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Messages - Lods

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
The cult of POTUS is very strong in the US and any former POTUS would be welcomed generously at most events.  It's the office they once held that is respected, but not necessarily the person.  The same is not the case for present and former House of Representatives and Senate majority leaders.  Of course, if a former POTUS says something unpopular or inappropriate, they will be booed, as happened at the Libertarian convention.

It was definitely the case in the past but...
I think those days are gone.
Disappeared in the last 10 years.
Neither side fully accepted the legitimacy of Trump or Biden.
"Not my President", "Stolen election", "Russian interference"..... all diminished the respect Americans had for respective sides of politics.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: VFL 2024 Rd 10 Carlton vs Preston at Preston
Probably makes sense not to play Lord straight away.
Planning would have been going on for a week for the game...he wouldn't have been up to speed. Just from a settling in and confidence aspect no harm in waiting a week and getting himself familiar.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 12 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
The first issue we faced with Fantasia was getting him on the park.
Having achieved that, it's keeping him on the park.
The next is how much he can contribute, and that may need to be assessed with some time in VFL  as well as AFL

It's nothing special at the moment, but we are only halfway through the year.

I said earlier that I noticed him more on Thursday than in previous games but
That may be as good as it gets or...

It may be he's gradually working his way into the team structure and into some form.
Or it may just fizzle out and see him play the year in the VFL.

Pressure for his spot needs to come from below, and 15 minutes into the first at VFL level today there not much coming.

(Getting better now)
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 12 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
I was having a read of the "Welcome to Carlton- Orazio Fantasia" thread.

Most of the concern seemed to be more centered around his durability.
Could we get him on the park and keep him on it?
Well with 9 games so that doesn't seem to be the issue.
So it's more about form

Lots of varying opinions as to the value of the pick-up. definitely weren't a fan posting this a day or two before we picked him up. :D  :D

Reply #65 – October 30, 2023, 01:56:22 pm
It means we have a day or so to break his legs so we don't sign him. >:D

Too much?  :-[

Probably a  bit much ;)
 :))  :))
You sure there's not just  a little bit of bias in your assessment ;)  :D

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 12 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
When players are missing such as Motlop and Cottrell you have to find a replacement.
The replacement will rarely be as good for a few reasons.

1) They're behind the missing player in the pecking order to start with.
2) They won't exactly be able to perform the same role, due to ability and physical differences.
3) Players missing throw an extra burden not just on the replacement, but also on better players who won't necessarily provide the same support to the fill-in. Everyone's roles and responsibilities are impacted.

Fantasia is obviously the best we have for the task at hand at present (His assigned role)
When he's not, and others become available, he'll be out of the side.
We have little idea what tasks he's given each week.

It's fine looking for someone else but there would be reasons, probably good ones, why Fantasia is getting a game ahead of others.
There may be  couple of lads in the VFL who could be given a run but maybe for reasons of development they're being brought along at a more steady pace.
But as MBB said, we're going pretty well at present.
Keep it stable...and wait for the reinforcements ;)

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 12 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
We laid 75 tackles last night and how many frees did we get for holding the ball?  Owies got one under the new interpretation but were there any others?

I believe that Port were awarded three holding the ball frees from 60 tackles.

I don't think the game was played differently at all.

I thought early on that Walsh was getting rid of the ball fairly quickly, but in the end he, Cripps and Curnow played exactly the same as they normally do.