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Topic: Ban the Drones (Read 6259 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ban the Drones

Seriously, I'm over this stuff.

Overnight Paris gets harassed by swarms of drones over their city, the military use more and more of them. Gutless turds spy on women, I wouldn't even hesitate to assume some pedophile somewhere is using one to case their next victim. Even AFL clubs are using them to spy on each others training, pity they didn't watch EFC more closely!

FFS people, we banned fireworks because kids were losing fingers, eyes and hands, do we have to wait until one of these devices is directly linked to a death before the world acts.

You know it's going to happen, so why not just get rid of the fecking things now?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #1
It's a bit like ordering back the waves I'm afraid.
Once the technology genie is out of the bottle you can't put him back.

There was one over central Wollongong a couple of weeks back that was the size of a small spaceship.

(actually... that might have been a small spaceship ???)

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #2
Seriously, I'm over this stuff.

Overnight Paris gets harassed by swarms of drones over their city, the military use more and more of them. Gutless turds spy on women, I wouldn't even hesitate to assume some pedophile somewhere is using one to case their next victim. Even AFL clubs are using them to spy on each others training, pity they didn't watch EFC more closely!

FFS people, we banned fireworks because kids were losing fingers, eyes and hands, do we have to wait until one of these devices is directly linked to a death before the world acts.

You know it's going to happen, so why not just get rid of the fecking things now?

Money, money, money.

On the flip side, it is proving useful for conservation purposes and no doubt farmers might benefit having eyes across vast lands. Was an interesting news snippet the other day about using drones to help identify Koalas in trees..making it cheaper and much faster to cover tracks on land by scientists to keep an eye on the poor buggers. Which is a good thing because Koalas are in serious bloody trouble.

Drones with rocket launchers could add a little spice for African trophy hunters..."I say old boy, what's that rather ugly looking bird doing hovering over that herd of lovely Elephants..should we.." KABOOOOOOM.....static...Elephants trumpet in background....

Wildlife 1 - 0 Dic@heads.
Keep the Faith


Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #3
There was one over central Wollongong a couple of weeks back that was the size of a small spaceship.

(actually... that might have been a small spaceship ???)
If aliens were planning abductions of intelligent life forms, Lods, why would they hang around the 'Gong'?  :P

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #4
There was one over central Wollongong a couple of weeks back that was the size of a small spaceship.

(actually... that might have been a small spaceship ???)
If aliens were planning abductions of intelligent life forms, Lods, why would they hang around the 'Gong'?  :P

Don't think they were planning all visitors to beautiful  Wollongong they were checking out the Real Estate. ;D

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #5
It's a bit like ordering back the waves I'm afraid.
Once the technology genie is out of the bottle you can't put him back.

Which is why I referred to the fireworks, it is possible to get control and the sky won't fall!

You bring in expensive licensing, which I believe is already the case for Drones above a certain height, which effectively makes each license holder the detective. This is what happened with fireworks and it worked, it's worked well with abalone poaching, tuna fishing and other similar cases.

If the license has enough value, the industry reports a breach to protect it's interest. The same thing is going to happen in the Uber vs Taxi situation, unless Uber starts paying taxes(Which is a de-facto license!). It will happen to AirBNB, Governments will not stand by and see large chunks of revenue vanish into the grey market.

I see no difference in the drone situation.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #6
I saw a story on the news within the last week about the fire brigade seeking to use these for various well intentioned reasons (none of which I saw a problem with) but at the end of the piece the reporter stated they were seeking permission to use drones to enter buildings and in the same breath said the police were hoping to do the same on the back of the Firies getting the go-ahead.
This is how this stuff works and my biggest worry, the cops know they wouldn't be granted this due to privacy laws so they just piggyback on the Fire Brigade proposal which will result in the general public having more of the little privacy/freedom we have left taken away. They are doing the same in regards to metadata storage, they want it stored for 2 years and to be made available to them (WITHOUT WARRANT!!) upon request and are using the "scourge" of piracy to achieve this.
As usual the complacent Australian public will ignore it until they are directly effected by these encroachments on our basic rights as citizens of a democratic nation and by then it will be too late to go back.
At the risk of sounding like a tin-foil hat wearer, that is not a society I want to be a part of and I am already making plans to be "off the grid" by the time Big Brother becomes omnipresent. 

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #7
It's a bit like ordering back the waves I'm afraid.
Once the technology genie is out of the bottle you can't put him back.

Which is why I referred to the fireworks, it is possible to get control and the sky won't fall!

Absolutely agree!
There needs to be controls, strict controls.
....but we're going to see more of the things....not less.

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #8
I saw a story on the news within the last week about the fire brigade seeking to use these for various well intentioned reasons (none of which I saw a problem with) but at the end of the piece the reporter stated they were seeking permission to use drones to enter buildings and in the same breath said the police were hoping to do the same on the back of the Firies getting the go-ahead.
This is how this stuff works and my biggest worry, the cops know they wouldn't be granted this due to privacy laws so they just piggyback on the Fire Brigade proposal which will result in the general public having more of the little privacy/freedom we have left taken away. They are doing the same in regards to metadata storage, they want it stored for 2 years and to be made available to them (WITHOUT WARRANT!!) upon request and are using the "scourge" of piracy to achieve this.
As usual the complacent Australian public will ignore it until they are directly effected by these encroachments on our basic rights as citizens of a democratic nation and by then it will be too late to go back.
At the risk of sounding like a tin-foil hat wearer, that is not a society I want to be a part of and I am already making plans to be "off the grid" by the time Big Brother becomes omnipresent.

I have no issue with authorities using Drone technology, they will be regulated and accountable.

It's the thieves, pedophiles, terrorists, perverts and corporate psychopaths / sociopaths you need to worry about! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #9
t wearer, that is not a society I want to be a part of
I have no issue with authorities using Drone technology, they will be regulated and accountable.

It's the thieves, pedophiles, terrorists, perverts and corporate psychopaths / sociopaths you need to worry about! ;)

Perhaps Tony Abbott can hover around your house to see if you are browsing dodgy sites or Milne could check to see if you left your laptop on when you went to the toilet then jail you accordingly :D

Re: Ban the Drones

Reply #10
There was a south park episode about this issue last year.

Full Metal Bush