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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5655
Anyone wonder why Ivermectin was being pushed?

Australians still keen to buy Covid-19 drug ivermectin, as misinformation complaints are investigated,

According to hacked data provided to The Intercept, a network of health care providers pocketed millions of dollars selling drugs like ivermectin through online consultations.

It found that America’s Frontline Doctors, a right-wing group founded last year to promote pro-Trump doctors during the pandemic, was working with a small network of health care companies to create concern around vaccines, and to push people into investing in unproven treatments.

At least $15 million was reportedly spent by patients on consultations and medications combined, with some people paying exorbitant prices for drugs like ivermectin.

And I thought they were doing it to help people ...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5656
Judge dismisses challenges to NSW COVID-19 vaccination orders for workers,
The judgment was broadcast over a live stream on YouTube where some 40,000 people watched. Let’s hope the vaccine hesitant now have another reason to stop tilting at windmills and get their jabs like responsible citizens do for the public good.

Of course, the Victorian challenges may be able to find more support in the bill of rights, but the more general notion that vaccine mandates are unfair and unreasonable has taken a major hit.

It will be appealed.

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5657
Anyone wonder why Ivermectin was being pushed?

Australians still keen to buy Covid-19 drug ivermectin, as misinformation complaints are investigated,

And I thought they were doing it to help people ...

You need to get out more Mav.

It works.

Funny how these new pills are so wonderful, with a lower efficacy....hmmm.

Wait? They cost 100x as much? That can't be....surely...

Thomas Borody says hi. To your missus too.

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5658
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5659
I didn’t realise the drug has its own website. it must work against Covid, then.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5660
It will be appealed.
When do you think the judgment of the appellate court will be handed down? If it’s well after the start of the vaccine mandate, how many just get vaccinated rather than waiting? Time’s against the anti-vaxxers (as well as 1 Supreme Court Judge).

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5661
Good to see an anti-vaxxer baggage handler with Virgin enjoyed his freedom so much he infected 7 co-workers and sent at least 50 into isolation. Of course, maybe those 57 or more didn’t feel as free as they would have liked.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5662
Good to see an anti-vaxxer baggage handler with Virgin enjoyed his freedom so much he infected 7 co-workers and sent at least 50 into isolation. Of course, maybe those 57 or more didn’t feel as free as they would have liked.
Local case in my area - was told he had a dozen mates over, even though he knew he had Covid, didn’t give them the decency of telling them and alas he is in hospital and they all have Covid hoping they don’t end up with their mate.

This is one story of countless. And the stats yesterday were 67% of new infections were under 40.  So the pretend tradie anti vax freedom fighters really didn’t know what they were talking about. Who’d have thought.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5663
That's shameful.

I hope the authorities don't engage in discrimination with this guy. If he manages to get out of hospital, they should throw him in jail as he's just a criminal. And they shouldn't segregate him even if he doesn't like mainstream.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5664
Who would have thunk that Trump would trump a quick fix profit making enterprise that kills 3rd world citizens over a drug that might actually help people. The least racist man in America, ....................... or a hidden agenda!

There are good things that come out of this, the snake oil providers made so much Ivermectin and have so much excess where it was banned that it's getting cheaper and cheaper to worm our horses! ;D

The only trouble is, we've been warned by the veterinarians that a lot of the cheap stuff is ex-black market coming out of dodgy providers and is fake, like magnesium tablets blended with all sorts of fillers, fake seems to be a common trend in that whole Ivermectin supply chain saga! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5665
Interesting outcome of Clive Palmer’s move to boost HCQ use. He imported bulk quantities for use against Covid which he wanted to donate to the Federal Government. But he conditioned the donation on a sticker thanking Palmer for providing the HCQ which had to be attached to every box/dose. The Federal Govt instead publicly praised him but this wasn’t enough. Now thousands of doses are about to be destroyed rather than used to address health issues for which they were originally designed.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5666
Interesting outcome of Clive Palmer’s move to boost HCQ use. He imported bulk quantities for use against Covid which he wanted to donate to the Federal Government. But he conditioned the donation on a sticker thanking Palmer for providing the HCQ which had to be attached to every box/dose. The Federal Govt instead publicly praised him but this wasn’t enough. Now thousands of doses are about to be destroyed rather than used to address health issues for which they were originally designed.
HCQ has some use in co-morbidities, provided diagnosis and treatment of an associated condition is completed early enough, so that is a hell of a waste!

I can see it wouldn't be donated to the 3rd world state as it may be sold off for profit as a COVID preventative / cure which it isn't. But there is evidence in tropical zones that if you get certain secondary bacterial infection or co-infection of something like Dengue or Malaria that some HCQ treatment could be of some use. However, because there are issues of liver and kidney damage it's not something they can just hand out, it has to be done in a suitable supervised environment. HCQ acts on the secondary infections, not Sars-CoV-2.
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5667
Apparently lupus sufferers pleaded for it to be made available to them (and HCQ is used for rheumatoid arthritis as well). They found it hard to obtain HCQ when it was the forerunner to Ivermectin.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5668
Apparently lupus sufferers pleaded for it to be made available to them (and HCQ is used for rheumatoid arthritis as well). They found it hard to obtain HCQ when it was the forerunner to Ivermectin.
Yes thanks for that reminder, I often forget about the deleterious supply chain effects of the fake cure pushers.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5669
There is something I do not understand about all this pandemic and vaccine stuff going on. COVID now approaches the road toll, while under restrictions it's about as deadly as drink driving, if let run free it will/would become far worse, I'm not sure what toll smoking has, but it is also unequivocally bad.

For both those issues the Feds run stark shock campaigns designed to make people very aware of the real world effects, but for COVID nothing! Yet death from COVID is as an ugly and expensive end as lung cancer or emphysema.

Why not show the public the real world effects, we've been doing it for other causes for years? :o

I worry that the reason we don't is because many in the political system are sceptics, it is a bit like climate change!
The Force Awakens!