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Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #405
Just saw, David, you asked the same question...  :))  :))
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #406
Why is the question insulting?

Agree. Given the quotes and other snippets that have made it into the public arena, her attitude to workers and the great unwashed generally, any concerns about her social attitudes and empathy appear to be well founded.

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #407
Because you all assume she is racist and she might be but she hasn't done anything to deserve to be asked the question.

Anyway this was all a distraction after she was called a climate denier.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #408
So Gina does this good work purely because she feel a kindred love for these, the (generally) poorest of the poor ?
Or does she claim a nice big fat tax deduction and get her portrait painted of herself in flowing robes astride a white stallion amongst “her people” ?
Nothing wrong with tax deductions, we all all get some sort of benefit from them, personally I’ve got more time for the guy who gives $10 to the Sally at the turnstile on Saturday arvo then million/billionaires who give large amounts for the swank factor.

In the Australian sense a lot of the “wog” stuff was pure ignorance and as people on both sides have integrated it has greatly diminished but not gone… Which of course leads back to nationalism, which is truly an evil political tool.
I don't get too caught up with the WOG thing.  Only time I ever really got my back up about it was when I was told to go back to where I came from, and that I shouldn't be proud of my culture in the same way indigenous folk are.  My friend and I came up with a saying in school that we would just roll off right back, and that was to say that we were wogs and we are not shy, we would rather eat souvlaki than a bloody meat pie (I did like a pie, but thats besides the point).  I reserve that human right as they should and largely I brought that up for an example of the mentality of the Australia I grew up in and what was "acceptable" of that time, was very different to the one we live in today.

We arrived at Melbourne airport from Hawaii on monday, and as we were arriving at our gate, the pilot announced to everyone that we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we <gather/meet> today, and pay my respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples here today and to thanks us for flying with Jetstar.  This happens frequently in meetings, sporting events and like today.  There is proper social change occurring in our nation regarding this issue and that will continue as far as I can tell.

When it comes to Hancock, its not about being a faux champion or tax incentives etc (you will notice I brought that up earlier as to why they do this stuff to begin with, because there is an incentive to).  The tell is what and whom they are willing to sponsor in the name of that tax deduction.  Scholarships for indigenous people on the link I quoted and sponsoring NAIDOC week isn't just about a tax dodge.   She could have sponsored any organization on the planet and obtained the same tax dodge.  I've deliberately avoided commenting on the work in the PILBARA region as that is linked to her work, and ergo is more about good will and buying her company into mining resources in those areas because that is likely less genuine, but that doesnt diminish that she is actually willing to champion the efforts of Indigenous people and not just sponsor the Swan Districts under 18's for the same net result.

Thing is, she doesn't have to sponsor NAIDOC, and rather than pass judgement on her mentality (I personally think she is more $$ driven than anything else) but am simply pointing out that actions speak louder than words and anything she states will be perceived hollow and apologist rubbish anyway because people are cut from the same cloth as their parents or some other such nonsense.

Hancock seniors views were common place at the time of speaking.  That doesn't make them right but if people cant recognise she would be on a hiding to nothing and putting oxygen back into that discussion and will only server to dig them up and expose them to the world (AGAIN) and fuel additional outrage IMHO. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #409
Offering Australians $2 an hour and threatening to bring in foreign workers is insulting...
Gina doesn't have to apologise for her father but stating her position and the companies position on those Lang Hancock comments and how they affect today given Ms Wallans concerns is a given imho.
People would have moved on by now if she had some common sense rather than taking up defensive positions.
The Hancock website is full of cherry picked articles supporting her position and it's such a small pitiful amount of money in the scheme of things and a bruised ego that has led to this position.
Be the bigger person Gina and give them the sponsorship in full and you will get the respect you want....

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #410
People moving millions or billions about are not excluded from empathy, decency and honest communications.
There are some rather heavy qualifiers in that assertion, and I'm sure the profiles fit many if not most, but it's not most we are interested in is it?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #411
Offering Australians $2 an hour and threatening to bring in foreign workers is insulting...
Gina doesn't have to apologise for her father but stating her position and the companies position on those Lang Hancock comments and how they affect today given Ms Wallans concerns is a given imho.
People would have moved on by now if she had some common sense rather than taking up defensive positions.
The Hancock website is full of cherry picked articles supporting her position and it's such a small pitiful amount of money in the scheme of things and a bruised ego that has led to this position.
Be the bigger person Gina and give them the sponsorship in full and you will get the respect you want....

They don't want her sponsorship.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #412
Anyway this was all a distraction after she was called a climate denier.
I have to agree @madbluboy, the media coverage is reading a bit like mob rule, I get the motives of some are altruistic, but not all, and it's the same story being repeated over and over again. Political and social media rock throwing.

Nobody, and I do mean nobody be they paupers or princes, should have to be subject to and accept social media abuse as a given.

I assert again, what's happening now is a tantrum from those who want Rinehart's cash but not the association with her profile, I suppose they would take it in secrecy! Odd given many of the same people propagate a lack of transparency as a negative against the fossil fuel industry, mining, transport, etc., etc.!

Brown paper bags at 50 paces!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #413
Because you all assume she is racist and she might be but she hasn't done anything to deserve to be asked the question.

Anyway this was all a distraction after she was called a climate denier.

Gina's refusal to answer a simple question about her attitude to the genocide of Aboriginal Australians proposed by the founder of the company she inherited could well imply that she shares her father's views.  A short, simple dialogue between Gina and Donnell could have resolved the issue before it blew up.  Instead Gina decided to walk away and have a crack at Donnell for "virtue signalling".

Gina has made no bones about being a climate change denier, but that was never an issue for the current Diamonds players.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #414
Because you all assume she is racist and she might be but she hasn't done anything to deserve to be asked the question.


If you're on a football forum, and you're trying to speculate on a character profile based on limited knowledge, you go with consistency over surprise. Given her comments about abolishing minimum wage, Aussies working harder and partying and socialising less, veiled threats about overseas workers happy to earn $2 / hour in her mines (basically slavery), you'd be perfectly justified in questioning her attitudes to the downtrodden, the disempowered and those doing it tough.

No, she hasn't endorsed her dad's comments, but neither has she repudiated them, as sometimes, as Dylan so beautifully put it, "the silence can be like thunder."

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #415
Offering Australians $2 an hour and threatening to bring in foreign workers is insulting...
Gina doesn't have to apologise for her father but stating her position and the companies position on those Lang Hancock comments and how they affect today given Ms Wallans concerns is a given imho.
People would have moved on by now if she had some common sense rather than taking up defensive positions.
The Hancock website is full of cherry picked articles supporting her position and it's such a small pitiful amount of money in the scheme of things and a bruised ego that has led to this position.
Be the bigger person Gina and give them the sponsorship in full and you will get the respect you want....

EB, in 2022, do you think the response from the CEO of a company would be anything other than something like "I do not condone or agree with any of the statements made by my father in the 1980s" ? It would be a meaningless exercise in my view and I would bet my balls there would be people who would say "well of course thats what she'd say, what a WOFT". As MBB said, I would find it insulting to be asked the question if I had never been accused of saying something like that, held a similar position, if I employed the number of indigenous people she employs/sponsors and did the amount of charity work she does for the indigenous communities. Again Ill go back to what I said at the start, here is what should have happened:
- Concerned player contacts her employers to voice her more than legit concerns.
- NA shows true leadership by immediately calling in the player concerned and a Hancock rep (preferable the Big Cahuna herself) before the media crap storm broke to to discuss the concerns and come a resolution in private.
Ill guarantee you, NA would be $15M richer and the player would be convinced that the comments made by an individual decades ago are not representative of the same company today.

Instead today, the first thing players, organisations etc do is grab their phones, jump onto social medial and adopt the Ready-Fire-Aim approach and here we are, reputation tarnished for ever.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #416
They don't want her sponsorship.
I think Ms Wallan wanted a bit of empathy which cost nothing, I believe the netballers were going to get a rise in money but pride and posturing got in the way of common sense like it usually does.
The bigger person needed to just give a little and we might have had a happy ending....

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #417
EB, in 2022, do you think the response from the CEO of a company would be anything other than something like "I do not condone or agree with any of the statements made by my father in the 1980s" ? It would be a meaningless exercise in my view and I would bet my balls there would be people who would say "well of course thats what she'd say, what a WOFT". As MBB said, I would find it insulting to be asked the question if I had never been accused of saying something like that, held a similar position, if I employed the number of indigenous people she employs/sponsors and did the amount of charity work she does for the indigenous communities. Again Ill go back to what I said at the start, here is what should have happened:
- Concerned player contacts her employers to voice her more than legit concerns.
- NA shows true leadership by immediately calling in the player concerned and a Hancock rep (preferable the Big Cahuna herself) before the media crap storm broke to to discuss the concerns and come a resolution in private.
Ill guarantee you, NA would be $15M richer and the player would be convinced that the comments made by an individual decades ago are not representative of the same company today.

Instead today, the first thing players, organisations etc do is grab their phones, jump onto social medial and adopt the Ready-Fire-Aim approach and here we are, reputation tarnished for ever.
GTC, Short of a law suit for the reasons why.... I think Gina could do with some good PR. Mining company CEO's apologise for digging holes and fecking up the environment all the time,its part of the job CV.
Eg...MELBOURNE, Australia-- Comments attributable to Rio Tinto chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques

“Rio Tinto will fully cooperate with the Inquiry by the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia while also continuing to support the West Australian government in the reform of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA). We are committed to engaging with the rest of the industry, Traditional Owner Groups, and federal and state governments across a number of areas relating to cultural heritage approvals and processes, and the broad contribution of the resources sector to Australia.

“We are very sorry for the distress we have caused the PKKP in relation to Juukan Gorge and our first priority remains rebuilding trust with the PKKP.  Rio Tinto has a long history of working in partnership and creating shared value with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities around our operations and across Australia more broadly.  We remain absolutely committed to continuing to do so.

“We believe the mining industry has a critical role to play in contributing to the future prosperity of all Australians.”

A Genuine sorry...probably not, but well worded and what was required to move on.

This is the big end of town problem is that Ms Wallan is a inexperienced kid not a Government Minister, not the head of a company or a experienced First Nations Leader. As I said before this could have been settled with a cup of tea, a Tim Tam and letting the kid feel important enough that her voice was being heard by the most powerful woman in the country.
A bit of reassurance and parenting 101 skills from Gina and it would have been happy days instead of the train wreck it is now....maybe I am asking a lot of Gina given the struggles she had with her own the root of all evil I guess...

Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #418
GTC, Short of a law suit for the reasons why.... I think Gina could do with some good PR. Mining company CEO's apologise for digging holes and fecking up the environment all the time,its part of the job CV.
Eg...MELBOURNE, Australia-- Comments attributable to Rio Tinto chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques

“Rio Tinto will fully cooperate with the Inquiry by the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia while also continuing to support the West Australian government in the reform of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA). We are committed to engaging with the rest of the industry, Traditional Owner Groups, and federal and state governments across a number of areas relating to cultural heritage approvals and processes, and the broad contribution of the resources sector to Australia.

“We are very sorry for the distress we have caused the PKKP in relation to Juukan Gorge and our first priority remains rebuilding trust with the PKKP.  Rio Tinto has a long history of working in partnership and creating shared value with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities around our operations and across Australia more broadly.  We remain absolutely committed to continuing to do so.

“We believe the mining industry has a critical role to play in contributing to the future prosperity of all Australians.”

A Genuine sorry...probably not, but well worded and what was required to move on.

This is the big end of town problem is that Ms Wallan is a inexperienced kid not a Government Minister, not the head of a company or a experienced First Nations Leader. As I said before this could have been settled with a cup of tea, a Tim Tam and letting the kid feel important enough that her voice was being heard by the most powerful woman in the country.
A bit of reassurance and parenting 101 skills from Gina and it would have been happy days instead of the train wreck it is now....maybe I am asking a lot of Gina given the struggles she had with her own the root of all evil I guess...

Gina's parenting skills leave a bit to be desired according to her own children.  She is a money hungry cow, but I dont believe she is necessarily a bigot to go with it.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread

Reply #419
Gina's parenting skills leave a bit to be desired according to her own children.  She is a money hungry cow, but I dont believe she is necessarily a bigot to go with it.
Her children are entitled, money sapping grubs.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time