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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4575
We the people have done an amazing job in Victoria but get no credit.  Now we are just being shat on by a power hungry tyrant who is losing control and got himself involved in a pissing contest with the Federal and NSW governments.

Yep and he just waits for the first opportunity to use the stupidity of a few idiots to enforce stricter and stricter rules which he can then loves to confirm this is why the lockdown is failing.

His a piece of work this bloke.

It’s not working Dan and it’s not going to when your wanting zero cases in the community.

But its our fault not his. Ever.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4576
Th floggings will continue until morale improves.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4577
My point is and has been all along that restrictions should be centred around protecting the biggest group at danger the elderly and the sick.
Now you are inventing another point that wasn't part of your earlier post.

The health authorities put the restrictions, lockdowns and curfews in place, using laws enacted by the politicians. They do so to protect the most value resource in a pandemic, our hospitals and health care staff. The tactic is designed to slow the rate of acute cases to avoid hospitals being overrun with cases. It's a pretty simple model to understand if you are reasonable.

It's not about the schools, businesses or social events, what good are they for those on ventilators or the dead?

Unfortunately, it's the dissenters and anti-vaxxers that scupper the progress towards reduced restrictions and COVID safe opening for small business.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4578

I think we will have to get used to lockdowns and masks etc for a while, Israel are busy whacking 3rd doses of Pfizer into citizens and still have very high infection rates. There is no way known we will tolerate the same level of infections as Israel without lockdowns being used. Waning immunity is the major problem, the Israeli data is the best around as suggested and we all know that what happens overseas will be happening here eventually. The Government are going to have sell the idea of boosters sooner than later for those folk who got vaccinated early because Joe Average in Aus thinks when we have 70-80% vaccination rates here we can all stick on our party hats and call it job done...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4579
It's not about the schools, businesses or social events, what good are they for those on ventilators or the dead?

Omg. Nearly 8000 cases of Covid in under 19 year olds in aust.
Resulting in one death to a young man who sadly had a pre existing live threading Heath issues. Can you think rationally about that for a moment. 1 death in 8000 cases under 19. 1 death in under 19 year olds yet that age group is locked up in conditions that border on cruelty.

But hey that one death could be your family member so let’s continue on the way we are till there is no cases.

Absolute madness.

Like I keen saying lockdowns need to be proportionate and ours aren’t and this causes more rated young deaths then the virus ever would. 

That’s it for me on this one.

I will leave it there mate as I get too worked up.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4580
Omg. Nearly 8000 cases of Covid in under 19 year olds in aust.
Resulting in one death to a young man who sadly had a pre existing live threading Heath issues.

I will leave it there mate as I get too worked up.
How come you're not worked up by the 7999?

Based on UK and USA figures about 30% get some form of long COVID, or nearly 2700 'kids'! Of that 2700 about 10% are going to have detectable heart, lung or nervous system damage, that is about 270 u19s that might suffer life long debilitating effects.

Despite all that damage to the kids, we still don't solve this by disrespecting those elders who have died, to state it is just 3 here or just 4 there is scandalous, if you want to debate that here, good luck!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4581
Quote from: Seneca
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass,
it is about learning to dance in the rain.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4582
29,000 hospitalisations for the flu in some 7 months of 2017, but no one called it a “pandemic” (or wet the bed daily).

Today there are 514 in hospital for COVID.


Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4583
29,000 hospitalisations for the flu in some 7 months of 2017, but no one called it a “pandemic” (or wet the bed daily).

Today there are 514 in hospital for COVID.
Yes, we didn't have lockdown for Influenza and look how bad things got, and that is for a disease with an R0 that is only a fraction of Sars-CoV-2! ;)

Luckily the lockdown and vaccines are working at slowing Sars-CoV-2, and now it looks like we will get an effective early treatment with several new drugs proving useful, the TGA has already approved Sotrovimab. But vaccines will remain the cheapest and safest option, and Sotrovimab can't be used for patients under 12 or under 40kg.

Sotrovimab is very expensive;
A single course which is 10 x 0.8ml intravenous doses costs about US$2200, the vaccines cost between $8 and $50 per dose.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4584
Yes, we didn't have lockdown for Influenza and look how bad things got, and that is for a disease with an R0 that is only a fraction of Sars-CoV-2! ;)

Luckily the lockdown and vaccines are working at slowing Sars-CoV-2, and now it looks like we will get an effective early treatment with several new drugs proving useful, the TGA has already approved Sotrovimab. But vaccines will remain the cheapest and safest option, and Sotrovimab can't be used for patients under 12 or under 40kg.

Sotrovimab is very expensive;
A single course which is 10 x 0.8ml intravenous doses costs about US$2200, the vaccines cost between $8 and $50 per dose.

And again, you dismiss Ivermectin (or HCQ for  that matter).

Despite many world experts being adamant.

Prof. Thomas Borody -

(reckon this guy might know a tad more than you LP)

We wouldn't even have a problem at all.

But viable treatment options = no EUA = no bucks for the vaxx companies.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4585
Yes, we didn't have lockdown for Influenza and look how bad things got, and that is for a disease with an R0 that is only a fraction of Sars-CoV-2! ;)

Luckily the lockdown and vaccines are working at slowing Sars-CoV-2, and now it looks like we will get an effective early treatment with several new drugs proving useful, the TGA has already approved Sotrovimab. But vaccines will remain the cheapest and safest option, and Sotrovimab can't be used for patients under 12 or under 40kg.

Sotrovimab is very expensive;
A single course which is 10 x 0.8ml intravenous doses costs about US$2200, the vaccines cost between $8 and $50 per dose.

And who makes Sotrovimab?

GSK, who (essentially) own Pfizer!

Safety - who knows!

Got an EUA, but has a safety profile history of a few weeks....hmmm.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4586
Until the Together study is in, STFU about ivermectin. But by all means feel free to swallow a handful of horse de-wormer if you want. After all, isn’t freedom just the right to kill yourself through stupidity?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4587
Anyway, I’m now double-vaxxed, so we can start vaccine passports now  :))

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4588
Many drugs and medicines are useful as part of a complimentary regime, they can be used to target complex illness that results from cross infections (known as comorbidity).

But being useful as a treatment for a comorbidity is a world away from a drug or medicine being effective against a specific virus or bacteria.

Piling together a swath of drugs and medicines in a complimentary regime to treat one single virus is a bit like opening a safe with a nuclear bomb! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4589
Israel keeps turning up as a terrific example of the efficacy of the vaccines, despite what the naysayers claim.

In early reports of a study following thousands of fully vaccinated health workers, only 2.6% of fully vaccinated health workers experienced breakthrough Sars-CoV-2 infections, and in each case that was following exposure to severely infected patients. In effect it shows full vaccination is truly demonstrating better than 95% efficacy as claimed by both Pfizer and AZ.

The vaccines aren't perfect, within the breakthrough group a percentage of them still suffer long term COVID-19 effects. But even so that percentage, about 10% of the 2.6%, is greatly reduced relative to the unvaccinated cohort. In effect only 0.27% of vaccinated experienced long term Sars-CoV-2 effects versus about 15% of the unvaccinated cohort!

The official report and final figures should be available within the next month or so.
The Force Awakens!