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Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #30
I lasted until half time, then I walked home to defrost my feet.  I used to like playing in those conditions, now I'm too soft to watch a game in the wet.

The Carlton listed players were pretty good today, as they should be.  Robbo was a class above, Casboult was the best big man on the ground, Warnock dominated the ruck and his second efforts were good, Duigan played a very good game, Davies, White, Laidler controlled the back half (I'd hate to play on Laidler, he belted the crap out of his opponents), Graham and Menzel showed a lot of potential.

Buckley has courage but I wonder if he has the strength for AFL.  He copped a bake from team mates for having a shot from too far out and that ended up in a decent dust up just in front of where I was standing.

It was a good win and I was much warmer in the second half.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #31
Considering the conditions, though Caz played really well.
 Robbo seemed to have OR use more time before disposing of the footy. Played hard as usual but didnt bomb away blindly like he tends to do in the 1st's, BOG for mine.
Graham played well.
Love Buckley.....he needs a bit of size but effort and courage he does not lack.
Temay, another small player and probably the best I've seen him play. Still, he is way way behind the likes of Menzel, Graham and Buckley.

Was wrapt to see our injury prone left footer  (who's name escapes me ::)  Is it Ryse Okeefe?? )  Cant see him making it at top level but at least he was on the park as he deserves a little bit of luck.

Warnock did well at the ruck contests and to be fair, today wasnt the type of day for him to impact around the ground but at least he did try.

Laidler....Ok but the shadow of his former self. Looks so slow that you assume he's carrying an extra 30kg on his back!!  Dont know what it is but he was only so so today. At least he was being played in the back line.

Duigan...played forward a lot today. Was OK but hardly pressing for seniors.

White and Davies......meh.

Was a shocking day for footy but I enjoyed watching it. It was like watching in the good 'ol days !!  Quite a few times I was watching Robbo but was thinking of the dominator with his soaked white shorts with mud all over them....face covered in mud too.   ;D
Too little and Way too late. Pull your fingers out boys!!

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #32
Box Hill Hawks   4.1  6.3  7.6  8.6 (54)
Northern Blues   1.3  6.6  9.10  10.15 (75)

Box Hill Hawks: Retzlaff 2 Brown 2 Crocker  Monkhorst  Wood  Northe
Northern Blues: Mitchell 4 Dorman 3 Clark  Dufficy  Delahunty

Box Hill Hawks: Goodwin Collins Weekes Boseley Brand Crocker
Northern Blues: Mitchell Meese Currie Soncin Marcon Ballard

This had to be a good start to the day: ordinary conditions and Mitchell really makes the most of his opportunity. I'd be interested in how RR thinks he went, but that HAD to be a positive step.

2013 Peter Jackson VFL
Box Hill Hawks   0.1  2.3  4.5  6.7 (43)
Northern Blues   1.3  7.3  9.3  9.5 (59)

Box Hill Hawks: Hallahan 3 O'Brien  Murphy  Wanganeen
Northern Blues: Casboult 2 Wilson 2 Menzel 2 Lincoln  Graham  Duigan

Box Hill Hawks: Hallahan Kelly Mirra Cust Ceglar Iles
Northern Blues: Robinson Graham Lambert Laidler Bransgrove Duigan

With last results, I couldn't be happier. Seeing the game on the box is not as good as being there, but much better than the alternative! And this week there really was some spirit in the place. Like some of the earlier games of the season, the Baby Blues really stepped it up and tackled and chased like they meant it!
Hawthorn, sorry, Box Hill, players couldn't get a sniff without a Blueboy pressurizing him.

We still have issues: we don't come home very well, our forward line has issues and our midfielders were beaten at the clearances, especially at the centre of the ground. However, the relentless pressure, hard work and team spirit were excellent!
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #33
I hope RR managed to see this game: I respect his opinions, particularly as he is as close to the guys as he is. He also gets to see them up close and personal each week. However, here is my humble opinions about the guys who played today:

Davies: Not bad. The condition made his job easier, but he played very good one on one footy and beat his man most of the day. At this point, I'm afraid he won't be with us next year: decision making is just not good enough and he gives away too many frees. However, he had a strong game today.

Joseph: AJ played well today. His modus operandi was suited to the conditions and his tendency to kick long fit the circumstances of the game well. He played mainly back pocket, rather than a hard tag all day. He also played close and tight and could say he beat his man.

Bootsma: the conditions didn't suit Boots and he spent much of the 2nd half coming on and off the ground. Not his greatest effort, but he can say that he didn't have a mark against him on the day.

White: apart from a few minor blues later in the game, Simon really had it over his opponents and gave some decent drive from defence. Not likely to get his spot back with this performance, but he was solid and had his fair share of the ball.

Duigan: played forward and on the ball and produced his best effort for some time. His ability to make good decisions helped him a lot, while his kicking was pretty good in the conditions. One of our better players and one who really put his body in.

O'Keefe: for his first game he back, he was pretty good. His kicking was nice and he got some ball. He'd have been happy just to get through, but to have some influence would have pleased the coaching staff and O'Keefe a fair bit.

Temay: his best game for the year to date, especially after half time when Box Hill produced their best footy. He kept his head and got a lot more of the ball than he has been and didn't give away many frees. His ability to find the ball and not fumble was good.

Laidler: played back and produced his best game for ages. He read the ball well in the air and took quite a few marks in defence. His kicking was good as well. His opponent had only a handful of possessions and didn't respect him. One of the reasons Box Hill kicked their lowest score against Preston ever.

Menzel: conditions didn't suit his style of play at all, but he made a reasonable contribution. He'll be better for the experience and much better with another 5 - 10 kg of muscle on him. His kicking was good.

Casboult: one of his best efforts for the year, especially when conditions suited him so poorly. He was probably the most effective big man on the ground and the only one to look like taking a decent grab. He worked hard in the ruck and got some very nice taps, pounding the ball forward 15 m or more. he also managed some good goals, mostly for his ground work, which is not traditionally his strength. Kicking for goal? Hmmm: some work required here still.

Buckley: a very good game from Buckley until he was injured. Buckley was good in the packs and around the stoppages and was always dangerous. He got more of the ball than he usually does and gave the indications that he wasn't far away. I don't think he'll get a promotion because of his shoulder injury, but if he keeps up that effort, it won't be long in coming.

Warnock: did a good job in the ruck, making some pretty good efforts on a wet day. He didn't get many marks, but people didn't tend to kick it to the ruckmen much. His was an improved performance and one that suggested he wants a recall.

Robinson: probably our best player on the day, Robbo played a pretty typical game and really got in the Box Hill guys' faces. His body was at the bottom of most packs and his intensity was really up. His kicking was suited by the conditions, but he got his foot to the ball, which not everybody could manage, with his strength.

Graham: did his chances of getting a game soon no harm at all. He placed himself well at the boundary throwins and got most of our clearances from them. Not as many centre clearances though. he did put his body in and he appeared to have time that others lacked. he appeared to be tagged later in the game, but he lifted again in the last quarter and got plenty of the ball.

Dale: lots of leaping over packs, but not many marks. He was quite reasonable in defence, but didn't stand out. He gave away 2 frees up forward trying for speckies.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #34
Crashlander's report reminded me of a few glaring omissions in my post.

Bootsma played a very good game; his spoiling was effective and his ball handling and disposal was excellent in the conditions.  Joseph was solid but not in our best.  Temay got more than his share of the ball and handled it well.  O'Keefe was OK and it was good to seem him get a game under his belt.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #35
I hate going to Box Hill - crap venue to watch football - today was crapper than usual because of the weather but I did go along to see the early game because I wanted to see Mitchell and I finally saw something of why we drafted him.

I don't think he was our best player by any stretch of the imagination but, despite the conditions, he took overhead contested marks and was able to out-body the slighter players at the lower level. Also, unlike other days when he has kicked multiple goals with minimal kicks, he could have finished with 8 to 10 today with the opportunities he created.

I didn't get a chance to ask him but I was wondering whether his demotion could have been at his request (similar to the decision Hampson made a few years back when he wasn't getting enough ground time in the Bullants' senior team). He is still as slow as a glacier but so were lots of others in the conditions.

Still to be convinced he can perform at the higher levels on a fast track but at least I saw something.

As for the senior game, in even worse conditions, I was completely satisfied with the efforts of ALL players in contributing to a team performance.

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #36
I hate going to Box Hill - crap venue to watch football - today was crapper than usual because of the weather but I did go along to see the early game because I wanted to see Mitchell and I finally saw something of why we drafted him.

I don't think he was our best player by any stretch of the imagination but, despite the conditions, he took overhead contested marks and was able to out-body the slighter players at the lower level. Also, unlike other days when he has kicked multiple goals with minimal kicks, he could have finished with 8 to 10 today with the opportunities he created.

I didn't get a chance to ask him but I was wondering whether his demotion could have been at his request (similar to the decision Hampson made a few years back when he wasn't getting enough ground time in the Bullants' senior team). He is still as slow as a glacier but so were lots of others in the conditions.

Still to be convinced he can perform at the higher levels on a fast track but at least I saw something.

As for the senior game, in even worse conditions, I was completely satisfied with the efforts of ALL players in contributing to a team performance.
I am really happy to read that, especially considering the lack of spirit and endeavour in recent weeks.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #37
@ RR re Mitchell in the 2's...
I was thinking something similar in regards to him requesting a game in the 3's.

He needs to learn to play the role. He won't get that opportunity when Casboult is playing 2's. Above all else, he needs continuity and consistency.

Of course the confidence boost for Mitchell from bullying blokes and kicking goals would also be a big help.

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #38
nothing to say just wanted to see my new avatar
Jesaulenko you beauty!

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #39
how many touches in Graham end up with?

He strikes me as the kind of player that will make the seniors 22 and not be dropped

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #40
how many touches in Graham end up with?

He strikes me as the kind of player that will make the seniors 22 and not be dropped
Stats are not available yet, although they may have been posted on twitter....
Live Long and Prosper!


Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #41
how many touches in Graham end up with?

He strikes me as the kind of player that will make the seniors 22 and not be dropped
Stats are not available yet, although they may have been posted on twitter....
From twitter:
Graham 33, Lambert 32, Robinson 31, Menzel 18, Bransgrove 18
More stats to come - eventually.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Baby Blues vs Box Hill on TV next Sat

Reply #42
That's a couple of good games in a row for Graham now, he needs to be rewarded for it. A game against the Suns is probably a pretty good place to start him off !!
Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Navy, it's not just a color, it's an attitude !!!