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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #600
It's just a poorly-constructed conspiracy theory.  When the latest supposed assassination is such an obvious crock, it beggars belief that anybody would help to peddle it.  And there I was thinking that Aussies wouldn't fall for that nonsense ...

A lot of naivitey going around you reckon Mav? :)
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #601
Not sure that a propensity to buy into poorly-constructed conspiracy theories is simply explained by naivety.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #602
Not sure that a propensity to buy into poorly-constructed conspiracy theories is simply explained by naivety.

You are the one drawing  all the conlusions. There are many agendas at work in today's world and with all due respect I doubt you are across all of them. I'll keep an open mind for now rather than espouse any of them.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #603

Surely that's enough.

Watching the Republican Party exact it's revenge on Trump supporters as they try to reclaim their party after this farce finishes is going to be fascinating.

Definitely murdering the English language there,  but he is asking the pro gun people to vote against Hilary IMHO, not incite an assassination.  There are opponents better than her so why would he want her replaced?

Thing is its necessary for them to have gun reform but it's the one legislation that might sink Hilary.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #604
Definitely murdering the English language there,  but he is asking the pro gun people to vote against Hilary IMHO, not incite an assassination.  There are opponents better than her so why would he want her replaced?

Thing is its necessary for them to have gun reform but it's the one legislation that might sink Hilary.

What Trump said was no accident, if you believe otherwise you are as naive as his red-neck supporters!

We laugh at the USA at a distance, but reality is we need them to be strong and united. There are infinitely greater threats to humanity than US residents killing themselves, threats that require the presence of a universal policeman.

In my opinion Obama has taken that country in exactly the right direction, they have become a genuine global citizen.

Trump blames Obama for the internal problems in US society. But the reality is it is the likes of Trump and his corporate billionaire cronies that are to blame for the state the USA finds itself in today, not the government! He states he is for jobs, but he employs low cost Mexican or South American casual labour, his actions do not match his words. Is it somewhat ironic that Trump heads a party founded on anti-slavery?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #605
Definitely murdering the English language there,  but he is asking the pro gun people to vote against Hilary IMHO, not incite an assassination.  There are opponents better than her so why would he want her replaced?

Thing is its necessary for them to have gun reform but it's the one legislation that might sink Hilary.

That may be the case....,
But the way it was constructed it can, and has been widely interpreted as a situation where she is already elected and is appointing supreme court justices.... "then there's nothing you can do about it folks."...."Although the second amendment people, maybe there is.”
At the point where she's already elected how the gun people vote is irrelevant.

It only takes 'one gun' nut to put that interpretation on the comment and it becomes outrageously dangerous.
Thankfully the gun possessing people of the United States are a totally sound and stable lot ::)

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #606
Trump’s Wink Wink to ‘Second Amendment People’, NYT, 11/8/16.

People are playing with fire here, and there is no bigger flamethrower than Donald Trump. Forget politics; he is a disgusting human being. His children should be ashamed of him. I only pray that he is not simply defeated, but that he loses all 50 people of the states so that the message goes out across the land — unambiguously, loud and clear: The likes of you should never come this way again.

To the analogy with Rabin's assassination, you can add the 3 murders committed by Robert Dear and the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords.  Robert Dear shot 3 people to death at a Planned Parenthood Centre in Colorado Springs.  Afterwards, he told the police, "No more baby parts!".  This appears to be a clear reference to a video of comments by the head of Planned Parenthood which were deceptively edited to suggest that "baby parts" we're being harvested for sale.  Carly Fiorina, a Republican Presidential candidate, took this a step further, saying she had seen a video showing doctors hacking off the limbs of a foetus which was writhing on the operating table which was just a lie.  This firestorm may well have inspired Dear to go from supergluing the locks of one centre to mass murder.  Dear was found mentally incompetent but, as Lods has noted, crazies and extremists are a concern.

Gabby Giffords was shot by a man who didn't explain his motivations AFAIK but the shooting was preceded by an incendiary campaign against her amongst others which included a graphic of apparent crosshairs over electoral districts.  One of those criticised in the wake of the shooting was Sarah Palin:  Of course, the response was that the guy was just a crazy and there was no blame to be had.

The NRA, the Sovereign Citizens Movement and various militias believe that an armed populace is essential to fight back, if necessary, against a tyrannical government.  Suggesting that Hillary is going to take their guns invokes a scenario in which extremists may believe they have a moral right to kill to defend themselves.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #607
Hilary is Trump's best chance at winning, why would he want her assassinated?

The lunatic left are really reaching on this one.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #608
You're creating a straw man to attack.  Critics are saying it is grossly irresponsible and reckless to float the prospect of assassination for the sake of incendiary rhetoric.  Because extremists may not think it is mere rhetoric.  You'd agree with that, wouldn't you?


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #609
On the list of dumb things Trump has said that's way down the list, the democrats twisting what he said is actually more irresponsible.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #610
On the list of dumb things Trump has said that's way down the list, the democrats twisting what he said is actually more irresponsible.

And it's a long list! :D
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #611
Twisting?  Logic and grammar point to it being a reference to assassination.  No twisting required.  Unless the "second Amendment people" have access to a Delorean which allows them to go back in time to change the results of the Election, what else could they do to stop Hillary appointing gun control justices if she wins?

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #612
Twisting?  Logic and grammar point to it being a reference to assassination.  No twisting required.  Unless the "second Amendment people" have access to a Delorean which allows them to go back in time to change the results of the Election, what else could they do to stop Hillary appointing gun control justices if she wins?

The election is in November.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #613
Isn't Trump all about the noise, the chest beating, the money. Not even his own people have belief in him, they just want him to get the GOP into power and they'll take it from there!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #614
You realise, don't you, that Trump was setting up a scenario in which Hillary had won the election and was poised to destroy the 2nd amendment with her Supreme Court appointments?  What could the "2A people" do then to stop her (bearing in mind his assertion that nobody else could)?  If he was referring to voting power, why could no one other than 2A people stop her?  Can't people other than 2A people vote?