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Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #225
Agree. Cricket is the real loser. It seems to have become just another sad reflection of the screwed up values our world is currently struggling with. Remember "Whatever it takes"?

I think you're right Cookie. Maybe it's a generational thing....

I certainly will be steering my kids away from cricket now....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #226
It seems that the new broadcast agreement will have a “disrepute clause” that will result in financial penalties for CA when players cheat or otherwise muck up.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #227
I think you're right Cookie. Maybe it's a generational thing....

I certainly will be steering my kids away from cricket now....

On this theme you may find this of interest.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #228
Lehman set to resign......Smith and Warner look like getting hefty punishment..

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #229
I find it hard to believe the bowlers didn't know what was going on, what sort of test bowler doesn't notice the condition of the ball changing? Normally, if there is so much as a thread out of place the bowlers will complain to the umpires.

Even if they were not in on the scam, they must have noticed something! :o
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #230


I don't care that other countries players / or captains have done it in the past and only been slapped on the wrist.

For our Australian Cricket Captain do have done this has made me sick in the stomach.  He simply cannot keep the job.

Right! So if he Carlton got done for PEDs this year and everyone including Mark Robinson and Tim Watson wanted us expelled from the competition for good you wouldn't care? ;D
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #231
Right! So if he Carlton got done for PEDs this year and everyone including Mark Robinson and Tim Watson wanted us expelled from the competition for good you wouldn't care? ;D

Slight difference ;)
If Carlton got done for PEDS I'd want everyone responsible gone from the club forever.

Nobody's suggesting Australia be banned from cricket forever.

Smith and Co will have to work hard for redemption...but they shouldn't be written off completely either.

It's interesting, I heard one report yesterday that they were a bit gobsmacked by the reaction at home. That's probably due to living in a cricket bubble where they saw others do similar and get "hit with the wet lettuce leaf".

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #232
Right! So if he Carlton got done for PEDs this year and everyone including Mark Robinson and Tim Watson wanted us expelled from the competition for good you wouldn't care? ;D

Flubbo is slime.

From the weekend he ignores reports that CheatsFC played Merritt under a concussion cloud, and instead writes a diversionary article about SoJ.

Flubbo's behaviour is so transparent, I'm not sure how his contemporaries can keep a straight face when they talk with him!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #233
Right! So if he Carlton got done for PEDs this year and everyone including Mark Robinson and Tim Watson wanted us expelled from the competition for good you wouldn't care? ;D

If Carlton were stooopid enough to get done for Peds this year I wouldn't give a fark what Robbo or Timmy would have to say about it ... I'd give up following the AFL and Carlton.

That's my point ........... how farrking stooopd are these blokes... ?  they should be sacked for stupidity alone. ;)
Da Di Da Di Dar..Da Di Da Di Dar..Da Di Da Di Da Di Darrr ...Darrr Darr.. We are the NAVY BLUES !!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #234
I have a problem with that stance, it's the same reason I wasn't taking a carpet bombing approach to the whole CheatsFC list.

If you some CheatsFC beginner,  and Hird comes up to you and pressures you to join in, some of them will be swayed. They become members of the Dirty34 without really contributing at all to the act.

Bancroft it appears was under the influence of Smith and Warner, they held significant sway over the beginner, Warner was acting as a mentor!

They were not asking him to kill somebody, it was something others had done before and been slapped on the wrist for being caught. The current problem comes about because the earlier penalties have been too soft. But that doesn't mean you throw everybody under a bus.

Some are still of the opinion the CheatsFC penalties were too soft, if they recover to compete at the pointy end in 2018 as quickly as it appears they haven't really suffered enough.

It's disappointing that the AFL are bringing James Hird back into the fold. Fitzpatrick was correct, he should never have been involved in AFL again. But it appears for some the carrot is too great!

But the ball tampering thing, is not the same scale as Roiding Up 34 players with illegal substances.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #235
I'm happy to see our country's administration being the first to properly that ball tampering seriously. Problem is the ICC only grade it as a level 2 offence same as dissent towards an umpire. All it means if someone gets caught they just give away a 5 run penalty and change the ball if needed. The player gets a fine or one match. Not a real disincentive. It's been going on since the day dot and only the dumb ones get caught.

I'm also glad out administrators went to South Africa as it might send them a message too after they just bitched and complained when Faf got caught, which is now twice, and is STILL captain, not to mention Philander in 2014. Let them know what they are supposed to do when the system is cheated.

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #236
I'm happy to see our country's administration being the first to properly that ball tampering seriously. Problem is the ICC only grade it as a level 2 offence same as dissent towards an umpire. All it means if someone gets caught they just give away a 5 run penalty and change the ball if needed. The player gets a fine or one match. Not a real disincentive. It's been going on since the day dot and only the dumb ones get caught.

I'm also glad out administrators went to South Africa as it might send them a message too after they just bitched and complained when Faf got caught, which is now twice, and is STILL captain, not to mention Philander in 2014. Let them know what they are supposed to do when the system is cheated.

The ball tampering itself is not a big deal, it's not like it offers a clear benefit.

I see the current events as being more politically motivated, it's about the hypocrisy!

Even so there is no defense for Smith and Warner, but the penalties need to be proportional to du Plessis and Philander or CA will legally shoot itself in the foot!

btw., A while back the BCCI funded a university to look into the aerodynamics of a cricket ball. They spent a lot of money trying to find the formula that makes a ball swing and a bunch of very smart people drew a blank trying to establish a repeatable and reproducible regime!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #237
The ball tampering itself is not a big deal, it's not like it offers a clear benefit.

I see the current events as being more politically motivated, it's about the hypocrisy!

Even so there is no defense for Smith and Warner, but the penalties need to be proportional to du Plessis and Philander or CA will legally shoot itself in the foot!

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #238

If CA come out and whack Smith and Warner too excessively, relative to earlier cases which can be considered precedents, it'll end up in the CAS.

Some wealthy supporter will fund Smith and Warner to fight the charges, and then people on the CA side lose more than they already have.

CA will not want the penalty challenged, it will cost them too much. I'll be shocked if on top of someone like Lehman losing his job Smith or Warner are banned for life as some want.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #239
A caller on SEN about 30mins ago rang in with a story about Warner from a few years ago, I think before he played for Aus. I won't repeat the gory details but it showed the kind of attitude he had then and it was quite shocking. He was banned for his actions but when he was called up for national duties shortly afterwards the ban apparently was immediately lifted. Mmmm, bit of a problem there I think.
Reality always wins in the end.