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Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #1
It's was her second offense though so she has form on the issue.

They are complaining primarily because they claim a precedent from the mens comp shows discrimination, but that was under an obsolete tribunal system so I am not sure precedents apply.

They'll be even more upset today, Nankervis did the very same to Fisher. And someone did the same I think to Jones in the second quarter and it didn't even result in a free, I think it was Caddy or McIntosh!

If the AFL were smart, they'd get busy citing similar tackles from last nights match and remove the Bulldogs oxygen.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #2

Good on the dogs, disgraceful that she got rubbed out for that.

The AFL really are clueless. I call it the Dunning-Kruger HQ down in Docklands.....

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #3
I think the penalty of missing the GF is too harsh for the offense, but Brennan has form.

What the AFL have done is probably the right thing, they have ruled on the event without regard to the fact that this is a GF.

But lets face it, they haven't been consistent with this in the past. if this was Franklin the week before the GF would they have banned him?

If they are consistent with this from now on then well and good, who the player is and what game is next week should make no difference. Hopefully then the umpiring will follow suit and well see free kicks based on events and not personalities! ;D
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #4
I think the penalty of missing the GF is too harsh for the offense, but Brennan has form.

What the AFL have done is probably the right thing, they have ruled on the event without regard to the fact that this is a GF.

But lets face it, they haven't been consistent with this in the past. if this was Franklin the week before the GF would they have banned him?

If they are consistent with this from now on then well and good, who the player is and what game is next week should make no difference. Hopefully then the umpiring will follow suit and well see free kicks based on events and not personalities! ;D

...or Cotchin last year...
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #5
Like LP said there were tackles last night that were similar and they were not even a free kick.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #6
Life can be too weird.

We are having this debate earlier and I go to buy some lunch. In the queue are two 20 year old men and an older women talking about Brennan. I hear the woman say something like "She doesn't want to appeal, it's the club that is driving it!" I could help I had to ask, they were all members of her family out to grab some lunch!

Turns out Brennan didn't want to proceed down the legal pathway, she thinks she has little chance and has accepted she won't be playing!

Actually, listening to them it almost sounds like the HR lawyers are using her case because it has standing on some other issue, it's the lid on a can of AFL / AFLW worms!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #7
She has given up playing in the GF but she wants the suspension overturned on the principle that she should be allowed to tackle like the men do.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #8
Fair enough, then it is a separate issue.

If the AFL MRP cites a bunch of guys next week for the same type of tackle she'll have no standing, some of the men will be very nervous after last night.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #9
From Science Daily 6 Sep 2017:

Scientists have known for more than a decade that female athletes sustain concussions at a higher rate than males when playing sports with similar rules, such as soccer, basketball and baseball/softball. Females also tend to report more symptoms -- and more severe ones -- and may also take longer to recover from brain injuries than their male counterparts.

There are many more peer reviewed articles exploring concussion in females but it is generally accepted that concussion rates are higher and the consequences are worse for women.  That’s one of the reasons the AFL is tougher on rough play in the AFLW.  They would be avoiding their duty of care if they applied more lenient penalties.

Peter Gordon has been extraordinarily strident in his claims of discrimination, and I suspect that he is the instigator of the complaint to HRC.  Perhaps he would be better off getting up to speed on female concussions.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #10
Unfortunately the "Movementeers" won't see it like that, they'll argue that women have power over their own bodies and therefore the right to put themselves in harms way as they see fit.

Then the "Movementeers" will go back to sipping lattes in Fitroy St, or studying for another degree with tax payer funds, until a girl gets a brain injury in AFLW at which time they'll role up and sue the AFL for failing it's duty of care.

All because it's such an injustice, it seems!

But isn't Brennan playing in an all female competition, and the rules are relative to every other female in the competition, but not strictly relevant to the AFL rules. That seems to be the point some are getting to;
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #11
So we want girls to play footy but not real footy?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #12
So we want girls to play footy but not real footy?

Most aspects of culture and society exits in an evolving, dynamic context. What was acceptable in men's footy 50 years ago is not tolerated now. That doesn't mean today's male players are wusses.

The women should a play a game that treads a sensible line between being close to the men's game but tailored to them. We have enormous amounts of knowledge, information etc. regarding all aspects of people's health and well being - why not use it ?

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #13
So we want girls to play footy but not real footy?


Sexual dimorphism is a thing with Homo sapiens and AFLW must be tailored to suit female characteristics; the smaller ball is one measure and minimising head injuries is another.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Katie Brennan

Reply #14

Sexual dimorphism is a thing with Homo sapiens and AFLW must be tailored to suit female characteristics; the smaller ball is one measure and minimising head injuries is another.

The AFL are minimising head injuries in the mens game too.

The AFL are simply scaling everything from the mens game to the shorter season of the womens game.

Normally its 3 strikes over a 22 game season.
Its 2 for the women over a 7 game season.

That magpie chick who kicking one of the hosking girls in the vagina got 2 (3?) weeks, in the mens game it would've been 4 or 5.

Its unfortunate for Katie, but its got nothing to do with what sex she is.