you mean. If you mean measuring up to my personal ideal, then no. If you mean in comparison to the frankly poverty stricken state of politics locally and worldwide (congratulations Italy ! You've just flushed yourselves down the toilet !), then Andrews probably deserves a medal.
:))  :))  :))  :)) Italian politics, an absolute laughing stock. Some think its bad here, try living in their shoes for a day. As for angry constituents? People here don't know the meaning of the phrase until they spoken to a few Italians over there.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: State Elections

Reply #40
It's a miracle that country achieves what it does, given the complete dysfunctionality of the political system.
The rich industrialists and general business people do well, they just pay off officials and partake in the corruption. The average Joe Blow and the poor struggle to put food and drinking water on the table. Its a disgrace.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: State Elections

Reply #41
Andrews win is more reflective of the total lack of trust and competence of the Liberal Party who remain locked in the past hoping the same formula will win them office. Given Andrews presided over the lockdowns during CoVid, has been accused of corruption, has created and manages the biggest debt out of all the States and has totally messed up the Ambulance and Hospital systems you couldnt get better conditions for the Libs to knock out a win but they failed miserably and lost ground themselves.
You need a good opposition to make the Government work harder and do better but here in Victoria we dont have that and the election went exactly the way I thought it would with the Greens and the Teals being handy preferential voting partners for Labor and the Independents being more popular as well.
I wouldnt vote for either of the major parties and I cant see that changing next election.....both hopeless but one more hopeless than the other...

Re: State Elections

Reply #42
'Left or right' is really a pointless argument.

They're the rusted on folks.
These things are always decided by around a 20% of folks in the middle.
Latest figures I saw with about 60% of the vote counted were a little over a million for the ALP and a little under a million for the LNP
It was decided in the middle.

These middle people are influenced by probably two key factors.
One is who they perceive, at the time,  is best placed to look after their interests e.g. 'Howards battlers'. ( whether they end up delivering is irrelevant. They just have to 'promise' and that promise needs to be accepted).

The other factor factor is the leadership.
The person in the top job.
It is important, and again often comes down to perception rather than substance.

I'm one of the middle folk.
Interstate we saw a fair bit of the pre-election build-up.
Andrews was on telly everyday during the pandemic.
From a distance, with no personal benefit to myself influencing my vote, or any gripe about having been locked down for an extended period influencing my vote (although Anna did have us locked in)... I would have voted for Andrews.

Re: State Elections

Reply #43
'Left or right' is really a pointless argument.

They're the rusted on folks.
These things are always decided by around a 20% of folks in the middle.
Latest figures I saw with about 60% of the vote counted were a little over a million for the ALP and a little under a million for the LNP
It was decided in the middle.

These middle people are influenced by probably two key factors.
One is who they perceive, at the time,  is best placed to look after their interests e.g. 'Howards battlers'. ( whether they end up delivering is irrelevant. They just have to 'promise' and that promise needs to be accepted).

The other factor factor is the leadership.
The person in the top job.
It is important, and again often comes down to perception rather than substance.

I'm one of the middle folk.
Interstate we saw a fair bit of the pre-election build-up.
Andrews was on telly everyday during the pandemic.
From a distance, with no personal benefit to myself influencing my vote, or any gripe about having been locked down for an extended period influencing my vote (although Anna did have us locked in)... I would have voted for Andrews.

Reckon the middle has got larger with more young people and women taking an interest than ever before. Kids are not voting the same as Mum and Dad like they used to back in our day and families are not as rusted on as a group as they were.