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Messages - blueboys_1

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 21 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Collingwood
Not sure if its been mentioned or not, but i wouldn't be surprised if McGovern misses next week with concussion.

He copped a knee/shin to the back of the head, you can see the collingwood bloke holding his leg in pain.
He took a long time to take his shot and spent a lot of time rubbing and shaking his head.
Obviously, his kick was terrible.

Reminded me of when Robbie Warnock did similarly against Geelong many years ago after getting punched in the head. IIRC he missed everything too, or at least barely got a point. He was talked about as being soft on the night. Ended up spending the night in hospital.

That's what I thought as well. Could of played dazed and given the kick to someone else. Maybe he wanted to be the hero and kick the winning goal as he did for Adelaide a few years ago. Not sure who the kick could of gone to but it may of been a lot closer to scoring than the howler that it was.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 21 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Collingwood
I've been in Newmans position before and given away a free kick for the same thing.

The bloke who got a free kick for it against me was actually an old school mate.
We talked about it afterwards.

He essentially falls backwards into me, deliberately, and instinct makes you try and catch them. They keep pushing back into you and your instinct is to hold them otherwise they will fall into you and your legs, potentially causing injury.

Its smart play if you get a free kick out of it.

Next time someone tries that, you simply side step them and let them fall and they look like a goose.
It should only work once.

Will this work if your opponent is 211cm and has 30 cm on you?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 16 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Richmond
Kennedy's knee is probably the major concern.
Hopefully it's nothing serious...

But we had a few minor injuries today....Williams, Saad and Owies all seemed to roll ankles at different times.
Cerra subbed out (hopefully just time management) so injury watch will be interesting.

Knee on knee contact in a rucking contest according the the radio.
Hopefully not a PCL.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 15 2024 Post-Game Prognostications Carlton vs Geelong
Cerra - walk up start. Agreed.
Martin - banished forever. Has X factor but too injury prone. So I think that instead of bringing him in straight away, play him in the VFL for a couple of weeks and then bring him back into the team via the sub.
Motlop - can he force Owies or Durdin out ??. Durdin to go out. Owies bleeds blue blood like SOS. His is consistent and hits the scoreboard consistently. Number 3 behind Charlie and Harry for goals.
Carroll - what position should he play ?? Needs more time maybe? Cannot break into the team on a consistent basis.
Marchbank - banished forever. Injury prone as well, but maybe highly regarded by the MC as he has come straight into the team at times.
Pittonett - only in an emergency. I am torn about this one. Horses for courses I suppose. TDK will need a rest at some stage before finals. He is still a young man  in rucking terms and we will need him at his best to ensure we go deep into the finals and play in the last Saturday in September.
Cuningham - traded out at season's end. Agreed. Talented but too inconsistent as per Martin.
Cottrell - there is a place for him. Agreed.
Young - only in an emergency. I had high hopes for him, but after seeing him yesterday in the VFL, I shake my head and think where is this guy going with his football.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 15 2024 Post-Game Prognostications Carlton vs Geelong
How exactly does one slam their own head into the turf?

If that was the case, Geelong would be employing a biomechanics expert to get Dangerfield off his suspension.

Watch it again, Walsh’s arms are pinned and he has no control as centripetal force propels his head in an accelerating arc into the turf.

As for the Williams-Cowan scenario, Cowan’s form in the Magoos would have played a part.  However, his opportunity arose because Williams put his hand up to play as a defensive forward and his logical replacement in defence, Cincotta, was given the tagging role.  It’s actually a win-win-win.

Walsh's shoulder/body hits Dangers leg accentuating his head hitting the ground. I think he might get off. Pay the free and move on.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 15 2024 Post-Game Prognostications Carlton vs Geelong
Machine is a great word to describe how the team went about it last night. A machine is made of parts and those parts perform a function. All the part performed well and none of the parts broke off last night. The main part, the engine, just purred along and didn't miss a beat, tuned to perfection. And when the other machine tried to launch an overtake, the machine operator  shifted the gearbox into 4th gear and away the machine went over the finish line. After the game my mate and I both thought that despite the 10 goal win against a quality side, we had  another couple of gears left over so the machine analogy is quite apt this morning.

Have to agree there. I think Charlie has not hit his best as yet as he was last year. Definitely think he can improve. Has missed some easy set shots and also some marks as well, although under immense pressure at times.

And the number of times he was held and no free kicks paid to him is infuriating.

Watch out if both Harry and Charlie have a blinder on the same day.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 15 2024 Pre-game Prognostications Carlton vs Geelong
Interesting listening to Daniel Hoyne on SEN earlier. Didn't catch it all as I wasn't in the car long but he spoke about us on two matters:
1. Long kicks Down the Line - We only win 20% of them
2. Looking for an alternative (45 kick and go around the "wall" to get I50) - We do this the 2nd least in the comp.
As I said, I didn't catch it all but what I did hear was:
- With regards to 1. he was talking about the fact we win more when we play two designated rucks.
- Harry was the go to man for 1. but hasn't been winning anywhere near enough of the contests lately.
Hoyne said it will be fascinating to see if Vossy and co. focus on 1 or 2 this week vs Geel. That is, do we bring in Pitto to address 1 or do we focus on doing 2 more.
He is fantastic to listen to when he talks strategy, I wish I had time to listen to all his segment on SEN.

GC. You can download the SEN app and check the podcasts. I tend to do this as I don't listen live anymore as no in the car s much while WFH. I usually download it and listen to it while on my morning or afternoon walks.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
I know it may open a can of worms, but we just look better with TDK as the solo ruck, it also allows H to get into the game more in the ruck and around the ground. Not so top heavy. An extra running small is oh so handy. - My concern is that if our ruck gets injured we have no established ruckman to replace him. I would not want to see Harry rucking at centre bounces as it will take him away from his forward role and as LP has mentioned opens him up to PCL injures as well.

Our only lapse was the last 7 or 8 minutes. Huge step re persistence. - Was disappointed as well as percentage will matter.

I saw why Fantasia was chosen over Durdin, narrowly. - An improvement today. Would like to see him hit the scoreboard a bit more.

McGovern so supreme in defense. - Took two absolute specs today. However went off twice during the match and down to the rooms not sure what for but with his injury record was very concerned.

Walshy great but gotta clean up on disposal, handed them possession too many times. - Yesss. Missed Charlie by two meters when he was alone and the ball landed or was marked by Mac some 10 meters behind Charlie. Could of been # 5 for Charlie.

I think we have to live with the fact that Charles is spasmodic, laconic and inconsistent... but when he's on, he's an amazing weapon and turns games. - Yes. Charlie has mentioned that he likes to wrestle with his opponents. I thought Mac was the ideal opponent do do that with today however he never got into much of a wrestle with him. On the lead Mac had the pace and athleticism to go with him and punch the ball clear. Reminds me a bit of a young Dustin Fletcher with those inspector gadget arms of his.

Martin showed what a small forward can doing hanging around H and Charles. Too much talent to be used as a lock down defender. Great opportunistic goal sense. - Martin or Williams?

Cincotta sacrificed his game to play his lock down role really well. - Yes liked his game and seems to be very reliable. Did a great job on Picket a couple weeks a go.

Got a beaut with E Hollands. Just used the aggot so well. - And was used in the midfield more this week. More options and versatility for the team.

Crippa shone. - Say no more. Noticing more that he seems to be running a lot better this year as he is running away from opponents.

To be honest, I wouldn't make any changes for next week. Saady and Fog will be better for the run. Motlop needs another game in the Magoos. Maybe Billy for Jack as the sub. - Yes agreed.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
The two frees paid against Zac Williams for holding Elliott are a case in point.  Collingwood defenders did exactly the same to our forwards several times later in the game and there wasn't a whistle to be heard.

Perhaps umpires wish to set the ground rules early in the game, possibly subconsciously, then relax their interpretation as the game progresses.

x2. See my previous post.