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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #600
As unfortunate as her death was, I don't think you will find any evidence of sustained brutality in her murder, nor is there any evidence of a sustained history of violence by police against white women in the US. I think her murder was an unfortunate accident, and i don't see any proper connection with George Floyd
Accident? she was unarmed and gunned down... the murderer got a paltry 12 years.
From memory Somalian Americans protested with banners and thought he should walk free...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #601
As unfortunate as her death was, I don't think you will find any evidence of sustained brutality in her murder, nor is there any evidence of a sustained history of violence by police against white women in the US. I think her murder was an unfortunate accident, and i don't see any proper connection with George Floyd

"Unfortunate"??  Not the way I'd put it.  AT ALL !!  And the low life is appealing?  Add 20 years to the sentence

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #602
Accident? she was unarmed and gunned down... the murderer got a paltry 12 years.
From memory Somalian Americans protested with banners and thought he should walk free...

If you examine whatever information is publicly available, I think you will find it was a panicked reaction by an inexperienced cop to an unfamiliar situation. I think he fired in panic more than anything else. I do not believe for a second that he would shoot a woman he knew to be no threat.

I understand that there is a contingent of folks on here who favour an Old Testament style, punitive, fire and brimstone approach to law, order and punishment, but that's no excuse to not attempt to take a holistic view of whatever facts are available.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #603
The facts and history of the US speak for themselves. It's hard to see any other motivation for such sustained, blatant brutality, unless that cop is a psychopathic nut job who enjoys tormenting all his victims.
It turns out now they may have known each other, that they worked security at a club together years ago where George allegedly did much better than him with the ladies. So yeah, its very likely he is a nut job and enjoys tormenting people, perhaps he was seeking revenge. Personally I think that any human who puts his knee on another humans neck and murders him/her is a nut job. No matter how you look at it, its 1000% unjustifiable, I just don't fully subscribe to the racial motivation thing every time a african american, indigenous, chinese, middle eastern etc. person is murdered in custody or otherwise. We are human beings first and foremost and ALL lives matter. For every George Floyd video, there are as many videos of african americans kicking the living fark out of whites, stomping on there lifeless heads. What do we do about that? I get the persecution and atrocities races (like African Americans and Indigenous Australians) have suffered and I am as appalled as the next bloke about it. What I want to know is when does it end? That is, at what point can we say say racism is gone? What needs to happen before we no longer say "its a race thing" when a non-white person dies in custody? I want no one to die in custody, that's the problem here I think. I want no one to be murdered full stop, what can I do about it?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #604
Racism is a huge topic and I would safely assume that it is well outside the remit of a footy forum. Overcoming racism is something that is an individual project, and it is something we all need to work on every single day. It is a lifetime's project. The greatest evil exists within each of us, and self exaltation and the externalisation of evil are scourges on humanity.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #605
Racism is a huge topic and I would safely assume that it is well outside the remit of a footy forum. Overcoming racism is something that is an individual project, and it is something we all need to work on every single day. It is a lifetime's project. The greatest evil exists within each of us, and self exaltation and the externalisation of evil are scourges on humanity.
Racism has no place on football forums, football fields, schools, workplaces etc etc etc. Perhaps the problem is we dont discuss it enough. I can only speak for myself but as the son of Italian immigrants, I grew up experiencing racism everyday of my childhood life. I am sure it was insignificant compared to what our nations First People experienced or the African Americans experience. Many people like me learnt (or taught ourselves) to tolerate it and laugh it off, even now. Perhaps that has in fact made the problem worse by not standing firmer against it, that is, calling it out and thus educating the perp.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #606
Yes I have a huge problem with the automatic racism label that gets applied whenever two people of different skin colour or ethnicity have a disagreement, or when something untoward happens to a person in custody. It's plainly wrong, and often used as a political tactic by one side or the other. It's become such a default cry it's genuinely devalued the term racist.

I can understand the problems in the USA, where unarmed African Americans have been shot in the back fleeing police at traffic stops. Sure they might have been wanted and doing a runner, but shooting them dead in the back as they flee is hardly a proportional response.

None of that is applicable to here in Australia, and not at all applicable to someone who dies choking on their own vomit in a police cell regardless of genetics, here or other regional countries. Just last week my associates showed me live streams of #BLM protests happening in Jakarta, that's nothing to do with minority politics, in Jakarta #BLM was being used to target Indonesians of Chinese heritage who are a minority.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #607
Racism has no place on football forums, football fields, schools, workplaces etc etc etc. Perhaps the problem is we dont discuss it enough. I can only speak for myself but as the son of Italian immigrants, I grew up experiencing racism everyday of my childhood life. I am sure it was insignificant compared to what our nations First People experienced or the African Americans experience. Many people like me learnt (or taught ourselves) to tolerate it and laugh it off, even now. Perhaps that has in fact made the problem worse by not standing firmer against it, that is, calling it out and thus educating the perp.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, the change needs to happen in our hearts, and that means all of us, rich, poor, black, white. And it is not a set and forget scenario. It requires vigilance and attention every day.  And apathy is a major problem in this regard.

Also, racism manifests itself in subtle ways - it's not just about skin colour or strange food or being called names. Chris Hedges does volunteer work in prisons around where he lives in Princeton. He told a story of a black prisoner telling him that he never experienced racism because no one called him the n word. Hedges then described to him the public schools in Princeton for the predominately white middle class - all nicely furnished, well maintained etc. This prisoner grew up in a black neighbourhood, and when Hedges asked him to describe his school, he talked about broken lights, things not working, no replenishing of supplies for the teachers etc. Hedges, who has worked in poor neighbourhoods for decades, simply said, "that's racism."

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #608
Two Demons players now to be banned for COVID-19 protocol breaches, Pickett and Spargo.

As unlikely as it is, if any of these norbits test positive they should be suspended for the season, they visit a mate and deliberately roll the dice on a multi-million dollar industry.

It's not good enough! The young kids have no regard for the risk, because they are not in the hazard zone, yet grandparents, infant nieces and nephews are all at increased risk due to teenagers and twenty-somethings ignoring the risks.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #609
Hedges then described to him the public schools in Princeton for the predominately white middle class - all nicely furnished, well maintained etc. This prisoner grew up in a black neighbourhood, and when Hedges asked him to describe his school, he talked about broken lights, things not working, no replenishing of supplies for the teachers etc. Hedges, who has worked in poor neighbourhoods for decades, simply said, "that's racism."
What part of that is related to race, isn't it basically an argument about wealth, is Hedges saying there are no wealthy African Americans at Princeton, or that there are no Caucasians in the poor schools?

Don't reference ghettos, eruvs or other enclaves, that is equally damning to all sides of the argument.

Apparently privilege is about being white, tell that to all the African American, Indian, Chinese or Hispanic traders who had the business trashed in recent weeks. Race has nothing to do with the majority of America's current problems, it's a society built on greed and capitalism.

It feels like a generalist argument. Perhaps the demise of South Africa leaves America and it's Institutionalised Racism unlike anything else on Earth, yet you apparently wouldn't want to be secondary schoolgirl in Nigeria. No matter what people in other regions and many Americians wish to believe or portray about the rest of the world, America's problems are American and bare little relevance to other regions!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #610
What part of that is related to race, isn't it basically an argument about wealth, is Hedges saying there are no wealthy African Americans at Princeton, or that there are no Caucasians in the poor schools?

Don't reference ghettos, eruvs or other enclaves, that is equally damning to all sides of the argument.

Apparently privilege is about being white, tell that to all the African American, Indian, Chinese or Hispanic traders who had the business trashed in recent weeks. Race has nothing to do with the majority of America's current problems, it's a society built on greed and capitalism.

It feels like a generalist argument. Perhaps the demise of South Africa leaves America and it's Institutionalised Racism unlike anything else on Earth, yet you apparently wouldn't want to be secondary schoolgirl in Nigeria. No matter what people in other regions and many Americians wish to believe or portray about the rest of the world, America's problems are American and bare little relevance to other regions!

If you've seen lots of white neighbourhoods, and you've seen lots of black neighbourhoods, as Hedges has, you may be inclined to join the dots and connect race to wealth.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #611
Two Demons players now to be banned for COVID-19 protocol breaches, Pickett and Spargo.

As unlikely as it is, if any of these norbits test positive they should be suspended for the season, they visit a mate and deliberately roll the dice on a multi-million dollar industry.

It's not good enough! The young kids have no regard for the risk, because they are not in the hazard zone, yet grandparents, infant nieces and nephews are all at increased risk due to teenagers and twenty-somethings ignoring the risks.

Interesting that the USA now have a second wave of infections with States that have gone back to the norm...22 states have recorded a spike in cases. They just have no idea in America.....the greatest danger to America isnt Russia, Nth korea or China its the dopey American regime and its dopey redneck citizens who cant seem to understand what common sense is...
Agree on those Demon players....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #612
Two Demons players now to be banned for COVID-19 protocol breaches, Pickett and Spargo.

As unlikely as it is, if any of these norbits test positive they should be suspended for the season, they visit a mate and deliberately roll the dice on a multi-million dollar industry.

It's not good enough! The young kids have no regard for the risk, because they are not in the hazard zone, yet grandparents, infant nieces and nephews are all at increased risk due to teenagers and twenty-somethings ignoring the risks.

Are they playing tomorrow? I know Pickett, at least, was named...
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #613
Interesting that the USA now have a second wave of infections with States that have gone back to the norm...22 states have recorded a spike in cases. They just have no idea in America.....the greatest danger to America isnt Russia, Nth korea or China its the dopey American regime and its dopey redneck citizens who cant seem to understand what common sense is...
Agree on those Demon players....

Not true EB, some States have risen, but marginally.

Most A ok.

Don't buy the MSM BS.
Finals, then 4 in a row!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #614
At the risk of sounding cheesy, the change needs to happen in our hearts, and that means all of us, rich, poor, black, white. And it is not a set and forget scenario. It requires vigilance and attention every day.  And apathy is a major problem in this regard.

Also, racism manifests itself in subtle ways - it's not just about skin colour or strange food or being called names. Chris Hedges does volunteer work in prisons around where he lives in Princeton. He told a story of a black prisoner telling him that he never experienced racism because no one called him the n word. Hedges then described to him the public schools in Princeton for the predominately white middle class - all nicely furnished, well maintained etc. This prisoner grew up in a black neighbourhood, and when Hedges asked him to describe his school, he talked about broken lights, things not working, no replenishing of supplies for the teachers etc. Hedges, who has worked in poor neighbourhoods for decades, simply said, "that's racism."

Not at all 'cheesy', Pauly. Not at all. Truth. The truth might sound cheesy and we might be a little shy to advance such observations in such a critical world, but the truth has a strength of its own which is inspiring and terrifying... depending on where you're at.

Change is happening, excruciatingly slowly... but it's happening. Tiny revolution after tiny revolution. The up side of cameras, TV and social media (when operating at their ethical best) is accountability. Exposure. Appalling behaviour is finding fewer and fewer places to hide. But we've a long way to go, and need to remain as vigilant as Rosa Parks back in the mid 50s on that bus... and as much that has changed for African American folk since then, it needs to change as much again. We tend to measure change in terms of our own lifetimes or the ideal of going straight from ignorance to enlightenment... understandable, but a dash naive. We've a lot of paddock to hoe along with plenty of blood, sweat and tears (shout out to David Clayton-Thomas).

Humans have been prejudiced against anyone seen as 'different' since time immemorial. Religion against religion, neighbour against neighbour, tribe against tribe, suburb against suburb, state against state, national against nation, culture against culture and so on, ad infinitum. Sheesh, so many of us are at war within ourselves, FFS. Prejudice is embedded in our hearts... holding hands with fear, well, often it is simply just that - fear. That's why your comment aint cheesy, but we are changing in the right direction with our hoe hitting stumps and mud and other obstacles, but it is happening.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17