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Topic: China (Read 2168 times) previous topic - next topic
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My old 'China plates' have been in the news a bit in the last week.

I'm not sure what they're up to, but the last few days have seen a bit of a flurry of news stories.
Either they're hacking MSN or it might be a good time to extend an olive branch....or at the very least start learning Mandarin.
If it comes to a conflict...We're no chance!



Space Race


The Weather.


Re: China

Reply #1
I can see why they like Trump!

It reminds me of North Korea's Stealth Fighter, that was exposed to be 1/5th scale and made out of cardboard!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: China

Reply #2
I hope it won’t be a case of Australia is to China as Cuba is to the USA.

Let’s face it, The USA has been a bully to countries in the Americas. Most recently, the US backed a coup in Bolivia. But Cuba’s position is similar to ours: it was ideologically in line with a then superpower, the USSR, which maintained strong economic and diplomatic relations with it. But that did little to protect Cuba from the USA.

China seems to want its own version of the Monroe doctrine and considers us to be in its sphere of influence. Like Cuba, we can’t move our country geographically closer to our allies.

Why Morrison didn’t see this coming is beyond me. Taking the lead in pushing the campaign to investigate China’s role in the Covid outbreak was just plain stupid. International politics is like being a school kid dealing with bullies. If you’re a little kid, best keep your head down and hope some other little kid is stupid enough to stick his head up.

How naive can you be to think Trump would have your back. After all, Trump was hellbent on concluding a trade deal with Xi that he could trumpet in an election campaign. He did get one and in fact this may have created an incentive for the Chinese to impose tariffs on our exports. The trade deal required the Chinese to import more goods from the US and killing off imports from Australia would enable them to do this. We were a victim of Trump’s America First policy and he must have laughed at us when we agreed to be the suicide bomber he could send China’s way.

Re: China

Reply #3
If there was a way to cancel all trade with them effective immediately I would. Then an ambassador has the the cheak to call the tweet art and that our PM overreacted. He'd be on the first plane home on my watch. Do these Kents think we are that dumb (like them)?
Im filthy. Imagine the furore if an Australian diplomat tweeted a pic of  Chinese soldier eating a bat with a covid reference.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time


Re: China

Reply #4
When push comes to shove, shove will soon be conflict.  They're headed for it.

Re: China

Reply #5
They can achieve all that, but driving through box hill seems to be far too difficult for them....
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: China

Reply #6
If there was a way to cancel all trade with them effective immediately I would. Then an ambassador has the the cheak to call the tweet art and that our PM overreacted. He'd be on the first plane home on my watch. Do these Kents think we are that dumb (like them)?
Im filthy. Imagine the furore if an Australian diplomat tweeted a pic of  Chinese soldier eating a bat with a covid reference.
If . . .