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Topic: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021. (Read 17870 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #180
Mantis complains that the lack of response to his letters demonstrates anti-democratic behaviour (and we're at a disadvantage as we don't know the contents other than we know Mantis believes the Bill was bad). In making that argument, his letter-writing campaign becomes the central issue. It doesn't bother me that he writes letters. It also doesn't bother me that he hates the Bill and won't vote for the ALP in the next election. It's his vote and I can't be bothered trying to change anyone's voting intentions. However, I disagree with his argument that a failure to respond to 19 of his 20 letters is proof of an anti-democratic streak in the Government. As he threw that issue open to debate, I think I'm entitled to respond to it. And of course you don't take issue with any of the points I've made as you're just happy to heckle from the sidelines. But I suspect this thread is moribund anyway given that the Bill is either law or will soon be. It's back to the main Covid thread for me.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #181
There you have it people. Sooner than I expected. The Pandemic Management declaration has been sound. It is in effect as of December 16th. The following day after our original State of Emergency expires. Dan Andrews has planned this very well. Under his new bill he has found to been “satisfied on reasonable grounds “ that there was serious risk to public health, which under new legislation is the only parameter needed to make a declaration. It will be in place up to mid January (12th ?). There on it can be activated on an extension for 3 month blocks.

Now let us wait and see what lockdowns and restrictions are engaged. This bill was not a bill to improve on a previous state of emergency. It was a planned bill to fall into legislation by the end of the previous state of emergency. Good luck protestors. You will see serious fines and jail time. Don’t forget to wear your masks if it is stated as mandatory people. It could serve you with a $10,000 fine.

On a serious note, I heard Dan is going on holiday soon. I wonder if any restrictions of movement will be activated after he has had his time to move around where he chooses, before he has his Health Minister engage restrictions to the public? Why is this Pandemic Management declaration in place soon? Our daily figures of cases and deaths haven’t changed for more than a month. No reason for the government to panic as we are over 90% vaccinated. Something the federal leader states is a way to live with this virus. Not my words. The words from

Is it the new Omicron variant? The strain that experts claim might spread easier than others, yet have far less symptoms. Far less rate of serious illness or deaths? Is this now becoming a way to control the population and confuse the masses? Are we going to see further division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? I hope it doesn’t. I am fully vaccinated. I have no fear of those that are not. For f@ck sake, they shop in Coles and Woolworths everyday with me. I must bump into hundreds of these disease infected bastards every day. They don’t have a safety harness. I do. They are at more risk than I am. Is that how it works? What is going on here? What game is Dan Andrews playing here? He wants to lock all non vaccinated people behind bars. He wants to lock all protesters behind bars.

Claiming our health system won’t cope with potential problems. I now have nurses and doctors from 4 major hospitals in Victoria stating interesting facts. Not what the current government state to the public. I am very worried about this man. I fear he might not be well mentally. Just an opinion. He needs to consider the consequences of his actions. The wrong choice could cause more mental health issues. People taking their own lives. Make careful choices Dan. Seriously, I beg you. Don’t be to empowered by this new bill. Act conservative but still think of what needs to be done. Don’t be power hungry. If you do act poorly you are not Australian.

Just to remind you Dan. I will never vote for you again. Think about your choice before everyone feels as I do. Just my opinion with facts I have seen. Don’t view things my way. Try understanding my questions. I don’t but actually do in some way. No doubt I will be ridiculed soon by experts. Bring it on. If you can’t ask questions or see outside the square, your opinion means little to anyone. Facts are not the answer if they are wrong or questionable. Just saying.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #182
"Don’t be power hungry"

Being a mad socialist, he doesn't have the intelligence to know any better.  A quasi Police state is all we are.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #183
Glad to hear we won't become the only State or Territory to be without health orders. What a joke we would have become.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #184
Mantis, I wish I could share your optimistic view that the fully vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

I am in the seniors group and will get the booster shot in mid January.  Because of my age my immunity is lessening by the day and I certainly am at risk of getting Covid from a non vaccinated person.  My wife does not share my good health and if she were to catch Covid her chance of recovery would be very slim.

According to your view the unvaccinated should be free to do whatever they want, go wherever they please and the community just has to grin and bear it. 

Quite frankly, I've had a gutfull of these selfish pr%%ks who put their personal "rights to freedom" above the rights of the community.

I hope Andrews keeps the restrictions in place for the foreseeable future.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #185
Mantis, I wish I could share your optimistic view that the fully vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

I am in the seniors group and will get the booster shot in mid January.  Because of my age my immunity is lessening by the day and I certainly am at risk of getting Covid from a non vaccinated person.  My wife does not share my good health and if she were to catch Covid her chance of recovery would be very slim.

According to your view the unvaccinated should be free to do whatever they want, go wherever they please and the community just has to grin and bear it. 

Quite frankly, I've had a gutfull of these selfish pr%%ks who put their personal "rights to freedom" above the rights of the community.

I hope Andrews keeps the restrictions in place for the foreseeable future.

Sorry to hear your story Macca.

I am very sad to hear about your situation. I really am. With all my honesty and sympathy. I wish no people had an issue with their immune system that couldn’t deal with any sickness. I honestly do. I wish you Macca and your wife were of way better health. I am not a young fella myself. Not now. Many years ago was a different story. I don’t see what Dan could execute being a health benefit as a primary issue. It could cripple the economy of this state further. It appears that small businesses have suffered enough.

I once again feel very sad for your state of health along with your wife. Don’t think I have no sympathy. I shop shoulder to shoulder for my food every day. People bringing their entire tribe along for a loaf of bread, bottle of milk, and a tray of sausages. Stay home and let mum or dad buy basics alone. We all shop and get in close contact while shopping for food. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. Both potentially able to spread the virus. Not so if we shop for clothes in Target or Kmart as we the protected can shop here only. Really? How is there really any difference?

I don’t accept those that don’t give a flying frog and do whatever they want with no care factor for those around them. I don’t believe we should all live in a bubble. Website shopping for everything to avoid human contact. It is possible. Food, clothing etc. It is possible. No events, restaurants, pubs, sporting, schools, work etc. Working from home for everyone.

What is the best answer to the above? Not complete isolation of all. Not separating the people either. Those in your situation Macca make me feel sad that there is no real answer. I would hate to think you would need to hide from everyone and live in your own little bubble. Being vaccinated isn’t a certainty a virus can’t be contracted and spread to another person. This virus won’t be gone by 2022. Who knows how long it will last. Influenzas have been around my entire life.

I just think that if we had a thousand cases per day for the last month and had no restrictions we had a standard. Now we have a new bill in legislation, we have it activated to bring restrictions (potentially)into place  is a big flip with no new evidence. Don’t consider Omicron new evidence considering it has been around for months with no actions. What is Dan Andrews up to now? Sorry to hear about your health situation Macca. I do care. Don’t get me wrong. I hope you don’t have to hide from society to live a healthy life. You will probably be at risk no matter what happens. Vaccinated or unvaccinated people in society, if you decide to leave home to do what you need to do. I hope you and your wife stay well and live well. If this vaccine program is what we have been sold to believe, we shouldn’t have an issue. Should we?

This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #186
Mantis, I wish I could share your optimistic view that the fully vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

I am in the seniors group and will get the booster shot in mid January.  Because of my age my immunity is lessening by the day and I certainly am at risk of getting Covid from a non vaccinated person.  My wife does not share my good health and if she were to catch Covid her chance of recovery would be very slim.

According to your view the unvaccinated should be free to do whatever they want, go wherever they please and the community just has to grin and bear it. 

Quite frankly, I've had a gutfull of these selfish pr%%ks who put their personal "rights to freedom" above the rights of the community.

I hope Andrews keeps the restrictions in place for the foreseeable future.

You presume an unvaxxed person has Covid?


You presume an unvaxxed person is more likely to catch Covid and more likely to pass it on to you?

Irrational and unsupported by the data.

Vaxxed folk carry just as much viral load as an unvaxxed type.

And can just as easily transmit it.

Moreover, data is starting to show VAIDS is an issue....

Having a gutful of something doesn't excuse ignorance.

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #187
Flyboy, I don't presume.

  What I do know is that many of the non-vaccinated, excluding those with medical reasons, and represented by the ignorant, self-indulgent marchers of recent days, are the ones in denial of the existence of Covid.  On the occasions when they catch Covid they usually wait days before seeking treatment, meanwhile wandering around in the community spreading the virus to family members and other people in the community.

You believe that my views are the result of ignorance.

Interestingly, my views were  formed some months ago after discussions with an epidemiologist. 

Nothing has occurred recently to change my views at all.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #188
Don't worry Macca, Flyboy wouldn't know data if it slapped him in the face. Ivermectin shills forfeit any claim they might have to be able to analyse data.

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #189
Moreover, data is starting to show VAIDS is an issue....

The Force Awakens!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #190
And here I was thinking that this thread would wither and die after the democratic process had run its course and the Pandemic Management Act 2021 became law  ::)

Of course the Premier has made use of the Act, it's intended to deal with pandemics and we're smack bang in the middle of one.  Anyone who can't see that has rocks in their head.

I don't give a fat rat's clacker about folk who choose not to be vaccinated.  They will get COVID and many of them will die.  That's their choice.  I am concerned about folk who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons and I'm particularly concerned about the children under 12 who can't yet be vaccinated.

One of my grandsons was pulled out of his first ever school camp yesterday because he was a close contact of a COVID case.  Fortunately, he has tested negative, as has his family.  Until such time as all children are protected from COVID, our Governments, State and Federal, should be doing whatever is necessary to slow the spread of COVID.  That requires the use of powers conferred by the Pandemic Management Act 2021 and whatever applies in other jurisdictions.

My nephew (a medical researcher) recently got COVID after a night out in Bendigo.  My niece's husband (a firey) also got COVID at the same venue.  My niece (a public servant) escaped infection as did another nephew (a tradie) and his wife (an ambo).  All are double vaxxed and the two who got COVID had mild symptoms and are no longer infectious.  All of them are very supportive of the Pandemic Management Act 2021 and its use to suppress the spread of COVID to the vulnerable in our community.

My RSL branch had its Christmas break-up at a local golf club last week.  Most of the veterans and their partners are a little older than me and every one was double vaxxed.  While they have a range of views about how the State and Federal Governments are dealing with COVID, they strongly support the vaccine mandate and the measures taken by the State Government.  The thing is that they have served their country and, in most cases, put their lives on the line.  They wouldn't give the steam off their p1ss for the crackpots who peddle conspiracy theories and won't take the pandemic seriously.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #191
And here I was thinking that this thread would wither and die after the democratic process had run its course and the Pandemic Management Act 2021 became law  ::)

Of course the Premier has made use of the Act, it's intended to deal with pandemics and we're smack bang in the middle of one.  Anyone who can't see that has rocks in their head.

I don't give a fat rat's clacker about folk who choose not to be vaccinated.  They will get COVID and many of them will die.  That's their choice.  I am concerned about folk who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons and I'm particularly concerned about the children under 12 who can't yet be vaccinated.

One of my grandsons was pulled out of his first ever school camp yesterday because he was a close contact of a COVID case.  Fortunately, he has tested negative, as has his family.  Until such time as all children are protected from COVID, our Governments, State and Federal, should be doing whatever is necessary to slow the spread of COVID.  That requires the use of powers conferred by the Pandemic Management Act 2021 and whatever applies in other jurisdictions.

My nephew (a medical researcher) recently got COVID after a night out in Bendigo.  My niece's husband (a firey) also got COVID at the same venue.  My niece (a public servant) escaped infection as did another nephew (a tradie) and his wife (an ambo).  All are double vaxxed and the two who got COVID had mild symptoms and are no longer infectious.  All of them are very supportive of the Pandemic Management Act 2021 and its use to suppress the spread of COVID to the vulnerable in our community.

My RSL branch had its Christmas break-up at a local golf club last week.  Most of the veterans and their partners are a little older than me and every one was double vaxxed.  While they have a range of views about how the State and Federal Governments are dealing with COVID, they strongly support the vaccine mandate and the measures taken by the State Government.  The thing is that they have served their country and, in most cases, put their lives on the line.  They wouldn't give the steam off their p1ss for the crackpots who peddle conspiracy theories and won't take the pandemic seriously.

Well said, David.

I am 100% on the same page, especially regarding the vulnerable who can't be vaccinated. And the kids.

Those who choose not to be vaccinated for all kinds of spurious reasoning, will likely get to burden the community in all manner of ways.

I do, however, as expressed previously remain concerned for the mental health of the vulnerable (to severe anx, depression, etc.). It does seem this reality is being acknowledged and funding to support resources is to be raised.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #192
We have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. There is no need to try and label everyone politically opposed to you as anti vaxxers.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #193
The flipside of your point that we have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world is that anti-vaxxers form a much larger percentage of our unvaccinated. Apart from those who qualify for exemptions or small children, is there any real difference between the vaccine-hesitants and anti-vaxxers in the unvaccinated population? Is vaccine-hesitant just a euphemism for anti-vaxxer?

Re: Pandemic Management bill. Health and well-being Act 2021.

Reply #194
We have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. There is no need to try and label everyone politically opposed to you as anti vaxxers.

With the notable exception of the idiot holding power in Western Australia who'll never get to 90%