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Topic: The strange case of George Santos (Read 2909 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #15
Of course, we can't forget, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

Apparently Clinton justified his porky on the grounds that penovaginal intercourse did not occur.  When he finally fessed up, it was to an "improper physical relationship".

The difference in the standards expected of US and Australian politicians is interesting.  Santos can get away with concocting a fictional life, family, education and career while Dominic Perrottet is held to account for wearing a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress party when he was 21.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #16
Sorry, MBB, I do believe it... In fact, more surety than belief.

Trump lowered an already pretty low bar.  In fact, he dug an enormous trench to house his low regard for honesty. And that gave the green light to those already so inclined. The man is devoid of ethics, morality and values... so lying comes easy. Narcissists create their own reality and force or inspire others to obey or follow suit. He has the psychological / emotional maturity of a 12 yr old. Guilt or even shame at lying is the response most of us feel when lying, or, being caught out lying. Narcissists are not encumbered by guilt or shame. In fact they become enraged when caught out.

Trump operates from the Stone playbook - deny, deny, deny, then throw twice as much mud back at the accuser. Interestingly, it's the same playbook Scientology operates from.

In most civilized (??) countries both Trump and Santos would have been sent packing long, long ago.

Here in Oz, Santos would have been flicked long ago, as soon as the lies were proven. The US really is in decline, serious decline, when such known obscene behaviour is tolerated... sheesh, it's even rewarded!
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #17
The problem for the Yanks is they are 'spoiled' for choices.
And I mean 'spoiled' in the terms of rot and decay.


Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #18
I just do not get the US population, a large portion of them seem willing to be defrauded, it's like they want it to happen so they can blame their circumstance on somebody else, like "My crap life was because of my circumstance and out of my control!" Maybe some are so dumb they think "If I vote for Trump he may reward me with a pocket full of cash!", when in reality at his hotels Trump will replace higher paid local staff with low wage Sth American or Mexican imports.
Cambridge analytica have a large say in all this.

There very targetted propoganda feeding BS to those who are looking for it was the difference between Trump getting up or being laughed out of town. They are very good at their job. Remarkably good its scary.

There was a good doco on that, i think it could be The Great Hack (or something similar) which is on Netflix at the moment that goes into great detail on how good they are at their job.
Something like 9 out of 10 elections around the world they have 'got their man' off the back of their targetted propoganda.

Its ironic that trumps catchphrase 'fake news' is what actually won him the election.

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #19
Cambridge analytica have a large say in all this.

There very targetted propoganda feeding BS to those who are looking for it was the difference between Trump getting up or being laughed out of town. They are very good at their job. Remarkably good its scary.

There was a good doco on that, i think it could be The Great Hack (or something similar) which is on Netflix at the moment that goes into great detail on how good they are at their job.
Something like 9 out of 10 elections around the world they have 'got their man' off the back of their targetted propoganda.

Its ironic that trumps catchphrase 'fake news' is what actually won him the election.

Watched it (The Great Hack) a while back, and, yep... scary. Very scary.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #20
Right on queue, Trump's version of golf returns!
While the tournament was set for Saturday and Sunday, Trump wasn’t present for the first day of play, and competitors were reportedly “surprised (although not exactly shocked) to see his name at the top of the leaderboard with a five-point lead over the overnight leader.”

Trump reportedly shot a stellar round on the previous Thursday, with his self-counted 40 in Stableford play placing him five points better than second place.

Trump’s relationship with the rules of golf has long been a tenuous one, with sportswriter Rick Reilly publishing a 2019 book titled “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump”.
Reminds me of the day Trump shot dead Bin Ladin, or that time he rescued the staff at the Iranian Embassy!
The Force Awakens!

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #21
If you're honest you won't win.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #22
No prizes for second place. ;)

and good at sport too

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #23
If you're honest you won't win.

Then what's the point of winning? And is it really a win?
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #25
Well yeah. Look at our premier.

I think Geelong are worthy and won fair and square  :D  :D  ;)
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #26
Well yeah. Look at our premier.

What exactly are we looking at; the electorate seeing through the lies that the opposition and the Murdoch press concocted?

One positive to come out of the election is that we now have an opposition leader who’s up front and doesn’t have the taint of corruption about him.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #27
Looks like the walls are closing in on George Santos, Anthony Devolder or whatever name he goes by now. One of the major lines of inquiry involves the $700,000 he said on financial declarations he gave personally to his campaign. He’s now amended that document to retract that claim but now that leaves the question of where it came from. If it came from overseas interests or from a pyramid scheme, that’ll be a big problem for him. And the FBI has apparently asked the FEC (the electoral commission) to suspend its investigation (which is civil in nature), which is regarded as a sign the FBI is opening up a criminal investigation. But the problem is that such an investigation will take a fair bit of time and Santos may be able to see out his 2 year term before the rubber meets the road.

Unfortunately for Santos, there are smaller investigations that might end up in court a lot sooner. A leading candidate is an FBI investigation into the scam he allegedly perpetrated on a veteran who needed about $3,000 to pay for his dog to be treated for cancer. Santos ran an unregistered charity Friends of Pets United (and the fact it was unregistered could lead to a charge in NY and possible tax offences if he failed to report “earnings” from the charity). He set up a GoFundMe page and raised the $3,000 but then came up with a variety of excuses to avoid paying it over. He then cut off contact and presumably kept the money. The dog died untreated.

Feds probing Santos’ role in service dog charity scheme, Politico.

It’s hard to see how he gets out of this one. The veteran has the texts sent to and from Santos and has a witness, another veteran and former policeman who acted as an intermediary. He also made a complaint to NY police who did nothing. Brazenly, Santos included his so-called charity in his campaign materials. It’s going to be hard for him to deny receiving the money and if he has no documentation to show he paid the money for the dog’s treatment, then he’s forked. Fat chance anyone’s going to take him at his word.

And there’s no silver lining in the story for right wingers. If Santos had scammed a black lesbian Democrat, he would have been a GOP hero. But scamming a veteran dog owner alienates the veteran community and dog lovers. And Republicans love to wrap themselves in the flag and supposedly stand behind veterans and the military, even though that’s mostly a charade.

Re: The strange case of George Santos

Reply #28
What exactly are we looking at; the electorate seeing through the lies that the opposition and the Murdoch press concocted?

I'm sure the kid that got run over wishes it was a lie.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!