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Topic: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year (Read 20955 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #15
Problem with this discussion is that if you don't have an opinion that meshes with the politically correct one, you're labelled a rascist/misogynist etc.  This stifles any meaningful debate and reduces the possibility of action that will make any meaningful difference. 
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #16
I guess if you are one of the best indigenous football players to ever play the game and yet are still confronted with being called racist names by fans whenever you run out on the field, and even by the boss of the largest sporting club in Australia on his radio show, you might think differently about it being a pretty good place.

An now he gets booed on the footy field. Pure racism.

Why do you think he gets booed?

I suspect he is booed due to his 'diving/faking' and sliding into blokes with his knees. I admire what he is doing for indigenous Aussies and I also admire his amazing skills when playing our game. But his posing and crude tackling at times deserves a good booing.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #17
Was he booed for this prior to speaking out against racism? I don't think so.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #18
Was he booed for this prior to speaking out against racism? I don't think so.

Carrots,...there is something in what you say about him being booed more since becoming more vocal on racial issues but he has also become a more dirty
player with age as he looks to take some shortcuts to compensate for getting slower/older.
I didnt have a problem with him outing the young girl who abused him on the boundary line and I thought he handled himself ok  but a lot of others did
have a problem due to the girls age and I think the lack of overall support including Eddies stupid comments later hurt him and made him into the cranky Aus of the year.
AG needs to win over his audience more to make the changes to society that he wants and I think he needs to sell his message in a smoother have to win over the average punter
not whack them everytime you get whacked....

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #19
The average punter will never learn, once they've got a few VBs in them they simply don't care.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #20
The average punter will never learn, once they've got a few VBs in them they simply don't care.

I think that's probably a little unfair PI2C.  It seems to me that many footy fans won't tolerate racism now and will happily report racists.

I suspect that Goodes is booed for different reasons and perhaps some may be legitimate (staging, cheap hits, tribunal leniency, etc) but there probably is a racist element too.

I reckon it's fair enough to boo a player who does something unfair during a game but I don't agree with premeditated booing.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #21
Yep fair enough I am generalising a little I guess. But to me it's clear that he gets booed for taking a stance against the racism and if that hadn't have happened there would be no booing. Look at Matty Lloyd biggest diver/sniper of all time but only we booed him and that was when he was lining up for goal!
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #22
It's a fine line to tread unfortunately between quite rightly exposing racist attitudes and actions and appearing too PC or precious.

We are living through a transitional time where new attitudes are  being formed - it's difficult and takes time to get good attitudes entrenched as normal and accepted as such. Sometimes it seems like we are not progressing, so I can fully understand why Goodes gets frustrated and speaks out in strong terms on occasion.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #23
Here is an interesting article I read.

The Goodes oil on racial politics

Posted by: Bernard Gaynor

Adam Goodes says he doesn’t want to just be remembered as a footballer.

I’d say he’s probably going to get his wish and a lot more. Given his latest outburst claiming that Australia is a racist nation based on lies, Goodes is well on the way to making sure that he’s not remembered as a footballer at all.

And that is a pity, because that is what Goodes is actually good at. He is athletic, has great skills and can play the game very well. He’s won two premierships and has twice been recognised as the best player in the league.

But Goodes won’t be remembered for any of that. He’ll be remembered as a sook and Australia’s least favourite Australian of the Year. Let’s hope that we never have another one who is so proud of bullying a little girl into a police interrogation cell.

As I have written previously, that entire incident was a disgrace. If footballers don’t want to be compared to big, hairy gorillas, they should get another job. After all, they are paid a small fortune to entertain the masses by thuggishly chasing a bit of pigskin around a modern coliseum. Just like a bunch of monkeys.

And if Goodes is doing everything possible to ensure he’s not remembered as a footballer, he’s also doing just as good a job making sure that he is remembered as a terrible historian.

That’s because he can’t even get his facts straight about what’s going on today.

Goodes claims that children are taught that Captain Cook ‘founded’ Australia. That’s not true and that’s why no one is able to produce any textbooks to back up his statement. Furthermore, children aren’t taught that this great explorer even ‘found’ Australia either. He is celebrated for being the first European to discover and chart our eastern coastline.

Anyone who knows anything about history will know that James Cook was not the first European explorer to reach Australia. And you don’t even need to be a historian to know this.

In 1985, as Australians were gearing up for the bicentennial celebrations, letters were whizzing around the country with stamps commemorating the other men who reached Australia before Cook and who were even shipwrecked here.

 australia-1985-relics-from-early-shipwrecks-set-fine-mint-24682-p1985 Australian stamps depicting artefacts from shipwrecks in Australia between 1629 and 1727.

stamps navigators1985 Australian stamps commemorating explorers who discovered parts of Australia before James Cook.

And the year before these issues were released was the very first bicentennial stamp issue.

Guess what it featured? That’s right: Aboriginal art.

aboriginal stampsThe very first set of Australian stamps celebrating the 1988 Bicentenary.

So much for Goodes’ claims. Schoolkids have been cataloguing and collecting stamps depicting key moments in Australian history for a long time and they all know that the Australian of the Year is speaking rubbish.

If Goodes really wants to address the lies, he should start by putting a halt to the myth of invasion.

There was no invasion. There was no war. There was no genocide.

And if anyone did try genocide, then they could rightly be described as pretty lousy mass murderers.

There was, however, a settlement. And despite claims of 40,000 years of Aboriginal presence on this continent, it was not until 1788 that civilisation arrived.

It is true to say that the import of foreign diseases took a terrible toll on the indigenous populations.

But it is also true to say that there was hunger and hardship for those who did not know the land. And they faced the same diseases as well.

And there were sporadic atrocities. They were carried out not only by some settlers, but by some of the Aboriginals as well. Any historian who tries to portray these incidents as somehow being central to the story of Australia since 1788 is really missing the forest for the clump of grass way off in the distance.

The big story is that a vast and empty continent inhabited by a small population of nomads was transformed into a civilised and prosperous nation, with opportunity for all. And if that opportunity is not taken, the responsibility does not lie with Captain Cook, or with some hardworking farmer who cleared a block of land with his hands in the 1850s. It lies with the self-piteous individual who has a sense of entitlement that is only beaten in size by his victim mentality.

Adam Goodes should ponder that. And he should also reassess his view of ‘racist’ laws and programs in Australia.

If Goodes is really intent on removing these things, he should get up and can Abstudy.

Why does one 22 year old student get paid $515.60 and another student studying exactly the same course and living in exactly the same conditions get paid $272.80?

I’ll tell you why. Our government says that one ‘race’ is worthy of more money than any other. That would be the Aboriginal race. Hence the name ‘Abstudy’.

It is an inherently racist program.

Now I readily admit that some Aboriginals live in difficult conditions. But their Aboriginality is not central to that. Family dysfunction and a cultural malaise are the primary factors for this situation.

And, sadly, there are non-Aboriginal people also living in the same circumstances.

If the government really wants to address these issues, it should not take a racist approach, but a rational approach that provides support based on circumstances instead of skin colour. And that support should not entrench the problems, but should encourage people to take their own initiative to rise above them.

Let’s hear the Australian of the Year back that.

Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Navy, it's not just a color, it's an attitude !!!

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #24
I think Bernard Gaynor has taken the issue to where we dont want it taken and thats people taking sides and its an example of how AG's delivery of his message has polarised the community rather than uniting one and all in a bid to educate them..
We have Gaynor  accusing Goodes of bullying the young girl and being a sook.......that is how 50% of the population would see Goodes IMO and thats not how he should be thought of or remembered.
There is a fine line in Australia between making your point and being seen as a whinger and both Gaynor and Neil Mitchell are pushing Goodes image as the latter...
You look at Michael Long and seems to have the public onside when he supports or endorses a cause and i think Adam Goodes needs to take a look at how Long projects himself to the public and he would find people like Gaynor and Mitchell more sympathetic and less critical...

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #25
Yeah, I agree EB, I don't think Goodes has done himself any favors.
Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Navy, it's not just a color, it's an attitude !!!

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #26
He is certainly not deserved of the criticism he's copping. Warne has a crack and all the yobbos follow.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #27
He is certainly not deserved of the criticism he's copping. Warne has a crack and all the yobbos follow.

Problem is Warnie is a likable airheaded knob(yobbo) who would tell you Captain Cooks first name was Alistair and he  was a left handed opener if asked
but who has the personality to sell himself and his ideas for better or worse..
AG doesnt have that same media/public friendly image/personality even though he is probably way more intelligent and educated on a variety of subjects
that SK Warne.

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #28
Bernard Gaynor is an ignorant racist butthole!

The Aboriginal population of what is now Victoria was somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000 in the early 1800s.  Fifty years after European settlement, Victoria's Aboriginal population had been reduced to less than 1,000 people.  That may not be genocide but it's bloody close.

Schoolchildren aren't taught anything about that side of our colonial history.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Adam Goodes,unhappy Australian of the Year

Reply #29
Bernard Gaynor is an ignorant racist butthole!

The Aboriginal population of what is now Victoria was somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000 in the early 1800s.  Fifty years after European settlement, Victoria's Aboriginal population had been reduced to less than 1,000 people.  That may not be genocide but it's bloody close.

Schoolchildren aren't taught anything about that side of our colonial history.

I was, I was taught that it was disease that killed them.