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Topic: On Topic/ Merged topics (Read 21556 times) previous topic - next topic
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On Topic/ Merged topics

It's one of the strange features of a site like this that threads often drift away from their original intent.
A thread basically goes where he/she wants to go....and lives and dies on the participation in it.

Normally this isn't an issue but at times of big debates and discussions of a particular topic it can become a problem,

It's a problem because it stifles the discussion on the original topic...... and also folk are posting the same things in multiple threads.
It makes it hard to follow debate or even remember in which thread you're arguing a point.

Can folk just take a minute before posting and decide whether the point they are about to make relates to the topic.... or would it be better made in another, more appropriate thread.

Re: Staying on topic

Reply #1

Folks can we just ask a favour.
A lot of threads are drifting off into discussions of Malthouse and club problems.
Even the AFL season thread has turned into a Malthouse thread

We have established threads for those discussions.
It takes a lot of time to select posts to split and then merge them to ensure they're in the correct thread.

Could we just be a little more diligent in keeping on topic

Re: Staying on topic

Reply #2
Once again this is becoming a bit of an issue.
In some respects I've been as 'slack' as others....but we're getting a few (legitimate) complaints about threads being side-tracked.

Could folk just have a think before they post.
We have threads for the Malthouse vs Ratten debates (not sure why we're bothering as both are gone....but I suspect they'll continue.... and I'll probably participate :D) and the ongoing board discussion.

It can be a bit tricky I realise....for instance "who did Yarran play his best football under" is probably a legitimate part of the Yarran discussion.... but
If your post would better sit in a Malthouse v Ratten thread can we keep them there.

Re: Staying on topic

Reply #3
Blame the Mickinites! They are the ones who keep on bringing him back up. I want to forget about him just as much as the next person but you just can't help but respond at times, and it gets going from there.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Staying on topic

Reply #4
lol @ carrots bringing up Mick in the stay on topic thread.

Re: Staying on topic

Reply #5
Well considering lods had already brought him absolute goose. :P
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Staying on topic

Reply #6
Lods was the only one who had posted in the thread since May 2014. The first non-post was you and Mick. :P

Anyway, go ahead and delete this posts Lods. :D

Re: Staying on topic

Reply #7
Okay whatever. Just do us all a favour, whoever keeps bringing Mick back up just let it go. It's not hard to move on. First you stop thinking about him, then you stop posting about him! :D
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Staying on topic

Reply #8
I actually had it locked up :D

That's the reason no-one's posted in it.
I forgot to re-lock it and you two blokes took advantage of it to turn it into a Malthouse debate
 :)) :)) :)) :))

Re: Staying on topic

Reply #9
I know I couldn't believe my luck when I saw I could post. ;D
Ignorance is bliss.


merged topics

Reply #10
Why wasn't this thread just rolled into the existing one under Fire Sale?

Re: merged topics

Reply #11
Why wasn't this thread just rolled into the existing one under Fire Sale?

Fair question....and probably an opportunity to just give a bit of an explanation as to how these things work.

The initial purpose of this thread is  different to the "fire sale thread".....which is about list issues. (what they're worth, the approach we take with folk who want to leave, issues between players)
That's why it's in theCommittee room.

This one is supposedly more concerned with looking at the environment we've created and why it's not conducive to keeping players.
It's a club cultural issue which is why it's in the Bluebloods bar

But as often happens the lines become blurred and 'list issues' turn into board arguments which seems to have happened in the "Fire sale" thread.

Now threads really have a mind of their own.
They go where discussion leads them.
When two threads develop similar lines of discussion one usually ends up dominant and the other dies.
If they continue on a similar path over a number of days the option to merge is always there.....but we usually give threads a little time to find their direction and points of difference before this happens

We can redirect discussion back to the topic, or we can merge or split threads...but these are really time consuming activities.
What you see on the forum doesn't always reflect the amount of work behind the scenes on these tasks and it's often more practical to just let threads go until interest is lost, rather than merging and locking a topic.

As has been highlighted before, there is a bit of responsibility on the individual poster to make sure they stay with the topic and the general message behind an opening post.

Board arguments and Malthouse/Ratten discussions are usually enough to drag any topic away from its original purpose so watch those ones in particular.

So in terms of this's the topic

We appear to be experiencing something of a player "exodus".

The question is, why are these players wanting to leave ??

What has the club done to bring it to this ??

Is it a a cumulative result of very poor player management over a long period of time ??

Are there others planning to jump ship too but are waiting for the right time to say so ??

Is our club so 'on the nose' that no-one wants to come here ??

What needs to happen administratively to turn this around before it becomes a calamity ??

Re: merged topics

Reply #12 can ask different questions, but sometimes the answers are the same. Hence, end up discussing the same things in different threads.

Re: merged topics

Reply #13 can ask different questions, but sometimes the answers are the same. Hence, end up discussing the same things in different threads.

Yes, usually Ratts v Malthouse, crap board, culture, recruiting, development etc.

Most of the threads started by Sheik are variations on the "soul searching" theme.

EDIT : and BTW, Exodus is a terrific album.

Re: merged topics

Reply #14
I believe its actually the second chapter in a famous book.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?