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Topic: SSM Plebiscite (Read 136729 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #75
Nothing can be said that justifies the attacks on people for their views. It is unnecessary and ridiculous.

Just to be clear, you are not voting because you think the whole process breeds hate and/or bullying...from both sides?

Follow up you ever vote?
Reason i ask is because all i ever see from 'highlights' of question time is politicians attacking (read bullying and belittling) eachother. Every debate (in parliament) IMHO breeds hate and/or bullying when it gets down to it.

FWIW, the only legitimate 'negative' i can see in this debate, which i don't know if it has been brought to light, is the potential rorting of the gay marriage system.
Something which may ring a bell from the aussie movie 'Strange Bedfellows' which Paul 'Crocodile Dundee' Hogan and Michael "Tell him he's dreaming' Caton.
A very weak argument i agree, but the most logical one i've can tell thus far.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #76
My main reason for not voting Kruddler is the personal attacks on people for their views and as for question time. I see that as an 'arena' and those that enter politics too, they go their to fight it out and to attack and defend.

I see that as far different to attacking anyone with a different opinion.
Oh and even though the draw away from the "Yes" vote is quite strong because of my perception for the way it is playing out. I would never vote against to be spiteful, so the best way to 'voice' my opinion is to not take part

I won't go into how often I do or do not vote, but yes I have been fined for not voting before, because I won't vote unless I feel there is a genuine reason for me to.

I straw polled my own children today, 1 was for, 1 was against.. Both are teenage boys. I certainly didn't feel the need to pull the one who was against aside and tell them that they were wrong for thinking so. I let them have their opinions.
That is all that I wish was happening across the spectrum.

TBH Krud, I can't really see any negative, as long as it doesn't then become a situation where a religion is challenged for refusing to marry a couple because it is against their beliefs or the likes (that has to be considered a legitimate possibility), then that is fine. I don't think most people care if a couple same sex or heterosexual are married or not and I can't see how it will have any significant impact on society at all. Positive or Negative (and I think the same about hetero sexual marriage also).
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #77
I heard Magda Szubanski speak on the subject on The Project. She told a story of how a friend of hers was denied access to their dying partner in hospital because it was "next of kin only". This story resinated with me more than any argument I have heard on the SSM debate. Explain to me how this situation could be deemed acceptable.
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Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #78
My main reason for not voting Kruddler is the personal attacks on people for their views and as for question time. I see that as an 'arena' and those that enter politics too, they go their to fight it out and to attack and defend.

I see that as far different to attacking anyone with a different opinion.
Oh and even though the draw away from the "Yes" vote is quite strong because of my perception for the way it is playing out. I would never vote against to be spiteful, so the best way to 'voice' my opinion is to not take part

I won't go into how often I do or do not vote, but yes I have been fined for not voting before, because I won't vote unless I feel there is a genuine reason for me to.

I straw polled my own children today, 1 was for, 1 was against.. Both are teenage boys. I certainly didn't feel the need to pull the one who was against aside and tell them that they were wrong for thinking so. I let them have their opinions.
That is all that I wish was happening across the spectrum.

TBH Krud, I can't really see any negative, as long as it doesn't then become a situation where a religion is challenged for refusing to marry a couple because it is against their beliefs or the likes (that has to be considered a legitimate possibility), then that is fine. I don't think most people care if a couple same sex or heterosexual are married or not and I can't see how it will have any significant impact on society at all. Positive or Negative (and I think the same about hetero sexual marriage also).

Curious as to what the 'no supporter' used to back up his opinion.

Personally i am very much a yes voter.
Not only for the obvious rights we are voting for, but also to send a message to the government that they are very much out of touch with the average joe in the street. I expect a 90%+ yes vote which IMO would send a very strong message to them about where their heads should be, and its not their rectum.

As for the religious marriage debate, and i think we stand on the same side in terms of religious views, it may force an individual to 'choose' between religion and their 'sexual preference/orientation'. I feel that choice will not go down well for the most religions.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #79
I heard Magda Szubanski speak on the subject on The Project. She told a story of how a friend of hers was denied access to their dying partner in hospital because it was "next of kin only". This story resinated with me more than any argument I have heard on the SSM debate. Explain to me how this situation could be deemed acceptable.

It simply can't be considered acceptable, but most who would be against SSM would be for all rights still be the same, including access in that situation.
As an example, my mother and step father have each other as their nominated next of kin, despite not being married.

Regardless of whether this marriage law is passed, any inequality with regards to rights for next of kin, for property to transfer upon death etc. need to be rectified.
That is an absolute no brainer
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #80
Curious as to what the 'no supporter' used to back up his opinion.

I suspect as a teenage boy he isn't yet ready to embrace the idea. At 15 I would not have been either.
If you had asked a 15 year old me, I would have firmly been in the no camp, I know I would.
I think a lot of teenage boys are still 'against' homosexuality no matter what we teach them.
I found homosexuality something strange and not something that I was exposed to at all.

I believe the 'no supporter' as put would likely turn their views around, but I will let him come to the conclusion in his own time.
Of course that wouldn't be the case if he was hateful in his opinion.

As I have said I am happy to let both my children form their opinions (as long as they are also respectful of others) and feel free to talk through them without me picking them apart.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #81
I was told you need to nominate someone as your Enduring Power of Attorney (Medical Treatment)  for those hospital issues, its different to your ordinary Power of Attorney...


Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #82
I suspect as a teenage boy he isn't yet ready to embrace the idea. At 15 I would not have been either.
If you had asked a 15 year old me, I would have firmly been in the no camp, I know I would.
I think a lot of teenage boys are still 'against' homosexuality no matter what we teach them.
I found homosexuality something strange and not something that I was exposed to at all.

I believe the 'no supporter' as put would likely turn their views around, but I will let him come to the conclusion in his own time.
Of course that wouldn't be the case if he was hateful in his opinion.

As I have said I am happy to let both my children form their opinions (as long as they are also respectful of others) and feel free to talk through them without me picking them apart.

My son is also 15, he would vote yes. I just asked him.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #83
I heard Magda Szubanski speak on the subject on The Project. She told a story of how a friend of hers was denied access to their dying partner in hospital because it was "next of kin only". This story resinated with me more than any argument I have heard on the SSM debate. Explain to me how this situation could be deemed acceptable.

Reminds me of a story.

My wifes parents divorced.
Father never remarried, but was in a relationship for 21 years with the same woman, and had a 20year old daughter together. Lived in the same house this whole time.  (FWIW, He did ask several times. She was just against the whole concept)

She died from cancer about 18months ago. Insurance companies (super?) did not want to pay out what he was entitled to because they were not married and he needed to prove that they were still in a relationship when she died. He was with her every day at the hospital and every day when she later went into palliative care. It took a good 10 months before anything was paid out. Lucky for him he wasn't in any financial difficulty at the time, as it could've made an extremely difficult time in his life a hell of a lot worse.

All of this because of a (lack of) piece of paper.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #84
I suspect as a teenage boy he isn't yet ready to embrace the idea. At 15 I would not have been either.
If you had asked a 15 year old me, I would have firmly been in the no camp, I know I would.
I think a lot of teenage boys are still 'against' homosexuality no matter what we teach them.
I found homosexuality something strange and not something that I was exposed to at all.

I believe the 'no supporter' as put would likely turn their views around, but I will let him come to the conclusion in his own time.
Of course that wouldn't be the case if he was hateful in his opinion.

As I have said I am happy to let both my children form their opinions (as long as they are also respectful of others) and feel free to talk through them without me picking them apart.

I reckon as a 'group' 15yo's may think that way, but generally as individuals they wouldn't have anything against it. Personally, i know that i wouldn't have had a problem with it at that age as my cousin (who i looked up to and is part of the reason i'm a blues fan) had a best friend who was gay at that very age and i was fine with him.
Incidentally, i knew instantly that he was gay, despite being 15 at the time and it never crossed my mind to say anything about it to him. I found out almost a decade later that he 'came out' to my cousin who was absolutely shocked. I reckon i was more shocked that he was shocked! 

BTW, i'm not suggesting you've done anything wrong. Hell, try telling a 15yo me what to do and i'll do the opposite.
Just trying to work out what kind of reasoning he may have used.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #85
My son is also 15, he would vote yes. I just asked him.

Yeap as did my 16 year old.
As I said I didn't drill down, because I didn't/don't feel a need to.
It could be as simple as he finds it 'strange'.

I don't have any intentions of trying to change his view because it is his to have.
He knows he can come and discuss this (or any topic) at any stage.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #86
I reckon as a 'group' 15yo's may think that way, but generally as individuals they wouldn't have anything against it. Personally, i know that i wouldn't have had a problem with it at that age as my cousin (who i looked up to and is part of the reason i'm a blues fan) had a best friend who was gay at that very age and i was fine with him.
Incidentally, i knew instantly that he was gay, despite being 15 at the time and it never crossed my mind to say anything about it to him. I found out almost a decade later that he 'came out' to my cousin who was absolutely shocked. I reckon i was more shocked that he was shocked! 

BTW, i'm not suggesting you've done anything wrong. Hell, try telling a 15yo me what to do and i'll do the opposite.
Just trying to work out what kind of reasoning he may have used.

When I say 'against' also Krud, I don't think that they would in any way treat someone worse if they were gay and exposed to an individual.
But a number would still find the concept foreign and struggle with how to embrace it.

But... I am guessing.. I don't know for the reasons outlined
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #87
All of this because of a (lack of) piece of paper.

Not really!

It's because of a psychopath administrative worker in the insurance companies saw an opportunity to reduces claims, and they are encouraged to do so because if they reduce claims they get an increase in their bonus.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #88
I suspect as a teenage boy he isn't yet ready to embrace the idea. At 15 I would not have been either.
If you had asked a 15 year old me, I would have firmly been in the no camp, I know I would.
I think a lot of teenage boys are still 'against' homosexuality no matter what we teach them.
I found homosexuality something strange and not something that I was exposed to at all.

I believe the 'no supporter' as put would likely turn their views around, but I will let him come to the conclusion in his own time.
Of course that wouldn't be the case if he was hateful in his opinion.

As I have said I am happy to let both my children form their opinions (as long as they are also respectful of others) and feel free to talk through them without me picking them apart.

I think a lot of this anti-gay sentiment amongst teenagers comes from a fear of the unknown. They can't relate, or maybe even some do relate but aren't ready to acknowledge those feelings.

Ironically as a teenager I was bullied more for being gay before I came out than after I did. For most of my schooling years I'd have kids yelling out things from classrooms and it made me hate the person I was or was becoming. Funnily enough though, after I got past that and came out at 17, it was a lot of those same guys who were calling me a 'dyke' etc that were then asking me questions about being gay. Once I explained to them how I was feeling and how it didn't make me fundamentally different to anyone else, the bullying stopped. I had allies in places I never expected to find them.

I think with young people an honest education is the best policy. Let them ask the questions they need to ask, even if they seem 'politically incorrect'. Don't force them to see things one way, encourage them to look at something from all angles. The world could use a little more empathy in all regards.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #89
That is a really good post Navy and I suspect it rings true with many.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL