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So a 17 year mongrel kid out on bail (again) with a record of 50 previous offences, steals a 4WD, road rages on BNE streets, rolls the vehicle and ends up killing an innocent couple and their unborn child yesterday.  Fled the scene and attempted to steal another car.  Facing children's court today.

Charged with murder by the cops.  What justice would you exact?

Re: Justice

Reply #1
Hard to know, 20 to life is probably about right, but you do not want a jail harden 37 year old walking out of the system so perhaps life.

This is something society struggles with, also I think 17 might be beyond kid(child), in some countries you can legally drive at 16. Here in Oz parents can't stop someone that age leaving home and they can legally sue parents as well, or have and retain children.

So I don't see how they can pick and choose the side of the ledger, if they want freedom surely it comes at a price, which is the risk of loss of liberty that is the burden carried by all adults.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Justice

Reply #2
Whats the BNE acronym?
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Justice

Reply #4
This is an absolutely horrific incident.  I  am at a loss as to what could be done with the perpetrator. It's hard though for me to imagine how such a person could ever fit into society and it does bring out the instinct for severe retribution.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Justice

Reply #5
Never to be released.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Justice

Reply #6
Now find out he was on drugs as well.   

Re: Justice

Reply #8
Without detracting from this person’s appalling behaviour, how do you steal a newish Landcruiser without the keys?
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Justice

Reply #9
Without detracting from this person’s appalling behaviour, how do you steal a newish Landcruiser without the keys?

You probably steal the keys first.

I am gobsmacked at the lack of moral fibre in these people.

Its hardly surprising.  We are too busy worrying about a lot of crap that will achieve nothing aside from a faux representation of equality rather than actually setting standards with respect to conduct and behaviour.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Justice

Reply #10
Equality, like respect,  works both ways
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Justice

Reply #11
So a 17 year mongrel kid out on bail (again) with a record of 50 previous offences, steals a 4WD, road rages on BNE streets, rolls the vehicle and ends up killing an innocent couple and their unborn child yesterday.  Fled the scene and attempted to steal another car.  Facing children's court today.

Charged with murder by the cops.  What justice would you exact?

My answer would be extremely unpopular and politically incorrect, but you can imagine what it is. The cost to society is around 25cents.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Justice

Reply #12
How do you steal a newish Landcruiser without the keys?
Yes, one wonders how long it will be before cars are effectively disabled without the owners presence or permission?

Phones are more secure at the moment than vehicles! :o
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Justice

Reply #13
Without detracting from this person’s appalling behaviour, how do you steal a newish Landcruiser without the keys?

Probably carjacking....?  Far less sophisticated, but little knowledge of car electrics required.  Based on the history presented, I would suggest this perpetrator has no qualms using this method.

And as for fronting Children's Court, at what stage does the ice get too thin?
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Justice

Reply #14
So a 17 year mongrel kid out on bail (again) with a record of 50 previous offences, steals a 4WD, road rages on BNE streets, rolls the vehicle and ends up killing an innocent couple and their unborn child yesterday.  Fled the scene and attempted to steal another car.  Facing children's court today.

Charged with murder by the cops.  What justice would you exact?

When you read that a couple and their unborn child were killed due to the criminal activity of a 17 year old, most of us go straight to vengeance - dash out the pr1ck's brains on a rock, kind of stuff.

Justice is a funny word these days. It did meant something, once. Then along came lawyers. Then as lawyers became smarter, more manipulative, more charming and even theatrical... accountability became watered down, and 'negotiable'. Very wealthy people and organisations know that. Hell, lawyers are taught how to 'use/manipulate the system'.

So if our 17 year old alleged murderer gets the right lawyers... why, heck, there's diminished responsibility due to drugs, then there's mental health issues, awful upbringing issues and the mitigation list continues. So it ends up being 4th degree manslaughter and 3 years... or something like that. And mum and dad and their unborn remain dead.

So, in the interests of equity (forget justice, that was bought and sold yonks ago), what do we do? (Remembering that equity, in this context, is the application of the spirit of a law (and not so much the letter-of-the-law), where fairness is paramount.)

Scenarios like this will just keep repeating until we make serious, very serious progress in:

Addressing in a meaningful way all the components that contributed to a person ending up so fck up that they flagrantly break the law and cause so much damage, criminal damage, life ending damage.

Get a far, far greater understanding of mental health/illness... holy cr@p, it's at the very core of so much criminality.

Prevention culture/attitude.

Truly understand that mitigation (eg mental health issue) may explain the crime but in no way whatsoever excuses, moderates or lessens the crime in any way at all. So, regardless, accountability needs to remain paramount.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17