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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #391
That's been her life for over 20 years.  Fox News is obsessed by her, after all.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #392
Things are a bit chaotic in the US House of reps at the moment
Democrats are staging a sit-in demanding a vote on some of the gun control legislation
The most significant thing about the sit-in is that the Democrats now see gun control as a vote-winner.  Even a year ago, Congressional Democrats would have avoided a confrontation on this issue in the same way that the ALP has no appetite for a fight over refugee policy.  This is a seismic shift in the gun issue over there.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #393
Trump's support has taken a battering - click HERE.  Trump is 7 points down and Clinton is 7 points up.  Given that Trump has boasted about every poll which put him in a good light, he isn't well placed to say he doesn't care about polls.

The fact remains - he has taken a beating even In the wake of a Muslim shooting 49 people to death.  How could that happen to a conservative politician?

Trump also seems to waste another benefit conservative politicians enjoy in the public's mind.  They are generally thought of as more likely to rein in debt and deficits.  That is questionable as they are obsessed with cutting taxes which increases deficits if they don't have the will or ability to offset them with spending cuts.  But the non-partisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates Trump will push National debt to 127% of GDP by 2026 compared to 87% for Clinton - click HERE.  Of course, it's difficult to make predictions when Trump doesn't release any specific policies.  For instance, do you assume Trump will build a really wall and, if so, do you assume Mexico will foot the bill for it?  But this analysis makes it hard for Trump to run a scare campaign about Clinton spending the US into crippling debt in the same way as the LNP does here.  Yet another reason he is losing libertarian voters.  They are socially progressive but economically conservative.  He loses on both scores.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #394
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump launched the first in a series of attacks against rival Hillary Clinton Thursday, accusing the former secretary of state of lying to the families of those killed in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Trump's campaign, in a minute-long ad posted on its new "" website, contended that Clinton was aware that the Benghazi incident was a terrorist attack within hours, but "lied anyways," suggesting it was due to a YouTube video.

"She stood in front of the flag-draped coffins of four Americans that died serving their country and peddled the lie that the video was to blame both to the victims' families and the American public," the campaign posted on the website.

The video includes clips in which Clinton stated that American embassies saw violence over "an awful Internet video," a well as an interview in which Patricia Smith, the mother of victim Sean Smith, states, "she lied to me, she told me it was the fault of the video."

The ad is the first in a series of 10 "Legendary Lies" Trump's campaign said it will announce.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #395
Pity he's not the kind of candidate to make that smear campaign stick.  Honest Abe he aint.  He's the biggest liar and crook of them all.  Jumping on right-wing conspiracy theories will only please the wingnuts on the extreme right and he had already sewn up that voting block.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #396
He's a lunatic but Hillary is evil, American voters have a tough choice. Sanders was the obvious choice for mine.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #397
Apparently the Trumpster is beginning to tone things down a bit now as he realises he's heading into the presidential election phase.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #398
Evil?  She's been in politics for 25 years or so.  As with any other politician who has been around for that long, she has made mistakes and has changed policy positions. Just look at Turnbull.  Here's a guy who wanted a republic, wanted an emissions trading system and favoured a parliamentary vote on same-sex marriage.  Yet he sold out all of those positions to topple Abbott.  He also stuffed up the NBN.  But would you call him evil?

What you have in the US is a right-wing obsession with Obama and Clinton.  There are conspiracy nuts who concoct bizarre accounts about such things as Obama being a secret Muslim who was born in Kenya and Clinton refusing to assist the Ambassador in Benghazi.  The fact that one was the first black US President and the other hopes to be the first female President may not be just a coïncidence.  Let Trump peddle the Alex Jones conspiracy stories as if they were fact.  That's evil.  And Trump's bigotry and his reckless demagoguery is evil.  But Clinton is evil?  Hmmmm ...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #399
Good thing I'm not a right wing american then.... ;D

She doesn't make mistakes. She lies and changes her position on big issues for personal gain which Obama highlighted when she went up against him 8 years ago.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #400
Personal or political gain?  As I noted above, you could say Turnbull changed his positions for political gain and any politician would have done the same many times over. 

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #401
How could that happen to a conservative politician?

Probably because he's not a conservative.
He's a populist flip flop who's detested by a large number of conservatives.

The Republican party now has to make a judgement.
They're heading for oblivion whichever way it goes but do they take a risk and try and block him...with all the associated drama and chaos that will entail.
A continued falling in the polls may make that move more likely.
It may be too late already which is why so  many prominent Republicans are ensuring there is plenty of distance between them and Trump.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #402
Trump is now watering down his rhetoric.  He now doesn't intend to ban Muslims 'until we can figure out what's going on'.  Instead, he will ban the entry of citizens from countries with known links to terrorism until they are fully vetted.  He hasn't indicated which countries he means.

The polls aren't quite as negative for Trump as the national figures suggest.  Apparently, the figures in swing states are much closer.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #403
Polls are about as useful as tits on a bull.

Recent polls indicated that Britain wouldnt exit.

Referendum result:  BRexit.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #404
Apparently, history suggests polls are more reliable within 100 days of the election.  It's about 130 days away atm.

I assume the fact that the above threshold coincides with the completion of the GOP and Democratic Conventions isn't a mere coincidence.  By then, VP picks and policy platforms have been announced and the rest of the campaign is about persuasion.