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Topic: SPAM (Read 19213 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #15

As an aside I tried to contact Lods and kruddler via mobi but possibly they’ve changed numbers since the old days ?

No. I got it too and sent you a message back also.
Spanner highlights  a problem that really needs to be addressed if we want this site to continue.  We need someone with the ability to do the maintenance or we need to perhaps look at alternatives in terms of the way the site is hosted and maintained. Spanner just doesn't  have the time.
Another thing that may be useful would be an alternative  emergency site for such times to keep folks in the loop. We're relying on old contacts that may have elapsed and the mods/admin have changed or aren't as active.


Reply #16
I think tech support is one issue, the other is audience participation. Let's face it - this site has been in slow decline for a number of years. We've had hardly any new members in ages, many of the semi regulars from seasons past no longer contribute, and we are left with the same dozen or so old timers squabbling about whatever. Of course things are quieter in the off season, but even during the season, the sense of decline is clearly palpable IMO.


Reply #17
I think tech support is one issue, the other is audience participation. Let's face it - this site has been in slow decline for a number of years. We've had hardly any new members in ages, many of the semi regulars from seasons past no longer contribute, and we are left with the same dozen or so old timers squabbling about whatever. Of course things are quieter in the off season, but even during the season, the sense of decline is clearly palpable IMO.
I wish I could say that you were wrong, but I can't. It is an easily seen trend when looking at the number of people voting in the Jim Park Award. The numbers have trended lower ever since I've taken up duty on it.

I wish I had the tech skills and the space on a server to deal with the technical side of CSC, but I don't.
Live Long and Prosper!


Reply #18
I responded to hour or so after i got it. Did you not get a response?

No to both you and Lods 🤷🏼‍♂️
God no, I’ve entered the twilight zone !! 😱
Let’s go BIG !


Reply #19
I guess the youngsters don’t really do forum discussion, they just see a topic, jump into it and blurt out whatever is on their mind and then on to the next, they don’t really care about what others thoughts and opinions are or if their thought has already been enunciated.

Which is how I’ve always felt about TC, (which I tried unsuccessfully to log into today seeking information about what had happened to us)
Let’s go BIG !


Reply #20
I think tech support is one issue, the other is audience participation. Let's face it - this site has been in slow decline for a number of years. We've had hardly any new members in ages, many of the semi regulars from seasons past no longer contribute, and we are left with the same dozen or so old timers squabbling about whatever. Of course things are quieter in the off season, but even during the season, the sense of decline is clearly palpable IMO.

I like you to know I'm a very young at heart old timer.  :D  :D


Reply #21
I guess the youngsters don’t really do forum discussion, they just see a topic, jump into it and blurt out whatever is on their mind and then on to the next, they don’t really care about what others thoughts and opinions are or if their thought has already been enunciated.

Which is how I’ve always felt about TC, (which I tried unsuccessfully to log into today seeking information about what had happened to us)

New members don't have to be young though - they could be our age group.


Reply #22
New members don't have to be young though - they could be our age group.

“We” are a funny demographic though…
I’m 56, I think a few guys here are +10 on me and there’s probably only 1 or 2 that are -10yrs.
I haven’t found anyone online that I went to secondary school with and was close to for eg…
We are a demographic that’s either embraced the internet or have hidden from it, not many in between.

Let’s go BIG !


Reply #23
No doubt the rise of the Facebook fan pages has affected the discussions on forums.

We used to say (somewhat sarcastically) that bigfooty was for kids.
Well a lot of those kids have grown into thirty somethings now and have probably stuck with that forum.

It's funny though...when I looked at our forum just after the glitch we had 11 registered users online but something like 160 guest viewers.
It's currently at 7 registered and 82 guests.
I don't know how accurate the figure is but we may have a few folks who just visit, read and don't post.

I'm not sure how much of the forum is visible to the 'unregistered' at the moment but if we could turn some of those visitors into contributors it might  be useful.

Either way, we're an endangered species and we have to find a way of re-inventing ourselves, or we will die out.


Reply #24
No doubt the rise of the Facebook fan pages has affected the discussions on forums.

We used to say (somewhat sarcastically) that bigfooty was for kids.
Well a lot of those kids have grown into thirty somethings now and have probably stuck with that forum.

It's funny though...when I looked at our forum just after the glitch we had 11 registered users online but something like 160 guest viewers.
It's currently at 7 registered and 82 guests.
I don't know how accurate the figure is but we may have a few folks who just visit, read and don't post.

I'm not sure how much of the forum is visible to the 'unregistered' at the moment but if we could turn some of those visitors into contributors it might  be useful.

Either way, we're an endangered species and we have to find a way of re-inventing ourselves, or we will die out.

I'm one of the younger ones because my age starts with a '4'.
I remember when we had 15, 13, 10yo's who used to post regularly.

You might get the odd one come back to post occasionally (JWG or whatever her new name is now) has posted in the last 12 months on occassions, think she was 16 back in the day. BG used to post here but prefers the (dare i say it) 'incestuous' nature of facebook where if you don't drink from the coolaid you get banned. I literally got banned for backing up our coach - cannot recall if it was Teague or Halford (or both) but they wanted blood and if they couldn't get the coach they would get anyone who supported them.  ::)

There is no new blood coming in, and while it is a shame, its somewhat unique.
We are like the animals of Madagascar, allowed to evolve largely untouched by the outside word, living in (mostly) harmony and as a result are different to the rest of the worlds creatures who exhibit much different traits.

How many are active?
Lets ask them.....


Reply #25
There is no new blood coming in, and while it is a shame, its somewhat unique.
We are like the animals of Madagascar, allowed to evolve largely untouched by the outside word, living in (mostly) harmony and as a result are different to the rest of the worlds creatures who exhibit much different traits.

I reckon it's more like "Lord of the Flies" ;D  ;D


Reply #27
Anyway, i've started a poll, so we can see how active people are.
Its in the notice board, which may mean some people will never see it, depending on how they use the site, but it'll give us some idea on how many lurkers we have.


Reply #28
Anyway, i've started a poll, so we can see how active people are.
Its in the notice board, which may mean some people will never see it, depending on how they use the site, but it'll give us some idea on how many lurkers we have.

Probably a lot of those 'guests' are bot thingys
The thing with the poll is those real guests will have to register to vote.....
Ah....Good thinkin' 99! ;D


Reply #29
Probably a lot of those 'guests' are bot thingys
The thing with the poll is those real guests will have to register to vote.....
Ah....Good thinkin' 99! ;D
From memory, a lot of the guests are also members who have multiple tabs/windows open. So if I have 5 csc tabs open (I click on unread and open them up in separate tabs) then I will show up as "kruddler" and also 4 guests