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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #375
The US Senate has rejected four proposed measures to expand background checks on gun buyers and curb gun sales to those on terrorism watch lists.

They think they are Wyatt Earp, they are all fecked in the head!
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #377
Oh boy  ::)

Time for the men in white coats to round up the lunatics and give each of them a padded cell. 

The A/G and the FBI were of the view that redacting comments re ISIS would prevent ISIS using them as PR.  Seems reasonable.  What they didn't count on was the right-wing wingnuts being just as keen as ISIS to exploit the calls.  The GOP and ISIS are keen to be the 2 sides of the same coin here.  They each fuel the PR campaign of the other.  Reminds me of an episode of Get Smart in which Max worried that eliminating Kaos would result in everyone at Control losing a job.

So what revelations have there been?  The A/G noted that the redacted comments were related to ISIS.  Did the specific comments take it much further?  I don't think so.

But we have learnt that Mateen used the alleged ISIS link to make the police and FBI think he wasn't just a lone shooter.  He told them there were explosives which he could detonate to kill anyone who attempted to storm the bathroom where he was holed up.  He also claimed there would be other attacks within hours.  This did change how the police reacted.  They were far more cautious as a result.  Ironically, he went too far in the end as he claimed he had explosive vests which he might detonate to kill the hostages and this precipitated the rescue.  So, how much of the purported ISIS link was real and how much was it a ruse to convince law enforcement that he wasn't just a lone shooter and/or magnify the infamy of his big swansong?

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #378
Never mind the US Election...we've got our own next week. More important at the moment. At the Coopers Malthouse tonight to listen to a Guardian Newspaper live panel discussion. Some good panel guests on tonight.... ;D
Keep the Faith

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #379
God this roller coaster is ridiculous.
Trump's efforts over this latest shooting have really been all over the place.
He's gone against one of his most powerful lobby groups in the NRA, you can't have the republican vote and not be 100% committed to guns... and big ones at that (this is America after all).

He has wanted to come out tough (against muslims), but has tried to be almost reasonable/sensible in the comment of restricting gun ownership (BANG OUT OF ORDER TRUMP!!)

See to the NRA of course ANY gun control is BAD and they have already threatened action against lawmakers. What this means is that a lot of republican candidates are going to find themselves up against rivals more in line with the lobby group if they don't maintain a hard line stance supporting the 2nd Amendment.

On Trump, with him fluffing his lines recently and sacking his top advisor.. He now is a LONG way behind Clinton, but he could turn that around in 1/2 a dozen tweets... Or he could stoop lower, who knows in this mess.

What is certain, is that the likes of Russia are heavily in favour of Trump becoming President of the USA, not really a great surprise there :)
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #380
Trump claimed in December that his numbers "go way up" after tragedies. However, his standing in the polls has dropped in the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, earlier this month -- a time when he also faced criticism for making disparaging remarks about a Latino judge.

NBC's polling team attributes the shift in part to independents souring on Trump.

"This week, 36 percent of Independents said they support Clinton and the same number said they support Trump," they write. "In the past, however, this group of voters has generally preferred Trump over Clinton."

New Polls Confirm Hillary Clinton's Decisive Lead Over Donald Trump, Huffington Post.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #381
When all this Trump campaign kicked off there was a lot of speculation that he did not actually want to win, he didn't even have a genuine support team in place.

The allegation was that he was using his ability to garnish public support as a way of feathering his own nest in back-room deals.

It appears some in his own party have started to see through his motives. The way he is now sabotaging his own campaign seems to confirm these very suspicions.

Trump will walk away from this apparent loss richer and more powerful than ever before without any responsibility for wasting the American public's time and money.

Was this a political campaign, or a very clever ponzi scheme?
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #382
Interesting story about the Orlando shooter: Orlando Shooter, Omar Mateen, Seeking Revenge on HIV Lover Claims 'Miguel' On Univision, HuffPost.

'Miguel' said he was one of Mateen's lovers.  He said Mateen's other lovers included a Puerto Rican who he later found out is HIV positive.  He reacted badly to that news and threatened to pay back the Latinx community.

Hmmm.  Seems that you can't just concentrate on someone's name, religion or their words during sieges.  Life has a way of throwing curve balls, no matter how black and white (or white and whiter) Trump and Fox News would like to make things.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #383
Interesting story about the Orlando shooter: Orlando Shooter, Omar Mateen, Seeking Revenge on HIV Lover Claims 'Miguel' On Univision, HuffPost.

'Miguel' said he was one of Mateen's lovers.  He said Mateen's other lovers included a Puerto Rican who he later found out is HIV positive.  He reacted badly to that news and threatened to pay back the Latinx community.

Hmmm.  Seems that you can't just concentrate on someone's name, religion or their words during sieges.  Life has a way of throwing curve balls, no matter how black and white (or white and whiter) Trump and Fox News would like to make things.

I'll take his own words for why he did it.

Before on facebook:

"America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state,"

“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me,” Mateen wrote in one post during the attack. “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west” …“You kill innocent women and children by doing us taste the Islamic state vengeance.”

''In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa."

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #384
Hmmm.  Seems that you can't just concentrate on someone's name, religion or their words during sieges.  Life has a way of throwing curve balls, no matter how black and white (or white and whiter) Trump and Fox News would like to make things.

It's amazing just how often the media and political perspectives differ from reality, it must be a human trait that people just want to keep on believing not matter how many times the spin gets exposed.
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #385
It's amazing just how often the media and political perspectives differ from reality, it must be a human trait that people just want to keep on believing not matter how many times the spin gets exposed.

It's called "brainwashing".
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #386
This scenario is looking much more like Cruising than The Day of the Jackal.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #387
It's funny how the GOP dogwhistling on race gave way to Trump's blatant race-baiting, but now an independent Tennessee candidate for Congress has gone one step further.  He has run with what Trump's slogan, 'Make America Great Again', actually means:

Yes, it's disgusting.  But at least he's more honest than Trump.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #388
If you're interested catch a movie called "The Good Shepherd". It's a few years old now but there's a line in it where one of the establishment say "The Irish, the blacks, the latinos and the polaks (basically the non-Anglos)" are just visitors in the US - they have come and they will go". Don't know about that being true but it's certainly a sentiment popular with certain sections of society there.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #389
Things are a bit chaotic in the US House of reps at the moment
Democrats are staging a sit-in demanding a vote on some of the gun control legislation