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Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

I've going to post this here, because while visiting hardware at the weekend I saw some Easter frivolity that just seemed misplaced. I hope I'm fairly tolerant and tend not to bother people much regarding sexuality and identity as long as it's not inappropriate.

But at the weekend I felt I saw children exposed to something that was deeply inappropriate, a Trans Easter Bunny!

I doubt this was official, it looked to be more of a spur of the moment, publicity or political stunt. A +6ft Trans Easter Bunny roaming around a hardware store property dressed more like a Rocky Horror Show hybrid. Now, in the evening in the CBD, around say the Comedy Festival, perhaps even through licensed food halls where children do not gather, it seems light-hearted in the appropriate environment, a bent version of a flower seller perhaps. But a +6ft Trans Easter Bunny giving kids eggs at a hardware store just seems to pail too far. The look on some of the little kids getting eggs was at a minimum bemusement, that's a nice way to put it, I saw some parents march kids off in the other direction. I had to empathise with those parents, because it didn't feel appropriate at all, it felt like political provocation if not a subtle form of conditioning/grooming. But who or what is being groomed, the kids or the public's tolerance?

It's highly unlikely there was any law being broken, I doubt any of the little kids reflected or determined on any identity despite appearing unsure, and I wonder if that in itself is a worry!

PS; I didn't quite describe this correctly, there was a Giant Easter Bunny, man/woman in suit type being guided/accompanied/assisted by a Trans Easter Bunny in a more Playboy Easter Bunny type outfit. A work associate believes he's seen them before, the assistant is dressed as Jessica Rabbit from the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Even so, perhaps I'm wrong but it still seems inappropriate.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #1
Pics would help the story.

As a general rule though, kids are more tolerant/accepting than parents.

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #2
I guess the school of thought is education on this starts with the kiddies.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
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2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #3
Pics would help the story.

As a general rule though, kids are more tolerant/accepting than parents.


Children are far more tolerant of such things. All they would have seen was an Easter Bunny -- albeit somewhat different to the 'traditional' bunny -- which simply meant to them... chocolate! Yummy.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #4
A Bunnings?  If so (or something akin to the size of that store), you'd think or trust they had prior clearance.   

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #5
Did you get her phone number ?
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #6
Whenever there is change, it's like a pendulum - sometimes it swings too far the other way before it (eventually) finds equilibrium.  But there will be a few 'back and forths' before the happy medium is found, and some people get clocked as it swings......
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #7
Whenever there is change, it's like a pendulum - sometimes it swings too far the other way before it (eventually) finds equilibrium.  But there will be a few 'back and forths' before the happy medium is found, and some people get clocked as it swings......

We shouldn't need that.

Its a bit of a rubbish argument that panders to those in power and maintaining their benefit.

I.e.  I had a discussion regarding women in the workplace and equality with women in regards to quotas.

She endorsed female hiring quotas.  To me that sounds like pandering to promote a faux equality and cementing that women are represented without actually being the best candidate.

Equality in that regards is simple.  Any quotas promote inequality and any attempt to correct things is just wrong.  The modes of thinking need to change.  Equality is all about opportunity not representation.

A lot of this stuff has arrived at a ridiculous destination point.  Career advances promoting a gender, sexuality, minority, etc promotes the antithesis of equality and will foster ideals that will work against this discussion on the next pendulum swing.  Thing is that doesn't matter for those in power who want to hold their unfair advantage. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #8
I find similar contradictions @Thryleon

For example, when seeing the Jessica Rabbit character, I couldn't help but wonder what feminists would say if that had been a female dressed in that manner parading around the shops in fishnet stockings and high heels. There would be outrage with the event painted as being an exploitation, in that probable commentary sits a deep hypocrisy!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #9
We shouldn't need that.

Its a bit of a rubbish argument that panders to those in power and maintaining their benefit.

I.e.  I had a discussion regarding women in the workplace and equality with women in regards to quotas.

She endorsed female hiring quotas.  To me that sounds like pandering to promote a faux equality and cementing that women are represented without actually being the best candidate.

Equality in that regards is simple.  Any quotas promote inequality and any attempt to correct things is just wrong.  The modes of thinking need to change.  Equality is all about opportunity not representation.

A lot of this stuff has arrived at a ridiculous destination point.  Career advances promoting a gender, sexuality, minority, etc promotes the antithesis of equality and will foster ideals that will work against this discussion on the next pendulum swing.  Thing is that doesn't matter for those in power who want to hold their unfair advantage. 

You are right, in the ideal world, there should be no need for 'forced' equality.  But unfortunately, the real world doesn't quite work in an ideal manner.

Problem is, the 'best candidate' is judged by those who have their own set of prejudices, so there is the strong likelihood that equality will remain nothing but lip-service unless there is a more directed imperative to overcome those prejudices.  If you have ever worked in a 'boys club' environment, you will know exactly what I mean.
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #10
You are right, in the ideal world, there should be no need for 'forced' equality.  But unfortunately, the real world doesn't quite work in an ideal manner.

Problem is, the 'best candidate' is judged by those who have their own set of prejudices, so there is the strong likelihood that equality will remain nothing but lip-service unless there is a more directed imperative to overcome those prejudices.  If you have ever worked in a 'boys club' environment, you will know exactly what I mean.

I kind of do.  Or at least its perceived to be that way.

Thing is, I dont know how true it is.

The other side of it is this, we are dangerously close to actually creating the next group of boys clubs in people who are sick of being unfairly treated because they simply are men.

I fall into that category.  Im a white male according to these females, but I have never been treated like one, given I grew up with a surname ending in opoulos.  That privildge doesnt exist for all people, but here I am working in a male dominated industry (it was like that in univeristy) and seeing a disproportionate number of females working in senior management roles, that a lot of the people I work with cant hope to get because they are men.  It sounds ridiculous, but thats the world we live in.  Information technology is an industry where the best way to get promoted is simply being female.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #11
Corporate white male has been generalised to white male, when it should probably have been narrowed to corporate psychopath(genderless).

I know a woman who made it nearly to the very top of the tree, one rung below the very top of the corporate ladder, think head of a bank or economy. She will tell you in private her biggest obstacles and the people she trusted less were other corporate females, who seemed to spend more time throwing rocks and placing obstacles than the men, and she is more qualified to comment than the vast majority! She will never state this in public because of the vindictive feminist toll it would take on her charities and philanthropy.

But to me that is just an indication that corporate psychopaths are self-organising and self-sustaining, there would be just as many male corporate psychopaths taking advantage of any perceived inequity.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #12
Said it many times ... how many females absolutely dominate HR management roles.

Ain't met anyone of them yet that impressed me.  I'll take that saucer of milk now :)

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #13
Said it many times ... how many females absolutely dominate HR management roles.

Ain't met anyone of them yet that impressed me.  I'll take that saucer of milk now :)

Had some good female CEO's but never any good female HR heads of dept.....Human was not a word I would have associated with most of them. Most too busy trying to climb the corporate tree rather than listening/replying to questions from the pleb workers.

Re: Tolerance vs Exhibitionism

Reply #14
Had some good female CEO's but never any good female HR heads of dept.....Human was not a word I would have associated with most of them. Most too busy trying to climb the corporate tree rather than listening/replying to questions from the pleb workers.
We had a ripper HR Manager once upon a time, compassionate and was all about the people. She managed to a find a loophole for me which resulted in me getting a bucket load of extra LSL. When the company shut our office down, my redundancy and LSL payout looked extra bloody good thanks to her.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time