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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2355
Just referencing the old mantra “vote early and vote often” LP.  I reckon that the POTUS’s claims of voter fraud are just the well-rehearsed rhetoric of an incoherent incompetent who is terrified of the consequences of losing.
@DJC‍ , I don't think there will be significant political consequences of losing, the politicians are way too savvy to shoot themselves in the foot by making laws that could turn against them in the future.

But the lack of political action won't help Trump in avoiding commercial consequences, he's been hiding from debtors using the Presidency as cover for many years now, they'll be after him now!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2356
US and Britain in political disarray, Europe paralysed by Covid.... Meanwhile china moving everywhere on the sly.  Last week coal,  yesterday crayfish and wine, tomorrow who knows,  wheat?  Iron ore? A hell of a trade war is on people, they're trying to bankrupt us, you can't tell me it's all "coincidence".

Then again,  some might say so what,  nether us not the planet needs the millions of tonnes of sh1t, low grade consumer goods  we import from that mob anyway.  Start with at your local Bunnings people.  If it says "made in the PRC" on the box,  put it down and walk away.  There are always alternatives.
Yes, but we build glorious large and luxurious domestic dog boxes that fall apart within a decade. When you look into it and pursue quality over quantity and speed, the cost difference is significant and I doubt the current social culture will accept it.

But it's foolish to believe the low prices and acceptance of low quality will remain, a sign of this is a burgeoning distrust of Made in China within China itself. While lots of Made in Australia or Made in Japan items get exported at a significantly high unit price ironically to China, domestic shelves are filled with substandard Made in China or Taiwan alternatives. The same applies to the oil and fuel we export, we sell our good stuff at a premium, and buy and supply rubbish locally gouging the consumer on price because our gutless politicians are addicted to growth!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2357
Some regions still teach the Bible instead of evolution, and US kids think dinosaurs and men roamed the earth at the same time, and many Americans think Hawaii is a foreign country!

Of course, I'll offend some Americans with that post, but if you take offence do something about these issues in your own country before telling Europe or China what to do!

There are millions of Yanks who believe The Flintstones is a documentary.  ;)
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2359
Yes, the election is still undecided, but do we know enough to reflect on whether the Democrats pulled the right rein in selecting Biden?

He has largely delivered what he promised: he won back Michigan and Wisconsin to rebuild the blue wall in the Rust belt and presumably statistical analysis after the election will confirm he was strong with older black voters.

But would another candidate have performed more strongly? After all, it’s pretty shocking that Trump wasn’t blown out of the water given how consistently dangerous and incompetent he has been. Would there have been a blue wave if Bernie had been the challenger?

In Florida, there’s a suggestion that Trump’s attacks on Biden for being a socialist worked. Cuban Americans and Latinos who fled socialist countries such as Venezuela almost have a Pavlovian response to the word “socialist”. If the attack worked against Biden, it’s safe to say it would have worked against Bernie! But maybe Bernie would have appealed to the blue collar workers as much as if not more than Biden. The problem is that the whole campaign would have been Trump smearing Bernie as a communist and it appears from the results so far in this election that the USA is a lot more conservative than we might have thought. Unless progressives failed to turn out for Biden, maybe Bernie wouldn’t have been able to improve on Biden’s vote.

I had a soft spot for Elizabeth Warren as she quite literally had a plan for everything. But I suspect Trump would have chewed her up and spat her out. She fell right into the “Pocahontas” attack. All she had to say is that she had simply passed on family legend that she had a Native American ancestor. Instead, she released an inconclusive DNA test to try to show the claim was true. Who does that?

The interesting “what if” is Pete Buttigeig. Fox News has had him on as a recurring guest to fill the role as “live kill” for rightwing hosts and guests. But he unexpectedly held his own. He is undeniably eloquent. You’d expect as a gay man that he’d have provoked a harsh response from the religious right but he seems to be able to neutralise that reaction. It’s not as though he didn’t have experience doing so as he’s from Indiana. He was mayor of South Bend while Mike Pence was governor. Maybe he’ll be 1 to watch in the future and he may well be a key Cabinet member under Biden if he wins.

Perhaps in the wash up we’ll find that Covid hampered the Democrat ground game. The lack of personal contact with the public may have been critical and may have been just as problematic if another candidate had been put forward.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2360
In Florida, there’s a suggestion that Trump’s attacks on Biden for being a socialist worked. Cuban Americans and Latinos who fled socialist countries such as Venezuela almost have a Pavlovian response to the word “socialist”. If the attack worked against Biden, it’s safe to say it would have worked against Bernie! But maybe Bernie would have appealed to the blue collar workers as much as if not more than Biden. The problem is that the whole campaign would have been Trump smearing Bernie as a communist and it appears from the results so far in this election that the USA is a lot more conservative than we might have thought. Unless progressives failed to turn out for Biden, maybe Bernie wouldn’t have been able to improve on Biden’s vote.
I've heard this from many sources in the scientific community, the concept that Western cultures in particularly the USA is starting to resemble totalitarian regimes they fled. But interestingly they actually see Trump as the worst example of it, which seems somewhat ironic given his supporters rally against the concept of socialism and label his opponents as socialist. Yet to former citizen's of socialist states apparently Trump's disinformation campaign closely resemble how old world Soviet block states use to function in controlling the social discourse, so they find it very disturbing, neighbourhoods watching neighbourhoods, you can be free but only the accepted version of free!

USA society is so very introspective, I presume that is how Trump gets away with it.

The difference between democracy and socialism is fag paper thin!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2361
This election has been about Trump and turned into a popularity contest......Biden isnt every Democrats idea of a President so I think he was always going to struggle in a one on one vs Trump.
However Biden will win as Trumps popularity has waned more than Bidens has increased IMO...
Its more about the aftermath now and can Biden run the country and actually get any major change legislation passed..

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2362
This election has been about Trump and turned into a popularity contest......Biden isnt every Democrats idea of a President so I think he was always going to struggle in a one on one vs Trump.
However Biden will win as Trumps popularity has waned more than Bidens has increased IMO...
Its more about the aftermath now and can Biden run the country and actually get any major change legislation passed..
Yes, they tried hard to shut Trump up but couldn't, the more he speaks the bigger the hole he digs, his own mouth is his biggest weakness and I think we saw that last night!

The new trend is politics in this woke era seems analogous to, "Say nothing and you can't be wrong, and all opinions are equal even if they are ridiculous!"

Finally, what America describes as a poll is more analogous to a weathervane than a scientific survey, most of the reported stuff is made up just like Trumps content!
The Force Awakens!


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2363
This election has been about Trump and turned into a popularity contest......Biden isnt every Democrats idea of a President so I think he was always going to struggle in a one on one vs Trump.
However Biden will win as Trumps popularity has waned more than Bidens has increased IMO...
Its more about the aftermath now and can Biden run the country and actually get any major change legislation passed..

Interestingly EB Trump gained 63 million popular votes in 2016 (v Hillary 65.8 ) and in 2020 so far 68.2 million (v Biden 71.5). More people have voted this year, but maybe the underlying sentiments have not changed that much?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2364
I don’t fancy Biden’s chances of getting anything through the Senate. Mitch McConnell engaged in total opposition for the last 6 years of Obama’s time and the GOP benefitted from it. Why wouldn’t he repeat the same plan?

The GOP Senators have also showed that they don’t care if their hypocrisy shows (e.g. Lindsay Graham’s assertion that the Senate shouldn’t consider a Supreme Court nomination in the last year of a President’s term) . And more importantly, they weren’t punished for their hypocrisy.

Good odds the Senate will suddenly realise there’s a deficit and will demand stringent austerity, thus blocking any attempt to build infrastructure. There will be continual Senate hearings into the slightest alleged ethical breach. And MBB might get a 4 year Senate investigation into Hunter Biden.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2365
Interestingly EB Trump gained 63 million popular votes in 2016 (v Hillary 65.8 ) and in 2020 so far 68.2 million (v Biden 71.5). More people have voted this year, but maybe the underlying sentiments have not changed that much?
Cookie....You know Trumps hard core supporters will always vote rain hail or shine, but the Democrats supporters are no given to rock up and actually vote and thats been the unknown. It is interesting that Trump has increased his popular vote, I think Biden will win still but its going to be a slog like I said to govern in the madhouse that is the USA.
With the USA stuff, covid back in europe you just want shut the doors and sit in your own back yard but China wont buy our wine, barley or our dirt anymore and the reserve bank are printing fake money we dont have so its no picnic here either.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2366

Agree, Biden to win at this stage, but what will Trump do is the big question?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2367

Agree, Biden to win at this stage, but what will Trump do is the big question?
I think Trump will back down from the legal stuff/recounts and the Republicans will look past Trump now to the future.
Biden will inherit a mess that will be hard to fix, a half decent Republican candidate will get in next time IMO providing Trump doesnt feck the system around for a long time with all his threats and BS.
 Trump mafia mate Rudy Giuliani has fronted the media to complain about not being able to sufficiently observe vote counting in parts of Pennsylvania...what does he want to do check each vote personally?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2368
My guess is Rudy wanted to be able to take ballot boxes to Roger Stone’s house and count them there.

Reports of protest rallies forming outside vote count centres.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2369
Trump is going to burn down the house for not getting his way!

The Force Awakens!