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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4681
Thats the one i was talking about!

Not surprised there is a couple of similar types who fit the bill.  ::)
Yep, this one might also be the one you were thinking of: Right-Wing Radio’s ‘Mr. Anti-Vax’ Marc Bernier Dies Of Coronavirus, HuffPost.

I don’t know whether to respect these guys for being true to their stated beliefs or facepalm over their stupidity. The right wingers in the US have perfected grifting. They say one thing and drive their supporters to follow their calls while happily doing the opposite. The best example was Trump calling on his rally crowd on 6Jan to march on the Capitol building. He promised he’d march with them, but of course he just went home to watch the mayhem unfold on the TV.  Then you have the right wing stoking the QAnon obsession with supposed Democrat child sex trafficking while Trump acolyte Matt Gaetz is actually being investigated for child sex trafficking and another Trump acolyte Jim Jordan argues he didn’t know about sexual abuse perpetrated by the head wrestling coach when he was an assistant coach under him. And the Minnesota GOP is imploding after its big donor was charged with child sex trafficking charges while the party chair failed to heed multiple warnings.

So why didn’t these jokers just say they were against vaccination while getting vaccinated on the sly. It’s not as though they would have had anything to fear if they’d been found out. The Trump base doesn’t care whether they are shown to be hypocrites: all they care about is that they voice their support for their hot-button issues.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4682
So why didn’t these jokers just say they were against vaccination while getting vaccinated on the sly. It’s not as though they would have had anything to fear if they’d been found out. The Trump base doesn’t care whether they are shown to be hypocrites: all they care about is that they voice their support for their hot-button issues.
Umm, ............... ahhh ...................... because they were also morons? :)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4683
Yep, this one might also be the one you were thinking of: Right-Wing Radio’s ‘Mr. Anti-Vax’ Marc Bernier Dies Of Coronavirus, HuffPost.

Nah it was the first one....because it was a 'younger' guy and 'Valentine' rang a bell.

As i stated though, i'm not surprised there is more than 1 though. We're up to 3 in a week and i'm sure there are plenty more we've missed, or coming.

Wonder what excuses their followers will have to explain their deaths. CIA? NSA? KGB?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4684
They all pale in comparison to the flat earther who launched himself in a home made rocket to prove the earth is flat.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4685

Gladys is dreaming.......modelling by the Doherty institute has 1500 people dead over a 6 month period if we open up with 70% vaccination rates. Thats around 60 a week, dont see the NSW or Aus public copping those levels along with large infection rates...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4687
And now for the new Sth African variant which kicks Delta’s arse:  Doomsday’ Covid variant detected in South Africa even worse than Delta strain, Hun.
If this is correct there is also a variant coming in Sth America as well, Brazil / Peru that looks quite bad as well.

But it is interesting listening to the epidemiologists. If a variant becomes is too lethal it turns out it will kill / maim too fast to spread widely, the most deadly virus is the one that strikes a balance between lethality and transmission.

I've heard a nice analogy about pest control. To control pests the best solutions are the ones that allow the chemical to be taken back to the colony and spread before killing the infected. If a control measure kills too quickly the infected die in the field before they take it back to the colony. This is why most rodent or ant control chemicals kill slowly, they allow the control measure to be taken back and fed to the colony before impacting the initial wave. The same applies to the virus, if infected become too sick too soon and pass away too quickly, it won't spread as much. I realise this is little comfort to the families of the departed!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4688
Interesting that Dan is on the front foot regarding a negation of the Freedom Day idea, it will be interesting to see what Scomo does, especially in hindsight of what has happened in the UK to hospitals and emergency services.

The general public do not get it, they think the rules are all about them, the bulk of the entitled general public are oblivious to the plight of the hospitals and health care sector.
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4689
I think the anti-lockdown types had a naive and incorrect belief that if they could blow up Covid-0, Governments would have little choice but to allow life to go back to normal. In reality, the only hope of living a life that approximates the old normal is to stay at Covid-0. Once that's impossible, we'll be in permanent lockdown. Just to keep new infections at around 100 a day requires hard restrictions. And when spikes take it above that figure, hard lockdowns are needed. The only other way out is high vaccination rates, but I suspect there's a big overlap between anti-Lockdowns, anti-Maskers & anti-Vaxxers. If so, the anti-Lockdowners will ensure both that we won't stay at Covid-0 & we'll be unable to open up safely.   

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4690
The only other way out is high vaccination rates, but I suspect there's a big overlap between anti-Lockdowns, anti-Maskers & anti-Vaxxers. If so, the anti-Lockdowners will ensure both that we won't stay at Covid-0 & we'll be unable to open up safely.
Yes, this seems self-evident, so the net effect of disobedience is that restrictions remain for longer than necessary, the cultural tug-of-war.

They are the naughty kid, standing in the corner, expecting to be released by throwing a tantrum!

I'm very worried about the youth, a large segment is too easily influenced by social media, they are accepting of the certain uncertainty to the point they appear paranoid of authority. It's neither a safe or natural position that they take, because there is such bias in how they weigh the legitimacy of the information. Their friend who claims COVID shrinks your dick or swells your tits, is less doubted than the doctor who claims long COVID is very serious and real!

They almost seem oblivious the risk of new strains, and come across as so entitled that they appear dismissive of the concept that things can get much much worse than it currently is, they are already claiming they have been assaulted to the maximum degree!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4691
Let nature take its course with them LP.

Survival of the fittest and all that.

Maybe they can all get a collective Darwin award?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4692
I think the anti-lockdown types had a naive and incorrect belief that if they could blow up Covid-0, Governments would have little choice but to allow life to go back to normal. In reality, the only hope of living a life that approximates the old normal is to stay at Covid-0. Once that's impossible, we'll be in permanent lockdown. Just to keep new infections at around 100 a day requires hard restrictions. And when spikes take it above that figure, hard lockdowns are needed. The only other way out is high vaccination rates, but I suspect there's a big overlap between anti-Lockdowns, anti-Maskers & anti-Vaxxers. If so, the anti-Lockdowners will ensure both that we won't stay at Covid-0 & we'll be unable to open up safely.   

Sad but true. As an old teacher of mine said many, many years ago - 'Never underestimate human denial.'

Seems present commentary puts relaxation of some restrictions at a vaccination rate of at least 70%... hoping for 80%.

As K mentioned, the 'denialists' will simply learn the hard way, putting themselves as front running for the upcoming Darwin Awards. Not to mention how they'll potentially further burdening our health services.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4694
I think the anti-lockdown types had a naive and incorrect belief that if they could blow up Covid-0, Governments would have little choice but to allow life to go back to normal. In reality, the only hope of living a life that approximates the old normal is to stay at Covid-0. Once that's impossible, we'll be in permanent lockdown. Just to keep new infections at around 100 a day requires hard restrictions. And when spikes take it above that figure, hard lockdowns are needed. The only other way out is high vaccination rates, but I suspect there's a big overlap between anti-Lockdowns, anti-Maskers & anti-Vaxxers. If so, the anti-Lockdowners will ensure both that we won't stay at Covid-0 & we'll be unable to open up safely.   

I had a good laugh at your misguided certitude.

I'd love to see some data to support your assertion that hard lock downs are necessary to keep cases down....other NPIs have ben shown to be just as effective.

and quite frankly, there  is ample data out of the UK to suggest hospitalisation rates are being driven by the vaxxed. Go figure.

Is the NSW hospital system really overwhelmed by 140 cases in ICU?

Meanwhile, data continues to emerge suggesting that the vaccines are next to useless against variants. Which is all that remains these days....

So, good luck with your 6 monthly jabs.
Finals, then 4 in a row!