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Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #600
That statement is incomplete and you cannot possibly draw any logical conclusion from it (ooo, there's another one to add to science, spirituality and philosophy - logic!). Why? It begs the question, 'What is Rees' definition/understanding of what God is?"

If Rees was talking about an Old Testament fire and brimstone malevolent man in the sky with a long white beard, well, then you can understand his comment. Better complex, mind-boggling options than that God. However, if he was talking about God as a metaphor for some mysterious, omnipotent, intelligent energy of some sort, then he's a goose. We just don't know until he clarifies what God is to him... didn't Sheldrake or someone else think to ask him this question?

I think Rees is smart enough and familiar enough with Sheldrake, both on a personal and professional level, to know that Sheldrake is a proponent of the "omnipotent, intelligent energy" God. I'm sure Rees knew exactly where Rupee was coming from.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #601
I think Rees is smart enough and familiar enough with Sheldrake, both on a personal and professional level, to know that Sheldrake is a proponent of the "omnipotent, intelligent energy" God. I'm sure Rees knew exactly where Rupee was coming from.

If that's the case, then Rees is a goose. Must be one of these 'if I can't see it, smell it, hear it, touch it or taste it ... it doesn't exist' types. And there's no arguing with people like this... like fundamentalist (insert any religion) types - 'my frame of reference is all there is.' There are those of us who are happy to say, 'stuffed if I know', to not be threatened by ambiguity or mystery or even the unknowable.

There are many things in this experience called life that have a variety of modalities that attempt to help us explain and understand what is happening around us. From psychology, to logic, to spirituality, to science, to philosophy... and the list goes on. Each brings their own gifts and mysteries and even contradictions. Knowing when to discern is probably the key. So, in a way, we may agree PP... perhaps philosophically  ;) ;)
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #602
If that's the case, then Rees is a goose. Must be one of these 'if I can't see it, smell it, hear it, touch it or taste it ... it doesn't exist' types. And there's no arguing with people like this... like fundamentalist (insert any religion) types - 'my frame of reference is all there is.' There are those of us who are happy to say, 'stuffed if I know', to not be threatened by ambiguity or mystery or even the unknowable.

There are many things in this experience called life that have a variety of modalities that attempt to help us explain and understand what is happening around us. From psychology, to logic, to spirituality, to science, to philosophy... and the list goes on. Each brings their own gifts and mysteries and even contradictions. Knowing when to discern is probably the key. So, in a way, we may agree PP... perhaps philosophically  ;) ;)

Whatever Rees may think personally, publicly he needs to toe the line.

Even the scientists will tell you that there are an umpteen number of things that needed to go right for us to even be on this planet. The initial rate of expansion of the Big Bang had to be just right, the earth's temperature, the position, size and power of the sun (apparently the result of another dying star), the air/atmosphere, the moon (whose gravitational force helps shape our orbit and therefore our climate), the emergence of molecules and cells (initially simple, later complex), a new type of bacteria that created oxygen, the wiping out of the dinosaurs etc. I could go on. All these constants (as the scientists call them) had to be bang on.

Quite apart from all of that, we have on our planet everything that we need to survive - water, food, raw materials etc. Our existence is basically like winning the lottery every week for a decade. I simply do not believe that this is simply down to chance. I don't believe that we could be so lucky over and over again - an amount of luck the human brain cannot even comprehend.

I do believe that this place and everything in it is a blessing, and an expression of some serious cosmic joy and love that is just simply amazing, and not just directed to us, but everything on earth. Nothing nature makes is ugly. The only ugly thing on this planet is human sin.

I don't know where it comes from, I don't know what it's called (if anything), I don't know what it looks like or what shape it is. I don't know anything about it. All I know is that it's something pretty amazing.


Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #603
This debate is littered with cherry-picked clauses, deliberate misquoting and any other number of dogmatic practices.

Typical warning signs of quackery comes in statements like;

Let me give you my understanding of this cosmological boob job that we're discussing.
The idea that the amount of matter and energy is conserved is originally a theological and philosophical idea, from the Ancient Greek materialist philosophers, who like their modern counterparts were atheists, and thus had no need for God. In their eyes, there was no mystery, no funny buggers, no weird forces, everything was just matter. This idea was taken up in the 17th Century scientific revolution, when it was proposed that the Universe was made up of a fixed amount of matter, put there by God at the beginning, and therefore unchanging. As for energy, the idea was that God basically started the whole universe going by pressing the start button and so all movement that we observe and all energy is unchanging because it is divine and god given. There is in fact no evidence anywhere that matter and energy in the universe does not change. This is an assumption. This assumption is just a part of science and is not really questioned.

Nobody claimed there was, you've imposed an ancient world descriptions on modern science, ancient philosophy also knew the world was flat and the heavens above rotated on crystal spheres, that is a belief or faith based conclusion in the absence of and explanation or other evidence.

Science makes no claim that there is some grand ledger for energy and matter in the observable universe. Science doesn't even claim that the observable universe is the limit, it's just the observable limit.

Physics however can claim the conservation of energy as part of general relativity, which should not be mashed up with anything else as it appears to have been! All ideas that were hypothesised, tested and explained after Shapley and Curtis had conducted their famous Island Universe debate, before that era nebula were clouds in our solar system. Hubble eventually proved otherwise, that the nebula or Island Universes courtesy of their spectrums and the contained doppler effects were way beyond our galaxy. Yet even Hubble still made light of some ideas that the universe might be expanding from a singularity, and other associates like Hoyle cynically labelled it the Big Bang because they had a vested interest in the Steady State model, a model that required the creation of energy and matter contradicting your earlier claims that scientists believed energy and matter do not change.

Around the same time that your Ancient Greeks allegedly made their Energy and Matter hypothesis, Gods, or at least one of the Gods, threw Lightning Bolts while other demons apparently lured sailors to their death. Whatever happened to those ideas?

In the 1980's, it was noticed that the stars of certain galaxies were revolving around the centres of those galaxies much too quickly based on the amount of matter within them, and certain galaxies were attracting each other far too strongly for the amount of matter present. AT this point there are two options :
1. the theory of gravity / galaxies is wrong and there may be other explanations
2. there must be some other extra matter there that we can't detect i.e dark matter.

Why was the first option never investigated ?
Firstly, you've latched onto 1980, it's misinformation and plain error. Nothing was noticed in 1980s that hadn't already been observed, the measurements and experiments conducted in the late 80s confirmed much earlier hypothesis based on even earlier observations, they 80s observations were conducted based on results of those earlier observations not in blind faith or speculation, they were not throwing 1980s darts at a board in the 1980s dark.

If you could make a cursory effort on doing some background research you'd know about MOND and how it was proven wrong, more than once including again very recently, you wouldn't have posted point No.1.

The extra matter is detected in a wide range of effects, not just the orbital velocity of stars, the strongest evidence is gravitational lensing and the filamentary structure of the galaxy clusters and the acceleration of galaxy clusters, as they move towards or away from each other! Something that can be measured with extreme precision, made easier by all that matter, the more there is the more sensitive the measurement becomes!

Following on from this, now that we have all this extra matter in the universe, it follows that the forces of gravitation must also be much stronger. According to the calcs, this extra gravity meant that firstly the rate of the expansion of the universe should slow down, and then once its stops expanding it starts to contract and becomes smaller and smaller and eventually ends up as the big Crunch. Around the year 2000, it was discovered that galaxies at the edge of our universe were not slowing down as the model expected, the rate of expansion was in fact speeding up. So once again, rather than looking at alternative explanations for this mismatch, physicists said there must be some form of energy that is pushing against all this extra mass to keep the universe expanding, and we'll call it dark energy. Once again, no evidence for this at all.
No wrong again.

A big crunch was one hypothesis which guess what, was proven wrong. How we weigh the universe and determine if it could be expanding or contracting depends on many factors, not just how much matter but the relative velocities of the matter. At some point velocity becomes the dominant factor and you can have as much matter as you like it will never clump. A term known as the Hubble constant determines this and it is measured continuously to ever increasing accuracy, in plain language if you are far enough away you are leaving and never coming back. In fact if you are far enough away you're receding faster than the speed of light.

In 2000 the observations we made to confirm the earlier discoveries, not the discovery itself. The observations to settle this debate were not conducted on a whim, a beleif or blind faith. They were observations to confirm the data.

The evidence for the expansion of the universe is present in doppler shift and a skilled 6th grader can measure it with a backyard telescope or even hire time on a professional device hosted on the internet(You can too!) With minimal training you can be taking spectra and measuring redshifts, or using the occulation of Jupiters moons to measure the speed of light. But how far is Jupiter, isn't that important, well ask Pythagoras and just be patient!

The evidence for the accelerated expansion of the universe was confirmed independently by measurements from Schmidt, Perlmutter,  et. al., back in 2000 at the end of their Type 1A Supernova observing runs. Prior to their work there was evidence for or against, the earlier measurements were not accurate or sensitive enough to reduce the errors bars to a single conclusion. Now they have, and the upper and lower limits of the Hubble Constant are defined.

As you know the speed of the light is finite, so when we look further away we look back in time, for certain events we get to see them as they appeared in the past and we can also see them evolve. Even more fortuitously, with the help of whatever dark matter is, we can use gravitational lensing to watch the same event happening multiple times like a universal rewind button. We get to see a single star explode more than once! Those people that you quote wrongly as the "discoverers" of the expansion back in 2000, Perlmutter and Schmidt, well and truly put the sword to a lot of the dogmatic ideas you seem to be clinging to.

I can tell you, in all honesty, I really want there to be dark matter and dark energy, because if it's true it means that the universe has a deep dark subconscious that controls the bits we can see, just like us. An idea that I find incredibly appealing.

"Give us one free miracle, and we'll explain the rest."

So dogamitic mysticism rules for you, your living with it already you don't need proof.

"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #604
Whatever Rees may think personally, publicly he needs to toe the line.

Rees openly admits that he, like Dawkins, "pokes the bear".

They do not want to shut down debate, they both want it all out on the table so it can be debunked.

They lay baits to expose the cynics and crackpots
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #605
Rees openly admits that he, like Dawkins, "pokes the bear".

They do not want to shut down debate, they both want it all out on the table so it can be debunked.

They lay baits to expose the cynics and crackpots

Rees and Dawkins cannot have it both ways. They either state what they genuinely believe or they don't.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #606
Rees and Dawkins cannot have it both ways. They either state what they genuinely believe or they don't.

They are using the tactics of their critics, it's called mirroring and the critics complain about it endlessly.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #607

Science makes no claim that there is some grand ledger for energy and matter in the observable universe. Science doesn't even claim that the observable universe is the limit.

Maybe you missed the first law of Thermodynamics ?

Your tactics are always the same. You get cornered, so you resort to a whole heap of highfalutin crap that uses fancy jargon but says nothing. Still waiting for science's big announcement.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #608
They are using the tactics of their critics, it's called mirroring and the critics complain about it endlessly.

They're either materialists or they're not.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #609
Maybe you missed the first law of Thermodynamics ?

OK then perhaps you'll help us by explaining it to everyone, hopefully in plain language?

Avoid the highfalutin stuff if you can, but make it relevant to the everything, you know cosmology, and not a closed system! ;)

In fact I'm happy for your to talk about any of the laws of thermodynamics, can we start by declaring how many there are, 3 or 4 it's a 50/50?

PaulP, the deeper you go the bigger the goose you make of yourself, not to everyone because not everyone cares or wants to discuss it. But you obviously do, so if you want to do so at least make an effort to get the basics right.

This is the point of the debate when most give up, you've made a spurious claim exposing your ignorance on the subject matter. Rees and Dawkins don't, they continue to dig deeper and if you persist they actually hope they can push you in the sensible direction, they won't give up on you because even if they can't save you from yourself PaulP, they can use the experience as a learning curve to save others! ;D

They're either materialists or they're not.

So do I take that as an answer to my earlier question, there are apparently material scientists and "others?"
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #610
OK then perhaps you'll help us by explaining it to everyone, hopefully in plain language?

Avoid the highfalutin stuff if you can, but make it relevant to the everything, you know cosmology, and not a closed system! ;)

In fact I'm happy for your to talk about any of the laws of thermodynamics, can we start by declaring how many there are, 3 or 4 it's a 50/50?

PaulP, the deeper you go the bigger the goose you make of yourself, not to everyone because not everyone cares or wants to discuss it. But you obviously do, so if you want to do so at least make an effort to get the basics right.

This is the point of the debate when most give up, you've made a spurious claim exposing your ignorance on the subject matter. Rees and Dawkins don't, they continue to dig deeper and if you persist they actually hope they can push you in the sensible direction, they won't give up on you because even if they can't save you from yourself PaulP, they can use the experience as a learning curve to save others! ;D

So do I take that as an answer to my earlier question, there are apparently material scientists and "others?"

Oh that is funny, coming from the guy who made a Hitler/Sheldrake comparison.

You cannot, and will not, explain anything simply because it will mean people might actually understand you, and therefore work out you have nothing to say.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #611
Oh that is funny, coming from the guy who made a Hitler/Sheldrake comparison.

You cannot, and will not, explain anything simply because it will mean people might actually understand you, and therefore work out you have nothing to say.

So you aren't helping us with the laws of thermodynamics then?

If you offer it as a proof you have to defend it, that is part of the scientific method, you can use the mirroring tactics I won't be offended.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #612
So you aren't helping us with the laws of thermodynamics then?

If you offer it as a proof you have to defend it, that is part of the scientific method.

How's that dark energy / dark matter proof going ? Nearly 100 years, tick tock, tick tock.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #613
How's that dark energy / dark matter proof going ? Nearly 100 years, tick tock, tick tock.

You keep making the same mistake, the evidence and data is the proof, the explanation is the part that is lacking.

We do not need all the answers of how and why to know something is real, but we do need some evidence to start!

Afterwards,we can make a hypothesis of why and then look for further proof, like the prediction of the existence of Einstein Rings and their ultimate detection.

Further if we look in wavelengths invisible to our eyes, we can see things like the bullet cluster, and how the interaction between normal visible and dark matter has changed the flow of dust and gas. Wikipedia gives an excellent plain language explanation as to why.

It might even help you with that earlier point No.1! ;)

Of course if you do not trust wikipedia, it's very good to be sceptical, then have a browse on the Arxiv for any number of hundreds of in depth papers including published data on the matter. Pun intended!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #614
You keep making the same mistake, the evidence and data is the proof, the explanation is the part that is lacking.

We do not need all the answers of how and why to know something is real, but we do need some evidence to start!

Afterwards,we can make a hypothesis of why and then look for further proof, like the prediction of the existence of Einstein Rings and their ultimate detection.

Further if we look in wavelengths invisible to our eyes, we can see things like the bullet cluster, and how the interaction between normal visible and dark matter has changed the flow of dust and gas. Wikipedia gives an excellent plain language explanation as to why.

It might even help you with that earlier point No.1! ;)

Of course if you do not trust wikipedia, it's very good to be sceptical, then have a browse on the Arxiv for any number of hundreds of in depth papers including published data on the matter. Pun intended!

No, there's no mistake. There's lots of speculation, there's lots of hypothesizing, lots of theorizing, lots of calculations, but not anything of substance. Just a big merry go round of nothingness. The only reason they speculate on things that cannot be seen or measured or known in any way is that they insist that gravity is the only way to explain mathematical anomalies, and must therefore get things to fit a pre existing theory. Why else would you go searching for something completely out of thin air ? Why make life enormously complicated for yourself, why tie yourself in knots, unless you have a theory or model to maintain ?