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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7260
LP, stop spinning things mate.  

You can't just admit they got this particular vaccine wrong and that's why its now banned. 

You're downplaying it saying 'Adverse reactions to vaccines are normal'

You're better than that LP.

The AZ vaccine isn't banned.  It's no longer manufactured because it has been superseded by vaccines that are more effective against the recent COVID strains.

TTS was a known, very rare side effect of AZ that affected up to three people per 100,000 vaccines.  It can be treated easily and effectively.

The Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine can cause seizures, unusual bleeding or bruising and can be life-threatening for people with immune system problems.  Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura develops in one of every 24,000 children vaccinated.

But don't let the science get in the way of a good conspiracy theory  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7261
The AZ vaccine isn't banned.  It's no longer manufactured because it has been superseded by vaccines that are more effective against the recent COVID strains.

TTS was a known, very rare side effect of AZ that affected up to three people per 100,000 vaccines.  It can be treated easily and effectively.

The Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine can cause seizures, unusual bleeding or bruising and can be life-threatening for people with immune system problems.  Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura develops in one of every 24,000 children vaccinated.

But don't let the science get in the way of a good conspiracy theory  :)

No conspiracy theory mate. So typical that when it’s proven now you turn to playing with words. Spin it any way you want - It’s no longer produced for a reason!

But you keep your head down now and keep following the science…..🤨

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7262
No conspiracy theory mate. So typical that when it’s proven now you turn to playing with words. Spin it any way you want - It’s no longer produced for a reason!

But you keep your head down now and keep following the science…..🤨

What has been proven Shawny, that one vaccine has been superseded by newer vaccines?  That's hardly earthshattering!

The Moderna Spikevax vaccine is no longer in production.  What's the real reason for that; surely it can't just be that Moderna is now producing a bivalent vaccine?

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7263
LP, stop spinning things mate.
Unfortunately most of the anti-vaccination sentiment is based purely on figures built from voluntary reporting like the Yellow Card system or the various US or European equivalents, as far as I can tell in the US there is at least one system for every political party, and those figures are as reliable as asking Dangerflog for opinion on a Carlton tribunal infringement.

Statistics bring the vaccine panic merchants undone, for example if you drove to get your vaccine shot you are nearly 1000x more likely to be injured from the drive than the vaccine, keep on trucking. But of course we can always claim a global conspiracy to hide deaths, rounds things off nicely! ;D

As for the official figures (rounded off noicely by moi) to August 2022 from the TGA, not from Weird Al or News Ltd.
64M Doses
136K Adverse Effects( 80K Comirnaty(Pfizer) , 40K Vaxzevera(Az), 8K Spikevax(Moderna) )
Potential Links to deaths 13 (Identified from approximately 900 claims!)

So we can equate that means 1:100 claims of death have a potential link, or 99:100 claims of death have no link at all.

My understanding of those potential 13 deaths, it highly likely that 2 are certified as related to a vaccine, which is about the global average for vaccines et. al..!

We kill people with vehicles (Mostly cars) at the rate of 4.5 people for every 100,000 trips, that equates to nearly 3000 deaths per 64 Million trips!

( Actually, the simple extrapolation is only approximate, an actuary can advise you the real figure is much worse when trip length is taken into account. The incident rate is a curve it is not linear, and what is a trip? My friend who is an actuary will advise road users are more likely to die on a short trip close to home or on a regular route where you are less safe than going to a never before visited venue. But this definition varies because a short trip close to home or a regular route is different from someone living in Carlton versus Wave Rock. They think it is related to driver complacency and familiarity perhaps causing drivers to over estimate ability or not observing / anticipating local road changes. For him that Youi ad that claims reduced insurance for short trips is offensive! )

It seems a "short regular road trip" is like walking down a staircase while talking!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7264
Unfortunately most of the anti-vaccination sentiment is based purely on figures built from voluntary reporting like the Yellow Card system or the various US or European equivalents, as far as I can tell in the US there is at least one system for every political party, and those figures are as reliable as asking Dangerflog for opinion on a Carlton tribunal infringement.

Statistics bring the vaccine panic merchants undone, for example if you drove to get your vaccine shot you are nearly 1000x more likely to be injured from the drive than the vaccine, keep on trucking. But of course we can always claim a global conspiracy to hide deaths, rounds things off nicely! ;D

As for the official figures (rounded off noicely by moi) to August 2022 from the TGA, not from Weird Al or News Ltd.
64M Doses
136K Adverse Effects( 80K Comirnaty(Pfizer) , 40K Vaxzevera(Az), 8K Spikevax(Moderna) )
Potential Links to deaths 13 (Identified from approximately 900 claims!)

So we can equate that means 1:100 claims of death have a potential link, or 99:100 claims of death have no link at all.

My understanding of those potential 13 deaths, it highly likely that 2 are certified as related to a vaccine, which is about the global average for vaccines et. al..!

We kill people with vehicles (Mostly cars) at the rate of 4.5 people for every 100,000 trips, that equates to nearly 3000 deaths per 64 Million trips!

( Actually, the simple extrapolation is only approximate, an actuary can advise you the real figure is much worse when trip length is taken into account. The incident rate is a curve it is not linear, and what is a trip? My friend who is an actuary will advise road users are more likely to die on a short trip close to home or on a regular route where you are less safe than going to a never before visited venue. But this definition varies because a short trip close to home or a regular route is different from someone living in Carlton versus Wave Rock. They think it is related to driver complacency and familiarity perhaps causing drivers to over estimate ability or not observing / anticipating local road changes. For him that Youi ad that claims reduced insurance for short trips is offensive! )

It seems a "short regular road trip" is like walking down a staircase while talking!
LP, because you seem to quickly be able to find reliable sources to stat 'facts' relating to the vaccine roll out would you also be as willing to use the same reliable sources to advise what our Covid mortality rate was once contracting Covid in the groups below.

Over 70s
Under 30s

Please don't add any spin just tell me the figures please that's all im interested in.



Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7265
LP, because you seem to quickly be able to find reliable sources to stat 'facts' relating to the vaccine roll out would you also be as willing to use the same reliable sources to advise what our Covid mortality rate was once contracting Covid in the groups below.

Over 70s
Under 30s

Please don't add any spin just tell me the figures please that's all im interested in.
There is no spin in my posts, you only assert that because you either disagree or do not believe the science, I can't help you with that.

The best apolitical source for your request is the ABS, it's not controlled by any political party or State and just works as a bureaucracy to collect the data. The screen grab of the data as linked from Oct 2022 is below.

The only qualification I would put on it is that some in the RACGP question the usefulness because in Australia there is no Federal standard, the States have different rules and regulations about the the way records are created and maintained. Some in the RACGP claim certain locations under-report, some have different definitions of "death from COVID" versus "death with COVID", etc., etc., the under-reporting allegation seems mostly motivated by economic reasons, in much the same way it has been shown that India's "extraordinary COVID success" turned out to be completely bogus, India's commercial media is 100% run and controlled by the Indian Government, it didn't even report lockdowns that we now know were even harder than those we had here!

Keep in mind, the figures since Oct 2022 might be equally alarming, it looks like some demographics are being smashed by the new variant now that lockdowns are over. The media and politicians might have moved on, but the virus didn't!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7266
There is no spin in my posts, you only assert that because you either disagree or do not believe the science, I can't help you with that.

The best apolitical source for your request is the ABS, it's not controlled by any political party or State and just works as a bureaucracy to collect the data. The screen grab of the data as linked from Oct 2022 is below.

The only qualification I would put on it is that some in the RACGP question the usefulness because in Australia there is no Federal standard, the States have different rules and regulations about the the way records are created and maintained. Some in the RACGP claim certain locations under-report, some have different definitions of "death from COVID" versus "death with COVID", etc., etc., the under-reporting allegation seems mostly motivated by economic reasons, in much the same way it has been shown that India's "extraordinary COVID success" turned out to be completely bogus, India's commercial media is 100% run and controlled by the Indian Government, it didn't even report lockdowns that we now know were even harder than those we had here!

Keep in mind, the figures since Oct 2022 might be equally alarming, it looks like some demographics are being smashed by the new variant now that lockdowns are over. The media and politicians might have moved on, but the virus didn't!

Ok so from when the virus started to Oct 22 there has been a total of 10620 Australian deaths in a population of circa 25-26Mil

Therefore 1 out of every 2400 man women and child died from covid which includes the elderly and those with pre existing health issues.

If your under 30 its one in 370,000 - I WILL REPEAT THIS 1 DEATH IN EVERY 370,000 or

They tell us to trust the science i prefer to trust the statistics and those very statistics make me like many others suspicious about the handling of this pandemic.  What were the deaths from mental health conditions during that same period in under 30s?

I respect your opinions LP and obviously on this one we see things differently. I'm not denying Covid exists and agree as the stats back it up that in the elderly age group and those with pre existing conditions it can be a serious issue but I can also see the other side and why there is so much doubt in the community as those not in those age groups the virus is generally not much more then the flu.

Closing playgrounds, closing schools, forcing majority of the workforce to be vaccinated or lose their job, yet judges were exempt, 10Km radius, not allowed to go for a walk in a park or on the footpath, cant go fishing in a bay or ocean or play golf

I don't believe in conspiracy theories or wear a foil hat like all those with a opposing opinion on this are branded but i also don't blindly follow the governments 'follow the science' line either as the stats don't support their reaction to it.

There was a lot more to this then the average punter will ever know IMO    

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7267
If your under 30 its one in 370,000 - I WILL REPEAT THIS 1 DEATH IN EVERY 370,000 or

They tell us to trust the science i prefer to trust the statistics and those very statistics make me like many others suspicious about the handling of this pandemic.
Sorry @shawny I don't mean to embarrass you but your problem is math not science or statistics.

There are not 26M Under 30s in Australia, the ratio isn't 68 out of 25,000,000 or 26,000,000 (I presume that is where you get the 1:370,000)

The median age is about 37 years, the under 30s are about 35% of the population, the ratio is approximately 1 in every 140,000 people.

Sounds low, but that in common analogy, to accept your freedom we must accept the death of one under 30 every second MCG game, which young family member will you pick, Elwood's daughter, maybe one of MBB's little ones?

But deaths aren't just the issue is it? The long COVID numbers are soaring not shrinking, paralysis, strokes, heart attacks, lung disease, are all effects of a COVID infection, and that is not counting the number of coincident mortalities.

You have been sucked in by the "Do your own research" mantra, but it just ends up shooting you in the foot, because you can't do your own research, you don't have a lab, you don't have a supercomputer, and the Norbits on Youtube, Instagram or Twitter who spread disinformation and distrust are really prime candidates for a Dunning-Kruger award not a Nobel Prize.

And as for conspiracy, the ABS employees about 14,000 people, they are obviously all in on it! :o

Rob Skiba says hello!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7268
The strategy of being more rather than less cautious, the strategy of trying to protect everyone, with an emphasis on those most vulnerable, even if it meant that the relatively healthy among us had to be inconvenienced (perhaps even highly inconvenienced) is completely bang on IMO. Covid wasn't a known quantity. It's hard to plan for a shifting and initially unknown target and keep everyone happy.

Of course, like most, I never enjoyed lockdowns, working from home, travel restrictions, schooling from home etc., but it was the right approach IMO.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7269
The median age is about 37 years, the under 30s are about 35% of the population, the ratio is approximately 1 in every 140,000 people.

Sounds low, but that in common analogy, to accept your freedom we must accept the death of one under 30 every second MCG game, which young family member will you pick, Elwood's daughter, maybe one of MBB's little ones?

Thanks for correcting my math error however it doesn’t change my point. Covid in that age group is very very rare and the closing of playgrounds schools etc were not remotely in line with the risk on that age demographic. Spin it any way you want that’s a fact!

Your point on what if someone I know is that 1 reminds me of a politician who is backed into a corner and can’t make any sensible points any longer and comes up with a personal point to get the emotional response. Fact is 1 out of 140000 is just about as rare as you can get from a health concern but if you are happy in that age group to adjust your life your freedom be pushed into a untried vaccine you probably want to never go near a road never ever get in a car never drink a beer no junk food and maybe best you wear a bubble and screw your door closed and never leave home. If 1 out of 140000 illness concerns you there are hundreds of illnesses accidents etc with much much higher odds potentially waiting to be your grim reaper.

But I know I know ‘listen to the science’ 🤡🤡🤡

That’s it for me on the matter - I’m off to have a scotch and some potato chips 😷😷

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7270
Before you do, you should check the risk factor of that alcohol and chips, it won’t be pretty…
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7271
It's Friday so I walk on the wild side. Sausage roll for lunch, a pie for tea whilst watching the footy, washed down with an Asahi, two glasses of wine and probably two generous "Singleton" scotches before turning in for a well earned rest. Mmm ummm! I love living on the edge 😎🤪😷
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7272
Thanks for correcting my math error however it doesn’t change my point. Covid in that age group is very very rare and the closing of playgrounds schools etc were not remotely in line with the risk on that age demographic. Spin it any way you want that’s a fact!
COVID being rare in that demographic isn't a fact it's a fantasy, you have confused mortality rates and virulence.

The people caring long term for their COVID affected children, children who were otherwise healthy prior to the virus, won't share your perspective, they might even find it slightly abhorrent!

PS: So happy to hear you want higher rates of Under 30s dying before you bother to act!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7273
COVID being rare in that demographic isn't a fact it's a fantasy, you have confused mortality rates and virulence.

The people caring long term for their COVID affected children, children who were otherwise healthy prior to the virus, won't share your perspective, they might even find it slightly abhorrent!

PS: So happy to hear you want higher rates of Under 30s dying before you bother to act!
