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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3195
The problem with this argument is the old eternal one.
I suppose the problem is the answer can vary dependant on when the question is asked, before his rise Hitler was spinning himself as a man of the people, the working class man's hero, afterwards not so much!

Do we see patterns of behaviour that are only really separated by where and when?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3196
I'm tipping the people from the Ukraine would have a fairly certain view based on first hand experience.

And I'd share their view...but others would argue regarding the 'potential' for Trump.
But potential is just a guess, educated though it might be, and until such time as the opportunity arises and the potential is realised... it remains a guess.
That goes to this point.

I suppose the problem is the answer can vary dependant on when the question is asked, before his rise Hitler was spinning himself as a man of the people, the working class man's hero, afterwards not so much!

Do we see patterns of behaviour that are only really separated by where and when?

A whole range of conditions contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany.
You could argue that some of those were externally imposed following the defeat in WW1.
But essentially, yes... it boils down to the 'wrong' person in the 'wrong' place at the 'wrong' time.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3197
Isn’t that what we all thought in 2016 Lods? No way they’ll vote in a racist, sexist liar like Trump? And then at each stage, the delusion continued. Now he’s the Republican Candidate, he’ll steer to the centre. Now he’s the President, he’ll be more presidential. Now he’s lost the election, he’ll admit defeat for the good of the country. I’m not going with wishful thinking. And there’s no doubt he’ll push harder against Democratic guardrails if he gets in this time. He’ll select far right minions to do his dirty work right off the bat and bring the DOJ and FBI to heel. Then he’ll unleash anti-democratic strategies the far right think tanks have been cooking up. Don’t expect the Supreme Court to stand in the way. Clarence Thomas’s wife is a far right activist and he’s bought and paid for by Harlan Crow. And there’s another 4 arch-conservative justices who rarely stood in Trump’s way when he was last in power.

The thing you’ve neatly sidestepped is what happens to Putin if Trump wins the election. There’s little doubt Putin will win big if Trump wins. If the war in Ukraine is still going on, Ukraine will be forked. MAGA is pro-Putin and there are already outspoken GOP critics of the US backing Ukraine. There won’t be anything to stop him handing the Ukraine over to Putin. And there won’t be anything to stop Trump helping Putin back onto the world stage. In fact, just the prospect of Trump winning election will encourage Putin to keep the war going so he can win after the US backs away. Isn’t emboldening Putin evil?

Thry, that’s the thing I love about the far right. They’re all for people having freedom of speech and freedom to live their lives as they wish. Well, as long as they approve of that speech or way of life. Just don’t say gay or write books they don’t like. Or be gay or trans. Or a feminist. Or Muslim. Or be non-white (unless you have honorary white status). Or be left-wing. Can’t you just smell the freedom?

Ills on both sides of the political spectrum.

Communist Russia vs Nationalist Juntas simply obliterate people who arent "with the leader".

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3198
Russia under Putin isn’t communist or even pretend-communist. It’s a Christian nationalist oligopoly or kleptocracy. That’s why right-wingers love Putin - he’s one of theirs.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3199
Putin wants to be a hero and go down in history as a reformer and one who brought Russia back to world domination.
His heroes are people like Pyotr Stolypin who was a Prime Minister who was seen as the greatest reformer in Russian History.
Trump could cut a nice deal with Putin if he was back in charge and both could come away with wins, could be the only way to end the Ukraine war other than assassinate Putin which hasnt worked....Ukraine would be the loser but with the world economy back to normal as a result there might be a few in the USA who might think about it with fears of recessions etc..
Wouldnt be my idea of a resolution leaving Zelensky adrift but the USA have no morals when its comes to money ,politics and taking the economic solution in preference to the morally right one...

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3200
A whole range of conditions contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany.
You could argue that some of those were externally imposed following the defeat in WW1.
But essentially, yes... it boils down to the 'wrong' person in the 'wrong' place at the 'wrong' time.
When you hear and see some of the stuff happening in the US, wrong time and wrong place might be more than valid.

At least in the US we can see what is happening, the media is large and unregulated, in China, India, Pakistan and Russia that is not the case.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3201
Russia under Putin isn’t communist or even pretend-communist. It’s a Christian nationalist oligopoly or kleptocracy. That’s why right-wingers love Putin - he’s one of theirs.

Nah was more referring to the previous Soviet Union Russia and its leftist freedoms.

You know, the ones that ban religion and any questioning of the leader altogether?

Or is that nationalist fascist nowadays?

North Korea

These are Leftist communist nations, not fascist nationalist.

Islam was a tool used by the Ottoman empire to bring people into the yolk of Ottoman Rule.  It was the very thing that drove people away from the Byzantine empire, and sparked the renaissance.  This is where the muslim negativity stems from.  Not politics.   Your lens on Christianity is narrowed too much by what have you done for me lately ideals, and ignores history way too much.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3202
I can understand your antipathy towards the Ottoman Empire given that it treated Greeks as butt monkeys until the early 1800s. But your claim that the Renaissance was a reaction to Islamic proselytising is a bit bizarre. And let’s face it, the Roman Catholic Church was renowned for forcing Christianity down everyone’s throats and putting heretics to death. Don’t mention the Inquisition or you’ll get the comfy chair treatment.

I’d like to see all religions, Islam and Christianity included, kept out of politics. Anyone who wants to practice a religion should be free to do so but they shouldn’t be allowed to force non-believers to follow their edicts. Stay out of our lives and our bedrooms. In this respect, I agree with you that religion shouldn’t be forced on anyone.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3203
I can understand your antipathy towards the Ottoman Empire given that it treated Greeks as butt monkeys until the early 1800s. But your claim that the Renaissance was a reaction to Islamic proselytising is a bit bizarre. And let’s face it, the Roman Catholic Church was renowned for forcing Christianity down everyone’s throats and putting heretics to death. Don’t mention the Inquisition or you’ll get the comfy chair treatment.

I’d like to see all religions, Islam and Christianity included, kept out of politics. Anyone who wants to practice a religion should be free to do so but they shouldn’t be allowed to force non-believers to follow their edicts. Stay out of our lives and our bedrooms. In this respect, I agree with you that religion shouldn’t be forced on anyone.
the renaissance was what happened after the fall of Constantinople.

All the people who fled the islamification of the sultan were the ones who kick-started the renaissance.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3204
I certainly congratulate you on the originality of your thesis.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3205
How Trump presidency could change Ukraine war,
In the UK, which is ramping up its assistance to Ukraine to now include long-range missiles, there are concerns about the implications of a Trump presidency.
If Mr Trump cuts off the supply of weapons, the war will end on Russian terms, which is the West's worst nightmare, says the former head of Britain's secret service, Sir Alex Younger.
"Putin didn't have a Plan B when he invaded Ukraine but this is now his Plan B - to wait it out."

Bashir al-Assad is an evil villain of the highest order who bombed Syrian civilians and used chemical weapons. But he wouldn’t have been able to win the civil war and remain if Putin hadn’t backed him. Surely, Putin was equally responsible for al-Assad’s war crimes. By the same token, if Trump cuts off aid to Ukraine and leaves Ukraine at the mercy of Russia’s war of annihilation, wouldn’t he share the sins of Putin? To give Putin victory in a war he started and is losing when Russian adventurism should be punished and deterred would make Trump a psychopath guilty of aiding and abetting mass murder. Siding with Putin’s dictatorship would be a historic low for the USA. Thank God FDR was the POTUS during WW2. If it had been Trump, we’d all be goosestepping in jackboots. I can just imagine Trump boasting of having letters from that really smart guy Adolf.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3206
If you ever needed evidence this bloke Trump is prepared to burn down the house to get his way, check out much of his media over the last 24hrs!

He isn't just a risk to US Democracy, he is a risk to democracy world wide! If he acts on some of his rhetoric he risks putting the EU to the sword by allowing Putin to functionally control energy for the bulk of Europe, that would leave Europe at the mercy of Russia and China, and that can't end end well!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3207

Orange Steel  :D

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3208

Orange Steel  :D

I was thinking - bronze scowl 😆
Coming together is the beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Henry Ford.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3209
I must have missed something when the Republican's (home of Mitch McConnell) publicly asserted the Democrats have no backup plan for the aging Joe Biden! :o

You can't invent this stuff, it's just too weird!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"