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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 576215 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1230
Rah, rah,

It goes back to the data, the chart. Undeniable stuff.

You can't get your head around it?


Stick to supporting the Blues.

You're an electrical engineer right?

I expected more sorry.
Electronic engineering was a past life, but the logic required sticks with me.

Data is one thing.
Interpretation is another.

I reject your interpretation.

....and you don't know what i believe, not even close.

Because i take issue with some of your points, does not mean i disagree with all of them.
Because i take issue with some conspiracies, does not mean i dismiss all of them.

Stick to talking facts and leave your interpretations out of it.

As for making me think? Don't flatter yourself.
I actually got into a fight with my wife the other day because i pointed out that the amount of media attention this gets is over the top compared to how deadly it is. My angle was from a strictly 'killer' point of view, there are too many other things that kill more on a daily basis. I don't think this is top 10.
However, by the same token, economically it deserves coverage as it is unprecedented.

That being said....i refer to my previous point....
Stage 4 occurred NOT because of an increase in deaths/cases, but as a measure to limit the long term economic damage. A stage 4 will get us back to a status quo quicker than a drawn out stage 3. Dan Andrews wants to end this sooner rather than later, and not draw it out.

THAT is something your table won't show.

Perhaps you should do some more thinking....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1231
This is hilarious! ;D
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1233
Rah, rah,

It goes back to the data, the chart. Undeniable stuff.

You can't get your head around it?


Stick to supporting the Blues.

You're an electrical engineer right?

I expected more sorry.

What a dreadful condescension. FB77, the amount of arrogance required to say that to K is breathtaking. Are you so glued to your opinion and perspective that you resort to a kind of intellectual snobbery toward anyone who doesn't revere your opinion and fall to their knees in agreement, as evidenced by such put-downs? Play the ball Cocko, not the man.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1234
C'mon guys, let's keep it civil.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1235
C'mon guys, let's keep it civil.
My perception on much of this SARS-CoV-2 debate follows my observations about political debate on things like climate change, health and economics. It's clear some debate this in good faith, while others do not.

Seemingly the concept of debating in good faith is absent from much of the social media commentary, and absent from quite a lot of modern media reporting, that seems to be due to the lack of stewardship, ownership and curation. In the old days of reporting all media reporting had attached to it stewardship, ownership and oversight(curation). Anonymity is the main problem, nobody posting crap can be exposed or identified, they feel safe behind a wall of crap!

Modern social media likes to overload the concept of curation with paranoia, the idea that something that is edited is somehow tainted, but in reality serious curation improves content by throwing out he rubbish, while uncurated content delivers the message rubbish and all, which requires the reader to wade through and sort the rubbish from reality. In the extreme those debating without good faith flood the debate with crap, bastardised cherry picked selective facts and misinforation, it is not an accident, it is a deliberate tactic that relies on the reader assuming the total content is provided in good faith.

The worst case of debating without good faith is obviously Trump and Bannon, they basically fill the airwaves with crap. Bannon is alleged to have previously publicly stated his tactic is to fill the media with so much crap content that nobody can tell crap from substance, it's bad news for everybody because the vast majority of the public are not aware of this malintent.

The good news is simply this. Once you become cognisant of the fact that not all debate is engaged in good faith, you can quickly and easily start to recognise the patterns of malintent. That little bit of knowledge effectively exposes, flushes and thoroughly removes all the crap from the debate with almost zero effort!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1236
I'll just add the caveat that not all folk who take an opposing view are acting and debating in bad faith though.
They may be wrong but they actually believe in their words and actions.
The trick is to keep an open mind... read, watch, listen.
Once you close your mind to other opinions you immediately have a bias.
Bias often turns to hate.
And when you're a hater off goes your head and on goes a pumpkin.
That's when the problems start because you can find 'evidence' to support just about any point of view or conspiracy, no matter how ridiculous it might seem on the 'dark old web.'
...and something that we may believe to be true today may not be the case tomorrow.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1237
I'll just add the caveat that not all folk who take an opposing view are acting and debating in bad faith though.
They may be wrong but they actually believe in their words and actions.
The trick is to keep an open mind... read, watch, listen.
 True, the denial of genuine evidence like arguing against basic math is a real tell though!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1238
True, the denial of genuine evidence like arguing against basic math is a real tell though!

Be careful with Science though.
When I went to school Jupiter had 12 moons.
Now it's 79 and counting. ;D  ;D  ;D

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1239
Be careful with Science though.
When I went to school Jupiter had 12 moons.
Now it's 79 and counting. ;D  ;D  ;D
Yes no doubt, but that is a refined measurement not a deliberate misrepresentation.

The tell there is you accept the new measurement as new evidence, you don't continue to argue Jupiter has 12 moons.

I realise some might be mislead but dubious websites, and have real conviction in the argument, but putting blinkers on will hardly instill confidence in the motives behind the debate.

I'm more aware now about the mental health of the people that get involved in these debates, but I've no less conviction about debunking crap as it is remains the primary cause of the duress and many other troubles.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1240
Yes no doubt, but that is a refined measurement not a deliberate misrepresentation.

The tell there is you accept the new measurement as new evidence, you don't continue to argue Jupiter has 12 moons.

I realise some might be mislead but dubious websites, and have real conviction in the argument, but putting blinkers on will hardly instill confidence in the motives behind the debate.

I'm more aware now about the mental health of the people that get involved in these debates, but I've no less conviction about debunking crap as it is remains the primary cause of the duress and many other troubles.

The comment was meant as a bit of a joke but to use it to make the point....

I'm not sure how many moons Jupiter has.
I don't know.
No-one does.
There are currently 79 'known' moons.
I don't discount the possibility that there are more that will be discovered as detection capabilities are improved.
I'm keeping an open mind. ;)

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1241
The comment was meant as a bit of a joke but to use it to make the point....
 I have no detectable sense of humor!  :(
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1242
What a dreadful condescension. FB77, the amount of arrogance required to say that to K is breathtaking. Are you so glued to your opinion and perspective that you resort to a kind of intellectual snobbery toward anyone who doesn't revere your opinion and fall to their knees in agreement, as evidenced by such put-downs? Play the ball Cocko, not the man.

Cry me a river Baggers.

Arrogance? Condescension?

Kruddler's a big boy.

Play the ball you suggest.

I did.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1243
Got abused on my walk (take your mask off idiot... Wake up!!!  It's a government conspiracy to reduce the population by giving everyone legionnaires disease!) by a plandemic protestor wearing a box on her head... 

There's nuff nuffs out there people... Stay safe one and all.

Sounds more like mental illness than conspiracy theorist but, whatever the cause, it’s not pleasant to be abused and particularly when you’re doing the right thing.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1244
Be careful with Science though.
When I went to school Jupiter had 12 moons.
Now it's 79 and counting. ;D  ;D  ;D

The definition of "moon" needs a serious rethink when some total moron idiots in the astronomy field claimed Pluto wasn't even a planet.  The ignorance and arrogance is astounding.