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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7290
Swiss Government have canned CoVid vaccinations saying a large percentage of the population have natural immunity through antibodies and it's not required and it's now a individual matter between you and your Doctor depending on your heath status. The UK are also backtracking on vaccines and only recommending them for over 70s.
However the USA are going the other way and recommending them for babies as young as 6 months....
Not sure where this leaves Australia for the future..

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7291
NB did my last few posts deny that Covid exists, did i deny its effect on the aged or elderly in our community?

I will try again, my main point was that the governments restrictions for the those in the middle aged and under bracket were IMO at odds with the risk posed by COVID in that group and those very restrictions caused more harm IMO in sharp increases in mental health conditions, suicide rates closing of businesses and strains on family then the virus (in that age demographic) did.

Is that very point too hard to understand without changing it to suit the narrative? 

I think the point from the infectious disease experts (Disclaimer, I’m not one, are you ?) is that the larger the unvaccinated (susceptible) population, the greater circulation of the virus and subsequently the greater mutation rate which can result in variations that can evade the current vaccines.
So while you’re 35 and full of cum and are unlikely to die should you contact Covid, you would be contributing to the Covid soup of variations and mutations.
Then our older and vulnerable are truly vulnerable.

Also it seems that people say “I had Covid and it was just a cold for 2 days” but they’re talking of the Omicron variant which is more transmissible but less severe, particularly for you.
Whereas the original Delta was harder to catch but more severe symptoms.
So had there been no lockdowns and had Delta been allowed to “let rip” the forecasts showed millions dead directly, let alone the people who couldn’t get a hospital bed after a heart attack or car accident… remember the footage of hospitals in France and Italy in the early days ?

Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7292
Swiss Government have canned CoVid vaccinations saying a large percentage of the population have natural immunity through antibodies and it's not required and it's now a individual matter between you and your Doctor depending on your heath status. The UK are also backtracking on vaccines and only recommending them for over 70s.
However the USA are going the other way and recommending them for babies as young as 6 months....
Not sure where this leaves Australia for the future..
This difference may be more about the way health works in those countries than efficacy or risks associated with the vaccines, the lowest cost option for the total population is unlikely to be the same everywhere because of differences in public health policy.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7293
So had there been no lockdowns and had Delta been allowed to “let rip” the forecasts showed millions dead directly, let alone the people who couldn’t get a hospital bed after a heart attack or car accident… remember the footage of hospitals in France and Italy in the early days ?
Agreed, we don't need some sudden surprise disclosure from a closed state like China, Russia or India, we just have to remember paddocks and vacant lots in the UK being commandeered to stack bodies.

And I reiterate, the anti-(insert everything here) crowd always sprout "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!" it is truly a myth, it didn't work for BB and it won't work in the fight against a virus!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7294
I see the Baker Institute pretty much put a technical end to the claims of vaccines causing cardiac arrest. Even the most stubborn knew this deep down, we knew it was people looking for something to blame rather than having any real basis in fact. The staggering numbers of vaccines issued and the very very tiny number of cases from all those massive number of vaccines doses exposes the real myth, and it turns out the correlation is a conspiracy theory exempt of any basis in fact.

Of course to believe the conspiracy theory, the anti-vaxxers had to ignore causation of unvaccinated people dropping dead of COVID related heart damage, which is the uncomfortable truth.

The astounding thing that comes out of this, is how gullible society can be when it choses to believe conspiracies!

All hail Rob Skiba!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7295
I see the Baker Institute pretty much put a technical end to the claims of vaccines causing cardiac arrest. Even the most stubborn knew this deep down, we knew it was people looking for something to blame rather than having any real basis in fact. The staggering numbers of vaccines issued and the very very tiny number of cases from all those massive number of vaccines doses exposes the real myth, and it turns out the correlation is a conspiracy theory exempt of any basis in fact.

Of course to believe the conspiracy theory, the anti-vaxxers had to ignore causation of unvaccinated people dropping dead of COVID related heart damage, which is the uncomfortable truth.

The astounding thing that comes out of this, is how gullible society can be when it choses to believe conspiracies!

All hail Rob Skiba!
I cant see the article because its behind a pay wall but was that the study sponsored by the Medical Research Fund and based on findings in Melbourne mainly?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7296
I cant see the article because its behind a pay wall but was that the study sponsored by the Medical Research Fund and based on findings in Melbourne mainly?
Victorian data was certainly part of the study, I looked for the original report but can't find it, only summaries about this study as part of a series of global studies that have all independently arrived at the same finding.

This is the cardiologist who has been the target of death threats from Anti-vaxxers and made famous by Tucker Carlson lambasting her in Fox.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7297
That study should impress Shawny now he’s committed himself to giving science a fair sheik.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7298
That study should impress Shawny now he’s committed himself to giving science a fair sheik.

Yep agree it’s case closed now professor Mav. Im like many on here so thankful for your vast knowledge on all topics and thanks to you i have fully converted. I’ve seen the light.
I’m now a devoted left winger, going to drive my electric car to get another booster tomorrow and will then drop in a donation into to our great inspirational leader Dan s office to congratulate him on such a great job he is doing.
Only thing I really hope he remembers he is still premier as I hear he still has that issue with forgetting stuff. Oh well.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7299
And they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks …

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7300
I cant see the article because its behind a pay wall but was that the study sponsored by the Medical Research Fund and based on findings in Melbourne mainly?

Baker's funding comes from multiple, credible Trusts and thus their research is generally extremely objective and thorough.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7301
Baker's funding comes from multiple, credible Trusts and thus their research is generally extremely objective and thorough.
I'm a bit less trusting than you and anything the Government fund tends to be skewed.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7302
I'm a bit less trusting than you and anything the Government fund tends to be skewed.

As opposed to private funding…?

It’s an imperfect system but how else can it work ?
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7303
This assertion of distrust and biased reporting of findings from institutes like Baker comes directly out of the tobacco industry play book, which is quite ironic that they would assert a public health institute as being ................... ! ;D

Then part two of the anti-vax COVID conspiracy mud throwing is the "Do your own research" mantra, which of course none of them do because the nutters do not have billion dollar research labs, supercomputers or a 10,000 strong workforce like a health authority or public trust.

But the nutters do have Google, Facebook and a personal experience! :o
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7304
3rd hand anecdotes rate well too
Let’s go BIG !