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Messages - northernblue

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: VFL Round 8: Northern Blues vs. Coburg
Certainly worth trying him there in the NBs. We definitely need to look at all options to get value from him.

I agree cookie, while I don't think he has strong hands, I don't see anything wrong with trying him at chb... IN THE BULLANTS.
He has done nothing to justify a sustained run at chb in the senior team, if however he can string some performances together in the seconds I'll be happy to see him promoted, same with Watson, I'll leave others to judge watsons performance in the conditions.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Round 10: Carlton vs Adelaide Pre Game Palaver
On the late to the meeting/session issue though.
There are team rules, break the rules and there MUST be consequences.
It's not a secret, it's not humiliating to the infringing player, at least no more humiliating than having to show a speed camera fine to the missus... It's about taking respond ability for your actions, and it's also about team building.
If you break your agreed rules with your team/work mates and IF you want to sook and feel humiliated because you are forced to be accountable and honest with them, then you will not have respect of your peers and I doubt you'll be employed for long.

Again I'm just playing devils advocate here, I'll be shattered if this is the situation, I don't particularly want yo see anyone be traded out, but I know that some will need to be for the greater good.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Round 10: Carlton vs Adelaide Pre Game Palaver
Fair point, and i dont know. But this is the time to fake an injury rather than issue a public statement that he was late to a team meeting. It humiliates the man and makes it harder to come back to the group. Given how fractured the group is right now, the management consultant in me says this is a high risk low return play.

We got smacked by 10 goals last week and the week before saw us smashed and lay only 35 tackles. Something tells me that a focus on the more important stuff might be the wiser path than demoting a player for rocking up a bit late to a meeting. Must be a few other players counting their lucky stars they got a senior game again.

Anyway, i am assuming a fair bit and dont know the whole story, but i dont like to see an individual hung out like that for a very minor infringement. Good to see Kruezer back, and maybe we can give it a shake. Go blues

But he's not hung out by the group, everyone knows who's injured and who gets dropped for disciplinary reasons... But he is being hung out for the supporters to feast upon... Is that to motivate him or to allow some to firm an opinion to move him on ?
Are we being softened up ?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: VFL Round #7: Northern Blues vs. Box Hill Hawks
WOW !!
I'd just like to say that I'm stunned to be sitting here...

I can't believe that carrots disagrees with me.

If it doesn't matter which league he breaks down in then he should have played against Sydney last week.
The guy has a serious lack of footy with injuries placing his career at the crossroads, in fact Inho one more non collision injury this year and he's gone.
I don't think he'll actually get any benefit from playing seniors this week and then having a rest, continuity is what he needs, to build strength in his ankles, his body overall and of course his match conditioning.
See how he pulls up this week, but for mine let him repeat in the nb's for the next two weeks then promote him.
He's got a heart like pharlap, we know what he can do when fit, it's worth holding him back for two weeks.
More to lose than gain...
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: VFL Round #7: Northern Blues vs. Box Hill Hawks
Presuming that the nb's don't have a matching bye, I'd prefer mk to build his fitness there until after the bye round.
He's played one game (game time ?) and missed a week and now played 3/4, I don't think it's enough.
By that I mean, we know he'll make a contribution, but the last thing we want is him breaking down again, I'd like to see him play a full game in our bye round and then get his promotion.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain
I think I was pretty clear Brettie. Those who boo give the opportunity for racists to boo, and there are plenty out there. Pretty sure one of our own made a pretty racist comment in the in-game thread. If there's one among 50 or so with us how many in a crowd of 40,000?

Why do you think he is booed?

I think he gets boo'd for the same reason you do carrots...
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Round 9: Carlton vs. Sydney Post Game Pain
I can't agree with you on hendo... We have zip KPP, so we get rid of the best one we have ?
And if we do draft one this year, he's unlikely to produce much for 2-4 years anyway.
Hendo must stay, play him wherever he best serves the team.