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Topic: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021. (Read 17866 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #165
Haters, whingers, play the ball LP.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #166
Haters, whingers, play the ball LP.
It's just my honest perspective of what I think when I hear or read repeated and obvious party line complaints, complaints that seem to ignore individual performance or local perspectives. That sort of language is a tell, psychologists refer to it as using inclusive language. ie., Tarring everyone with the same brush, that's what voting on party lines does!

Like I said, I don't vote along party lines, and as I mentioned if some local member is doing the good job by their own electorate I won't kybosh them just because I don't like what their boss says or does on some remote issue!

I stand by the concept that voting out for the sake of voting out is a foolish tactic, you have to identify someone worth voting for or else the net result is a lowering of standards, a race to the bottom of the barrel!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #167
Only cost Victorians a billion dollars in breaking the contract !!

The project that back in 2013 was expected to cost $15 billion to complete and had the Federal Government offering $5 billion towards the cost .

It was the project that received a scathing report from the Victorian Auditor-General because the business model offered such a poor return for each dollar spent.

In caretaker mode, facing a wipeout at that election, the then LNP Government signed a secret deal with the contractor ensuring a payment of $1 billion to the contractor if the project were to be cancelled.

It was an act of straight out blackmail to force the expected incoming ALP government to proceed with a project that had a failed business case.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #168
It was a calculated,  utter dog act from a bunch of people with no ethics and a non existent moral compass.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #169
True, Macca. It was a pretty obvious attempt to tie the hands of the incoming Labor Government and create a "hole" in Labor's explanation of how it would pay for its promises. Perhaps if Labor looks like losing the next election, it should sign contracts for building an array of new schools and hospitals with penalty clauses requiring the State to pay $10b damages if the Liberals rip up those contracts.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #170
Thank you DJC for some of the almost condescending comments. Appreciate them all. It is all opinion and good feedback. Won’t respond in a way to engage an argument. You have your opinion. I just ask why things can’t be different. Nothing wrong with this in my opinion. Just because the state and county is full of corrupt politicians doesn’t make it right. The world is full of murderers, thieves and rapists. That doesn’t go to say it is correct.

My stepfather lives 1 km from the office in Noble Park of Dan Andrews. He is interested in the bill and some issues regarding award/minimum wage, pensions and a few others questions. Let’s just see what minimum to no response he gets. He is too busy running the state as you said. Maybe running it into the ground? My bad, sorry. Sarcasm from me on that one. Not directed to you. Running a state to me was about serving your constituents. The people that voted your party into power. If you can’t hear them because your own agenda is above all priorities of the people it could be what gets you out of a job eventually. Just saying a possibility.

Your sales pitch has put my opinion in concrete. Thank you. I now understand how it works. He which is too busy to see what goes on around him and hear what people say, is either being ignorant or has a self benefiting agenda. He will never get a vote, nor will his party from me, ever again in history. I will seek a better option. Bad or worse leaves me win choice of bad.

Just to let you know, I didn’t address any mail with “how dare you steal our freedoms “. Seriously DJC. I am not a complete f@ckwit. I was taught by my mother that complements to any individual as a first point of communication engages conversation. They lower a persons guard and get them to listen once you need to hit them with some hard concerns. Then be receptive and accept their views but ask, “why do you feel this is the solution and what other options did you have”? If they repeat a pre-rehearsed response you have heard over and over again, you are going to argue with someone who will never hear your view. They know better than you do. Go ask someone else for another opinion, just to establish an opinion isn’t contradicting facts and that goes the other way around. Then choose what you get out of the conversation.

She said wrong is wrong. Just because it is a fact of live indicates wrong is still wrong. Red tape is a fact of life but could be wrong. Systems and processes might be wrong. Life is all about wrong. Ask the questions why and don’t be afraid to do so. Don’t expect change, but accept positive changes as they do happen on a rare occasion. Be honest. Be brave to ask questions, why, where, who what and when. Don’t believe everything you read. You learn more from talking to someone than reading what they wrote. Hence scripted text, interviews and carefully constructed facts mean little to me many times. If that makes me stupid, then stupid is where I sit with pride and happy to be honest. Bill looks better than it originally was, but as dangerous as the leader that can abuse it at their will. Wait and see what happens next year. I don’t have any answers there. Suspicion of things that could be an issue. My opinion again.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #171
Very interesting DJC. You obviously feel my opinion has no place with a politician that doesn’t share the same view as me. Just as you are a supporter of the Dan Andrews government and see his “no response “ as being fine in conducting his work. Yet my first email asked for some advice on the Pandemic Bill, as I wasn’t sure what it was about. I had a response from a secretary on his behalf giving me links and some information. I was instructed by the email to contact the office with any further inquiries and concerns, but to be aware that with the number of mail sent, it was not possible to reply in quick fashion. Once I sent the next mail claiming I had concerns about the bill and begged them to reconsider, there has been no response since.

I did the same to all cross bench members with a please tell me more and what is your opinion? They gave me a response and links to learn more. When negativity was sent from me second time by mail, they backed why they think it might be in the best of interests comparing to previous bills. More transparency etc. Not yet certain how they will vote. Some were already in a position to oppose the new bill and stated why. Still instructing me to mail or call anytime with other issues, but to be patient as a return response may take some time.

Matthew Guy returned his email a week later with the same brief and links. I sent further emails stating why we should look for options to make amendments to the bill by Dan. He claimed this as an option but thought removing it completely was the best option at the moment. He rang me a week later to have a chat about my feelings to his response and if there were other items to bring up in parliament before this year ends. I was at work and listened to my voicemail to hear his message left. I couldn’t call back at work so I rang his office to leave a message that I will email him other infrastructure issues, and issues where the state and federal governments don’t have a way to unify, and set ways to standardise covid restrictions. We are not a group of countries trapped on one island in the south. We are one country divided and need to have some standards that help us work together. That was last week, so I don’t expect an instant response back.

Office from Dan Andrews has no response to any calls or emails. Even the original, please help me understand what this legislation is about and what does it mean to the people of Victoria? Nothing. Which looking at the other members of parliament tells me, Dan doesn’t give a flying f@ck about anyone DJC. He is open to advice. He isn’t interested in hearing your opinion, which is mine. Not your opinion. You agree with him by what I see. Nothing wrong with that. His office shouldn’t stand by a theory that he serves the community and is open to be contacted and help his people. He isn’t. Turn the phone off. Shut the computer down. You are full of sh1t Dan. You are not there to be with us when you don’t listen to us. We are not in this thing together. You are a first class liar. A piece of scum that has no position running any state. When you don’t tell fibs, you conceal the truth or facts. Which is even worse than telling stories that make you a liar.

The other members gave some response back eventually. So who do I trust? Very few because I don’t believe they will tell me all the truth I need to hear. At least they hear me enough to engage conversation. I have the emails from the MP’s and phone messages. I must be talking sh1t though. How did I fluke getting responses from members of upper house parliament? None from Dan Andrews members at all. Not even with an please explain? I must be an idiot so let us just leave it to that result. I am old, stupid and everything I experience is me being an anti-vaxxer, or against the current Premier. Unfortunately we can’t vote the current government out before November 2022. Nearly an entire year away. Dan will never get my vote ever again. Never. I would do a better job and I wouldn’t even know where to start. How about honestly and integrity. Is that something that would work. Not in politics as what I have seen.

So you did get a response Mantis. 

When you wrote that you got "a response from a secretary", that would be Jeremi Moule, the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the most senior bureaucrat in the State.  That indicates that your first enquiry was taken very seriously.  As I said in my previous post,  your subsequent correspondence blitz would be considered vexatious, and/or dealt with by the response to your first email.  In other words, your emails would be noted as "no response necessary.  All minister/premiers do that, regardless of political party.  It's simply not possible to respond to every letter/email and particularly when one person sends 20 emails about the same subject.  It's a different matter for opposition and cross-bench MPs, they simply don't get anywhere near the correspondence of government MPs and have plenty of time to deal with their correspondents.

If you really must have a response from the Premier or a Minister, write to your local member and ask them to pose the question on your behalf. 

The problem is that the State Government needs legislation to enable it to deal with pandemics more effectively and efficiently and with adequate safeguards.  The new Act - it's now law and that's democracy in action - does just that.  For all Matthew Guy's posturing, he understands that.  There is absolutely no way that he will be the next Premier, and I suspect Andrews won't be in the job either.  However, if Guy, or his replacement as LNP leader, manages to be elected Premier at some future, they will very quickly forget their objections to the Pandemic Management Act.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #172
Thank you DJC for some of the almost condescending comments. Appreciate them all. It is all opinion and good feedback. Won’t respond in a way to engage an argument. You have your opinion. I just ask why things can’t be different. Nothing wrong with this in my opinion. Just because the state and county is full of corrupt politicians doesn’t make it right. The world is full of murderers, thieves and rapists. That doesn’t go to say it is correct.

My stepfather lives 1 km from the office in Noble Park of Dan Andrews. He is interested in the bill and some issues regarding award/minimum wage, pensions and a few others questions. Let’s just see what minimum to no response he gets. He is too busy running the state as you said. Maybe running it into the ground? My bad, sorry. Sarcasm from me on that one. Not directed to you. Running a state to me was about serving your constituents. The people that voted your party into power. If you can’t hear them because your own agenda is above all priorities of the people it could be what gets you out of a job eventually. Just saying a possibility.

Your sales pitch has put my opinion in concrete. Thank you. I now understand how it works. He which is too busy to see what goes on around him and hear what people say, is either being ignorant or has a self benefiting agenda. He will never get a vote, nor will his party from me, ever again in history. I will seek a better option. Bad or worse leaves me win choice of bad.

Just to let you know, I didn’t address any mail with “how dare you steal our freedoms “. Seriously DJC. I am not a complete f@ckwit. I was taught by my mother that complements to any individual as a first point of communication engages conversation. They lower a persons guard and get them to listen once you need to hit them with some hard concerns. Then be receptive and accept their views but ask, “why do you feel this is the solution and what other options did you have”? If they repeat a pre-rehearsed response you have heard over and over again, you are going to argue with someone who will never hear your view. They know better than you do. Go ask someone else for another opinion, just to establish an opinion isn’t contradicting facts and that goes the other way around. Then choose what you get out of the conversation.

She said wrong is wrong. Just because it is a fact of live indicates wrong is still wrong. Red tape is a fact of life but could be wrong. Systems and processes might be wrong. Life is all about wrong. Ask the questions why and don’t be afraid to do so. Don’t expect change, but accept positive changes as they do happen on a rare occasion. Be honest. Be brave to ask questions, why, where, who what and when. Don’t believe everything you read. You learn more from talking to someone than reading what they wrote. Hence scripted text, interviews and carefully constructed facts mean little to me many times. If that makes me stupid, then stupid is where I sit with pride and happy to be honest. Bill looks better than it originally was, but as dangerous as the leader that can abuse it at their will. Wait and see what happens next year. I don’t have any answers there. Suspicion of things that could be an issue. My opinion again.

I'm not sure what post you're referring to.  I suspect that you're confusing me with another poster. 

The fact of the matter is that, while Governments of any persuasion are interested in the opinions of electors, they're not obliged or able to agree with the vast range of opinions that are provided by folk who feel strongly enough to write or send an email.  For every elector who proposes a course of action similar to yours, there are 7 or 8 who propose an opposite course of action.  That's democracy and it will play out at the next State election.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #173
Mantis, you've learnt a valuable lesson. It seems you've been using a breadcrumbs approach: your first piece of correspondence was just a request for information you already had in the hope you could spin it out into a chain of correspondence in which you would progressively reveal your distaste for the Bill. Your breadcrumbs approach might work with independents and opposition members who have spare time but was hardly going to work with a government that is dealing with a health crisis. Maybe you should have put all of your concerns or submissions in the 1st letter/email. Being heard isn't the same as having a personal hotline to engage in 1 on 1 debates. It would be cool to be a Bob Woodward who gets to drop by and chat to all the decision makers but if there are too many Bob Woodwards nothing would get done.

Mail-in campaigns can work by demonstrating widespread dissatisfaction in the community. They don't work by tying up the government in countless chains of correspondence and endless hours of personal outreach. While you will protest that you're only 1 person and you aren't aligned with others who are coordinating such campaigns, try seeing it from the viewpoint of your interlocutor. As DJC suggested, sending 20 letters/emails in a comparatively short space of time would have seen you put into exactly that basket.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #174
The only thing Mantis has learned is how condescending some posters can be and how this government who have relied on working folk like Mantis and his family for votes really operate and have zero care factor for anything else other than their political careers and large pensions. This is what happens when you have a pathetic opposition and lack of quality smaller parties/independents to keep the presiding Government honest.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #175
It looks like you think that Mantis' strategy was the way to go, EB. Did you do the same thing to assist your anti-vaxxer nurse friend as the vaccine mandate loomed? Or did you just not give a frig? Or maybe you just don't like the way this Government fails to respect the right-wing veto.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #176
The only thing Mantis has learned is how condescending some posters can be and how this government who have relied on working folk like Mantis and his family for votes really operate and have zero care factor for anything else other than their political careers and large pensions. This is what happens when you have a pathetic opposition and lack of quality smaller parties/independents to keep the presiding Government honest.

That is so true .... especially Matthew Guy.  And nor would you ever label Patten as quality

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #177
It looks like you think that Mantis' strategy was the way to go, EB. Did you do the same thing to assist your anti-vaxxer nurse friend as the vaccine mandate loomed? Or did you just not give a frig? Or maybe you just don't like the way this Government fails to respect the right-wing veto.
You have a bad habit of patronizing people who you think lack the intelligence to debate you, it might stroke your ego telling folk like Mantis they have learned a lesson or imply they are too insignificant for the Government to respond too but I'm not going to sit back and let you be so dismissive of his opinions and rights.
When the CoVid Pandemic ends you will be disappointed not being able to use the term Anti Vaxxer do want it to end dont you? You dont need a mandate for fail with this Government its just a natural reoccurring event unfortunately....

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #178
I am engaging directly with Mantis, something you don't do. Who knows what you think about Mantis' strategy? I sure as hell don't. But you just like the fact that there's a bit of anger directed at the Govt that has shafted your friend. The most arrogant and condescending type is the guy who stands off the argument while throwing insults at will. Either enter the debate or go away. 

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #179
I am engaging directly with Mantis, something you don't do. Who knows what you think about Mantis' strategy? I sure as hell don't. But you just like the fact that there's a bit of anger directed at the Govt that has shafted your friend. The most arrogant and condescending type is the guy who stands off the argument while throwing insults at will. Either enter the debate or go away. 
Mantis is a mature adult capable of forming his own opinions and expressing them in a good fashion as he has shown over the years on this forum. It wasnt his letter writing skills that were the problem it was the awkward subject matter requiring truthful and detailed answers.
If I have a history of being arrogant and condescending I'm sure the mods will let me know and ask me to leave, so until that happens sorry to say you are stuck with me.....